View Full Version : footer problems

09-21-2009, 04:30 PM
im trying to edit my footer on my forums.

now the header is sorted and is 100% width of the page, the footer seems to be around 80% width the same as the above forums and sections.

how can i also achieve 100% footer width without the forumhome stretching to 100%?

links here so you can see what i mean;


any help would be appreciated as im nearly finished on the skin design.

09-21-2009, 09:44 PM
You have a custom footer, but I'm guessing they put the $spacer_close near the end of the footer template instead of near the top. Go take a look at the default footer and compare it to yours and my guess is they are in a different location.

09-22-2009, 08:40 AM
it was about half way down. so i moved it to top, and although it did widen the footer it wasnt 100%.

i managed to change;


to this

thank you for help :)