View Full Version : Underground-Anime Website Review

09-20-2009, 06:17 PM
<a href="http://www.underground-anime.net/forums/" target="_blank">http://www.underground-anime.net/forums/</a>

I wish for a review of the vBulletin as a whole. Also of the vBSEO, because we have put effort into making the website SEO.

Underground-Anime is an Anime community, that is growing. We hope to become a popular anime site with the best content.

I would like this review of the vBulletin system. You don't need any login, so there is no username/password here, and the style is Blacksmart.

Thanks and Regards,

09-20-2009, 08:35 PM
Nice setup except the theme does not scream anime/manga/japanese or anything related to japanese art at all. :(

Maybe change the banner and the status icons for a start. Also, maybe make the links a different color than a dark grey. Anything dark on dark can be hypnotic. :cool:

Hell Bomb
09-28-2009, 06:35 PM
I have alot of suggestions but here are a few, if ya need help with anything feel free to contect me xD

__________________________________________________ _
- add more sections for the more popular animes(clumping everything into 1 section gets to confusing for alot of users)
- add a anime picture gallery
- if you have the bandwidth, add a video gallery
- considering its anime try adding a more shiny black theme or add some pictures that have like anime characters or something
- when you get 500-600 people you add sig of the week mod so people can submit there anime sig creations.
- check out the vbseo forum for more tips on enhancing the vbseo settings like taking off the archives link.
- add a homepage that describes what your website is about
- add a section for comic books