View Full Version : Show Thread Enhancements - Week / Month Topic Nominations
09-18-2009, 10:00 PM
Week / Month Topic Nominations
This release would not have been possible without the existence of the former ?Topic Nominations? by J98680B2423E (Data) and "Post Thank You" by Abe1, which provided the mod?s core structure. A nice set of button and awards images have also been provided by princeedward. You can view screenshots at the original mod's thread: VB 3.7 Topic Nominations (
What is Topic Of The Week/Fortnight/Month?
It adds a "Topic Of The Week/Month" nomination system for your community.
Topic of the Week/Month is a contest that select posts on which your community can nominate as the best and then discuss them during the course of the selected week/fortnight /month. Any listed topic (post, thread) is eligible for the Topic of the Week/Fortnight /Month selection. This mod should also work in VB 3.7.x, but it has only been tested in VB 3.8.
Features of New 2.0 Version:
50+ bugs fixed & 30+ phrases changed for clarification.
Fixed ajax functionality for adding & removing nominations.
16 settings to determine which users can nominate and which posts can be nominated.
Documented this mod?s limitations & changelog in the 2nd post.
Fixed Hall of Fame to to correctly display most awarded members and topic winners from the past 3 contests (3 awards per contest).
Added new setting, max # of nominations user can receive, to prevent a poll being dominated by a single user.
Added new function to recount # of current nominations received and past awards.
Added new function to manually finalize the current contest, close the old poll thread, and create a new poll thread.
An option to enable blog nominations is available and should work (coded by Data), but is not supported (I do not have VB Blog).
You must have 3 VB default hooks in the postbit template: see troubleshooting below for details. If you ask for help with a problem, you must state in your post if you have reverted ALL nomination templates and read the troubleshooting tips in the 2nd post. If you haven?t, do so otherwise you will be ignored & can debug it yourself.Installation instructions:
Upload the content of the "upload" folder into your forum root directory
Import the "product_nominate_topic.xml" product via your ACP:
ACP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Product -> Add/Import Product (Allow overwrite for updating)
For upgrades only, REVERT ALL nominate_topic templates in ACP -> ?Find Updated Templates? or top FYI section of Control Panel. This mod will work only if ALL templates are reverted since major changes were done to them. Reapply custom phrasing to changed phrases as needed.
Adjust & save the mod settings to your preference in ACP -> VB Options. It is strongly recommended that you use the default, preset options.
Specify the Forum ID that will receive nomination threads and the Forum ID's for which posts can be nominated. Also specify the User ID of the nomination thread owner.
For new installs only, start a new nomination poll at:
ACP side menu -> Nominate Topic -> Special Actions -> Create New Poll Thread
Read the 2nd post for Troubleshooting Tips & Mod Limitations and the 3rd post for specific features of this mod.Version History:
2.0.0: Initial Release.
2.0.2: Fixed table column bug.
Thanks to everyone who nominated this mod for October, 2009 :) You can vote for this mod at: this thread. (
09-19-2009, 07:59 PM
If the nominate button, award icon, and/or nominating users box do not show up, then it?s due to 4 possible problems:
1. 16 settings affect ability to nominate & display of nomination button:
enable mod?, enable mod for blogs?
forums to enable nominations for all posts
forums to enable nominations in first posts, enable nominations in first post only?
4 settings: users & usergroups not allowed to be nominated, users & usergroups not allowed to nominate
waiting time required for awarded posts to be renomination
can user nominate own post?, minimum # of posts required to nominate
maximum # of nominations user can give per cycle, max # of nominations user can receive per cycle
nominate posts from last month?, disable nominating posts older than X days?2. You must have 3 hooks in the postbit template (present in VB?s non-customized template) or other postbit templates if you don?t use the default postbit. The 3 required hooks are (add them if you?re missing any):
3. You are using another mod that uses one of the above hooks and its plugin code does an assignment instead of a concatenation when adding content to the $template_hook. For example, another mod may use:
$template_hook[postbit_controls] = ?content?
OR: $template_hook[?postbit_controls?] = ?content?
$template_hook[postbit_controls] .= ?content?
OR: $template_hook[?postbit_controls?] .= ?content?
IMPORTANT: notice the dot before the ?=? sign; leaving out that one character can cause other content not to show when multiple mods use the same hooks.
TO FIX: install this plugin, Search plugincode, and search & replace the one character error.
4. You did not upload all the files or you did not upload the files using FTP. Don't use non-FTP programs, like Dreamweaver and other WYSIWYG editors, to upload the files because they can mess up the file encoding when uploading. Also, if you have custom skins, you need to upload the images to EACH custom skin's "images" folder.
This mod should work with postbit_legacy template. Blog nominations can be enabled, but is not supported.
For automatic weekly nominations, a new nomination poll should start on the 1st day (Monday) of every week; for fortnight nominations, a new nomination poll should start on the 1st & 16th of the month; for monthly nominations, a new nomination poll should start on the 1st of every month. Manual nominations can occur on any date via: ACP side menu -> Nominate Topic -> Special Actions -> Create New Poll Thread.
This mod adds 1 extra query per post that is nominated and shown in showthread. For example, if a thread has 20 posts per page and 10 posts were nominated, but only 2 nominated posts are shown on a given page, then there?s only 2 extra queries.
When posts or threads are deleted, only those that are in the current contest will update the user?s nominated_posts & nominated_times because the post table only tracks past awards, not past nominations.
The poll can display a maximum of the top 10 nominated entries (setting is in Nominations options). Users can still nominate other entries, but they will not show up in the poll unless their # of nominations are in the top 10.
The Hall of Fame can display a maximum of the top 9 most awarded members and the 9 most recent topic winners (3 winners per contest). Note: top 10 is not allowed because it?s hard coded to display 3 columns in 3 rows.
Winning posts must met the required waiting time when the cron task runs (a new poll thread is created) in order for the post to enter the new contest. In other words, the waiting time criteria for winning posts is only checked once per contest.
The award postbit image does not display when a post enters a new contest and gets nominated because the nominated postbit image will show. After the contest is over, the past award image will display again if the post does not win. If the post wins again, its postbit image changes to its new award. The advantage is that it receives a new award date so that it?s displayed in the Hall of Fame page, but a possible disadvantage is that its new winning position may be less than its past winning position (ie: past award was 1st place and new award is 3rd place, but 3rd place award with the current date will show).Changelog (changes from v1.636 to v2.0.0):
50+ bugs fixed & 30+ phrases changed for clarification
Removed 4 settings: max_per_day that allowed limiting # of nominations per day (users can still limit nominations per contest), header_nextcyle for creating contest titles with a future time period (titles are now always for current contest time), forum_off to specify which forums? posts can not be nominated (redundant: just don?t specify these forums in the forum_on setting), display_quicklink to show quick link for the nomination poll thread (changed to ?find all nominations? link).
Removed 2 recount functions, recount users? past nominations and recount # of past times nominated, since this mod only tracks past wins, not past nominations.
Added new setting, max # of nominations user can receive, to prevent a poll being dominated by a single user.
Added new function to recount # of current nominations received and past awards.
Added new function to run the cron task: finalize the current contest, close the old poll thread, and create a new poll thread.Known Bugs & Fixes:
If you set "topics to display on polls" to 10 in Topic Nominations settings, you may lose your nominees in the poll. Solution: simply set that setting to 9 or less. Also, if you lose your nominees in the poll, you can get them back by ACP > Topic Nominations > Refresh Poll action.
Posts that received reputation from a user can not be nominated BY THAT USER if you enabled reputation points for receiving nominations. Solution: to prevent this bug and its sql error, simply set the setting, 'Reputation', to 0 in Topic Nominations settings.For users who are testing this mod:
Download the file clear_nominations.php below
Access the page with your browser
09-19-2009, 08:00 PM
1. Uses AJAX technology.
2. Uses one query per show thread page
3. Places an easy to use "Nominate Post" button next to the edit button
4. Fully phrased to allow (language translation) (addition v 1.3)
5. Displays a varying nomination stamps on posts that have been nominated for the contest. The color of the nomination stamps varies depending on how many users have nominated the post. (addition v 1.2)
6. Displays an award winner stamp op award winner posts at the end of the Topic Of The Week/Month contest. (addition v 1.2)
7. Via postbit pop-up, displays link to find all nominations made by a user (addition v 1.2)
8. Via postbit pop-up, allows selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) can withdraw all user?s nominees from all posts (addition v 1.2)
9. Automatically create a nomination thread for discussions on nominees
10. Nominated posts titles hot linked in the poll to actual thread/post of the forum. Links displaying on the same page (No. popups) (addition v 1.3)
11. Automatically closes the nomination thread at end of the contest cycle time (weekly/monthly)
12. Quick link to nomination thread via the "Quick Navigation" menu
13. Quick link to award winners page via the "Quick Navigation" menu
14. Automatically update the nomination poll whenever a post is nominated or withdraw from the contest.
15. Option to select the maximum number of topics that must be displayed in the poll (addition v 1.2)
16. Separate looks for postbit and postbit_legacy
17. Places all post nominees in one small box
18. Displays award winners in one small box
19. Quick link to nomination thread via the "small box" on the thread page
20. Option to allow award winners to re-enter the contest after X days
21. Option to take or not into account for nomination only posts made during the month preceding the nomination cycle time (addition v 1.2)
22. Option to consider the maximum number of posts a user can nominate per cycle time (addition v 1.2)
23. Users cannot nominate the same post twice
24. Option to not allow users to nominate their own post
25. Counts nominees submitted by a user
26. Counts how many times a nominee is submitted
27. Shows how many nominees a user submitted in every post of his
28. Shows info in member's profile
29. Option to search for posts nominated by a user
30. Option to search for all nominated posts
31. Administrator can withdraw all nominees of a single post
32. Selected usergroups (e.g. Moderators or SuperModerators) can withdraw all nominees of a single post (addition v 1.10)
33. Users can withdraw their own nominee
34. Option to disable the mod on selected forums
35. Option to disable the mod on all but the first post of a thread
36. Option to disable the mod on all but first post of a thread in specific forums
37. Option to enable/disable view of nomination date on specific or all forums
38. Option to add to post count when someone nominates a post.
39. Option to give reputation points to the user whose post is nominated.
40. Option to ban selected usergroups from using the mod
41. Option to ban selected users from using the mod
42. Option to display user?s nomination statistics on postbit (addition v 1.10)
43. Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected users
44. Option not to display nomination statistics on postbit for selected usergroups (addition v 1.50)
45. Option to display or not the hall of fame link in Quick-Links (addition v 1.3)
46. Option to select forums on which nominations must be considered
47. Hall of fame re-designed to handle a Top 10 award winners, all time accumulated (addition v 1.3)
48. Option to refresh the poll thread if for some reason a post referenced in the poll came to be deleted (addition v 1.3)
49. Option to use the current week number or month, or the next week number or month, in the contest title (addition v 1.3)
50. Option for archiving nominations in the ?Nomination Thread? automatically.
51. Option to automatically send a PM to award winners at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
52. Option to automatically add points to award winners? reputation at the end of the contest (addition v 1.4)
53. If the current ?Nomination Thread? is deleted for whatever reason, a single manual run of the cron file will suffice to create a new thread, avoiding a clean install of the product.
54. Option to nominate blog entries (addition v 1.6)
55. Option to have award winners or nominated posts icons displayed on posts, so that nominated posts can be easily identified when listing posts.
09-19-2009, 08:30 PM
This is very promising! Thank you very much for maintaining this awesome addon. My users are loving the "old" version and it´s a must-have for a pretty long time.
We are using the postbit-legacy, so unfortunately there is no go for this update? Another question: is this new version compatible with the "Live Topic"-mod?
09-19-2009, 08:39 PM
This is very promising! Thank you very much for maintaining this awesome addon. My users are loving the "old" version and it?s a must-have for a pretty long time.
We are using the postbit-legacy, so unfortunately there is no go for this update? Another question: is this new version compatible with the "Live Topic"-mod?
If a significant # of people request support for postbit-legacy, then I'll add it to a later update. I don't use "Live Topic" mod, so I don't know. I think a user, inciarco, posted a fix to a possible incompatibility with that mod.
09-19-2009, 08:47 PM
Yep, I used this fix for a while, although inciarco announced it to be an incomplete workaround. At last I gave up the "Live Topic" and stuck to the original version of the topic-nomination-addon. Please count me #1,5 for postbit-legacy, cause I simply love this mod. :)
09-19-2009, 09:03 PM
postbit-legacy.....count me in.
09-19-2009, 09:36 PM
me to...pleaaase.
09-19-2009, 10:50 PM
Deffo for Postbit Legacy please, will watch :)
09-19-2009, 11:32 PM
count me in for postbit legacy too and i will install for sure...
09-20-2009, 03:14 AM
count me in for postbit legacy too and i will install for sure...
same for me too!!
09-20-2009, 04:07 AM
This is working on postbit_legacy for me...
Excellent mod. Thank you!
09-20-2009, 06:38 AM
hi...vbboarder...thanks for including my plain and simple images..appreciate the mention of my names on your first page...but not like Prince Edward..not that kind...not yet...:p just a simple (princeedward) is enough LOL :D
anyway surely will try this too if you can create an update for postbit legacy...
best regards...
09-20-2009, 06:43 AM
installed on a fresh installation of vbulletin but the nomination images do not show up.
I double checked the configuration form but no success in showing the icons up.
Arcade Fire
09-20-2009, 07:13 AM
waiting update, thanks!!
09-20-2009, 12:50 PM
This is working on postbit_legacy for me...
Excellent mod. Thank you!
Awesome! So I?ll give it a try. :cool:
09-20-2009, 04:35 PM
Thank you! I'll see how this works now!
It's working fine for my postbit_legacy.
09-20-2009, 04:51 PM
Nice mod, too bad it does not work with legacy.
09-20-2009, 06:09 PM
I took a look at the postbit_legacy template (didn't originally because I don't use it), and it has the necessary $template_hooks for this mod. The template itself doesn't determine the functionality of this mod; the functionality is taken care of by this mod's plugins, so it should work for sites using postbit_legacy. I'll update my 2nd post to say "should work with postbit_legacy, but not supported", similar to blogs where blogs nominations should work but I haven't tested it. If someone is using this mod for blogs and it works, please post here for everyone to know. I will not be releasing an update for postbit_legacy unless people have installed the current mod and report that it doesn't work for that template.
Two experienced users, g0dfather1984 & AzzidReign, have already tried this with postbit_legacy and confirmed that it worked. If you want to be cautious, you can always test it on a local computer before updating your site. Please mark "Installed" if you are using this mod - thanks for your support.
09-20-2009, 06:24 PM
hi...vbboarder...thanks for including my plain and simple images..appreciate the mention of my names on your first page...but not like Prince Edward..not that kind...not yet...:p just a simple (princeedward) is enough LOL :D
anyway surely will try this too if you can create an update for postbit legacy...
best regards...
I updated your name, maybe someday I can use the other name for you ;)
You should try this mod now - read my previous post regarding postbit_legacy.
Nice images BTW, thanks for contributing them :)
09-20-2009, 06:30 PM
Note: I added a new troubleshooting tip to the 2nd post about file uploading. Hope that helps.
09-20-2009, 06:32 PM
Database error in vBulletin 3.7.3:
Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE board_nominate_topic_thread ADD `is_manual` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;
MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'is_manual'
Error Number : 1060
Request Date : Sunday, September 20th 2009 @ 04:24:09 PM
Error Date : Sunday, September 20th 2009 @ 04:24:59 PM
Script : http://www.*****.com/forums/admincp/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer : http://www.*****.com/forums/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address : ***.***.27.224
Username : ******
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.45
I got the above error while importing the product. Any ideas for a cure?
09-20-2009, 06:48 PM
@psychobike: read new post below for better solution.
09-20-2009, 07:22 PM
Nvm about it working with legacy. I get an error when I nominate (I didn't press the button last time, just checked to see if the button showed up):
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE user SET nominate_topic_nominated_times = 1 + nominate_topic_nominated_times, nominate_topic_nominated_posts = 1 + nominate_topic_nominated_posts, nominate_topic_user_received = 1 + nominate_topic_user_received WHERE userid = '75422';
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'nominate_topic_user_received' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Sunday, September 20th 2009 @ 03:21:06 PM
Error Date : Sunday, September 20th 2009 @ 03:21:06 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : ************
Username : AzzidReign
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.1.22-standard</textarea></form>
Not sure if it is a legacy problem or not...
And then any time I try to use one of the special actions:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE user SET nominate_topic_user_amount = 0, nominate_topic_user_received = 0 WHERE '1';
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'nominate_topic_user_received' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Sunday, September 20th 2009 @ 03:25:50 PM
Error Date : Sunday, September 20th 2009 @ 03:25:52 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : ***************
Username : AzzidReign
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.1.22-standard
09-20-2009, 07:40 PM
Thanks for testing. Here's the fix: you can do it manually or wait for the updated xml - same results either way. The problem only happens for updated installs. To fix, go to ACP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Product -> Edit Product (for Topic Nominations) -> ADD to the "2.0.0 Install Code" and make sure you click the BOTTOM "Save" button:
$vbulletin->db->query_write("ALTER TABLE `". TABLE_PREFIX ."user` ADD `nominate_topic_user_received` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");
09-20-2009, 07:48 PM
We use the original coders TOTW nomination system, its our most popular feature.
However, we have always had the issue of having to run the cron manually, i think this was an ongoing issue with this mod.
Furthermore, can you please confirm that cron on weekly basis NOW works for this NEW mod...
Also what is the process for upgrading from OLDER mod to this NEW mod... will we lose anything ?
09-20-2009, 07:48 PM
That really strange you got that error. If you look at the line that say "mysql error", you see that it says "Duplicate column name 'is_manual'. That's should not happen because previous versions do not have that column. Did you manually add that column to the database? In any case, the fix is simple: FIRST: verify with phpMyAdmin or MySql Browser that you have the column 'is_manual' for the 'nominate_topic_thread' table, THEN go to ACP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Product -> Edit Product (for Topic Nominations) -> REMOVE from the "2.0.0 Install Code" and make sure you click the BOTTOM "Save" button:
$vbulletin->db->query_write("ALTER TABLE ". TABLE_PREFIX ."nominate_topic_thread ADD `is_manual` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");
Ok I did what you suggested.
I use postbit legacy. I tried the mod out by nominating a thread. I then clicked on the "View Poll" option and it directs me to a page that says "The Administrator(s) did not defined a receiving forum for hosting poll results of the TOTW/TOTM contest". I do not see this option available in the acp vb options anywhere. What needs to be done to get this working.
Btw, I do have a forum option selected where it says...
Specify the ID of the forum that will receive threads containing results of the nomination contest.
09-20-2009, 07:48 PM
Still getting:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE user SET nominate_topic_user_amount = 0, nominate_topic_user_received = 0 WHERE '1';
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'nominate_topic_user_received' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Sunday, September 20th 2009 @ 03:48:00 PM
Error Date : Sunday, September 20th 2009 @ 03:48:01 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : AzzidReign
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.1.22-standard
That is when I try to create a new poll.
09-20-2009, 07:58 PM
@psychobike: wait for the updated xml, then apply the fix below.
That really strange you got that error. If you look at the line that say "mysql error", you see that it says "Duplicate column name 'is_manual'. That's should not happen because previous versions do not have that column. Did you manually add that column to the database? In any case, the fix is simple: FIRST: verify with phpMyAdmin or MySql Browser that you have the column 'is_manual' for the 'nominate_topic_thread' table, THEN remove from product_nominate_topic2.xml and reinstall (allow overwrite):
$vbulletin->db->query_write("ALTER TABLE ". TABLE_PREFIX ."nominate_topic_thread ADD `is_manual` TINYINT(1) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");
09-20-2009, 08:05 PM
Did you save using the BOTTOM "Save" button? Note that the top button does not save edits to install code. Verify with phpMyAdmin or MySql browser that you have the column 'nominate_topic_user_received' in the 'user' table. If you look at the query that you should have added, it says to add that column to the 'user' table:
$vbulletin->db->query_write("ALTER TABLE `". TABLE_PREFIX ."user` ADD `nominate_topic_user_received` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL");
09-20-2009, 08:15 PM
Actually, you should wait for the updated xml because I think clicking save just saves the install code and does not execute it. I'll publish the new product files in a few minutes.
Edited: just reinstall the new xml file; DO NOT do any edits to it.
09-20-2009, 08:30 PM
Yeah, I was going to say just that :P Because I did use the bottom save button.
09-20-2009, 08:49 PM
I just updated the product files to fix a bug. Download and reinstall (allow overwrite).
@AzzidReign: please install & test, I'll need to leave soon.
@psychobike: read my previous post regarding the error you got before you update.
09-20-2009, 09:36 PM
I'm trying to update might be a while. We've been getting hit with massive DDoS attacks the last few days :(
09-20-2009, 09:51 PM
Are you just supporting those that installed ? and ignoring those that are asking pre-install questions?
Just checking !
09-20-2009, 09:51 PM
<span style="text-decoration: line-through">I'm still getting the following page "The Administrator(s) did not defined a receiving forum for hosting poll results of the TOTW/TOTM contest.".</span>
Edit: Everything is working just fine now. Thank you for the support as well as for a nice mod.
09-20-2009, 10:01 PM
It's working good so far! I'll let you know how everything goes here in a week and a half when the current poll ends and the new one starts! :D But no more errors thus far!
09-20-2009, 10:11 PM
It's good, works on postbit_legacy, but when selecting a nomination forum, it says none has been selected when I nominate a post, also, the maintainence tools redirect to admincp/ when I use a custom admincp dir.
09-20-2009, 10:19 PM
installed on a fresh installation of vbulletin but the nomination images do not show up.
I double checked the configuration form but no success in showing the icons up.
No answer on this post?!
09-20-2009, 10:22 PM
Have you checked the images are in the right place on the FTP?
Nvm my last post btw, fixed it.
09-20-2009, 10:31 PM
No answer on this post?!
If you have a custom skin, you probably have to go upload the images to that directory.
09-20-2009, 10:47 PM
Have you checked the images are in the right place on the FTP?
Nvm my last post btw, fixed it.
All images are in the right place.
If you have a custom skin, you probably have to go upload the images to that directory.
It is installed on a fresh installation of vb. I installed vbulletin 3.8.4 and the first thing after that was installing this mod.
09-21-2009, 01:01 AM
very nice work i installed it on 3.8.3 and when i click on withdraw all nominations i get this error
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in [path]/includes/functions_nominate_topic.php on line 1003
Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM vb_reputation WHERE postid = '364050' AND whoadded IN ();
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
but when i refresh the page it goes away but the image stays without the user who nominated the post.i have to refresh the page again in order to remove that,then after refreshing the page it comes back.any idea to resolve this,thanks
09-21-2009, 11:54 AM
It is now working for me with Legacy. Great mod!
09-21-2009, 12:37 PM
Hi, i?m using legacy and the nominate-button appears, but when i click the nominate-button there?s only a blank page.
Btw: great mod, mark as installed and nominated:up:
greets, Peter
09-21-2009, 01:42 PM
It's good, works on postbit_legacy, but when selecting a nomination forum, it says none has been selected when I nominate a post, also, the maintainence tools redirect to admincp/ when I use a custom admincp dir.
Did you do number 5 on install setup?
5. For new installs only, start a new nomination poll at:
ACP side menu -> Nominate Topic -> Special Actions -> Create New Poll Thread
09-21-2009, 02:29 PM
Does this not work with the post thanks, post groan hacks? as they use the 3 plugins
But how do I solve this?
09-21-2009, 04:31 PM
All images are in the right place.
It is installed on a fresh installation of vb. I installed vbulletin 3.8.4 and the first thing after that was installing this mod.
I'll try to brainstorm some more as to why you installation is not working.
Thanks AzzidReign & ExplosiveGFX for helping out with some tips for him.
09-21-2009, 04:36 PM
Hi, i?m using legacy and the nominate-button appears, but when i click the nominate-button there?s only a blank page.
Btw: great mod, mark as installed and nominated:up:
greets, Peter
Did you do number 5 on install setup?
5. For new installs only, start a new nomination poll at:
ACP side menu -> Nominate Topic -> Special Actions -> Create New Poll Thread
Thanks for your support & nomination! Let me know if psychobike's tip solved your problem.
Thanks psychobike for your tip :)
09-21-2009, 04:41 PM
Does this not work with the post thanks, post groan hacks? as they use the 3 plugins
But how do I solve this?
This mod should work with the 2 other mods you mentioned. Although they have similar code framework, but actual codes are different. You can easily fix your overlapping image by moving $template_hook[postbit_userinfo_left] to your desired location in the postbit or postbit_legacy templates.
Please use VB uploader to upload images - you need to click "post reply" or "go advanced" instead of using the quick reply. It's easier & safer to view, thanks ;)
09-21-2009, 04:47 PM
very nice work i installed it on 3.8.3 and when i click on withdraw all nominations i get this error
Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in [path]/includes/functions_nominate_topic.php on line 1003
Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM vb_reputation WHERE postid = '364050' AND whoadded IN ();
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
but when i refresh the page it goes away but the image stays without the user who nominated the post.i have to refresh the page again in order to remove that,then after refreshing the page it comes back.any idea to resolve this,thanks
Your problem can occur if you didn't give reputation points for nominating when that user nominated, then you gave reputation points for nominating, then you withdrew the nominations. Since no reputation points were recorded initially, the error resulted. This is a relatively rare bug, but I'll fix it in a later update.
Note: The 2.0 mod has give reputation points for nominating by default; I think versions 1.x didn't so that can cause a problem.
09-21-2009, 04:54 PM
So if I want it to the right of the username, where do I put $template_hook[postbit_userinfo_left]
The thing is I think the experience bars use the same hook. So how can I just move the "nominated" logo
09-21-2009, 07:10 PM
Your problem can occur if you didn't give reputation points for nominating when that user nominated, then you gave reputation points for nominating, then you withdrew the nominations. Since no reputation points were recorded initially, the error resulted. This is a relatively rare bug, but I'll fix it in a later update.
Note: The 2.0 mod has give reputation points for nominating by default; I think versions 1.x didn't so that can cause a problem.
thnx for the reply,i tried that but still same.I will wait for the update :up:
09-21-2009, 09:23 PM
I'm still getting the following page "The Administrator(s) did not defined a receiving forum for hosting poll results of the TOTW/TOTM contest.".
Edit: Everything is working just fine now. Thank you for the support as well as for a nice mod.
It's working good so far! I'll let you know how everything goes here in a week and a half when the current poll ends and the new one starts! :D But no more errors thus far!
Thanks for testing guys! :D
09-21-2009, 09:27 PM
thnx for the reply,i tried that but still same.I will wait for the update :up:
Actually the scenario I wrote in the previous post is what could potentially cause the error.... you shouldn't have tried it.
09-21-2009, 09:28 PM
Any screenshots?
09-21-2009, 09:31 PM
So if I want it to the right of the username, where do I put $template_hook[postbit_userinfo_left]
The thing is I think the experience bars use the same hook. So how can I just move the "nominated" logo
Please help
09-21-2009, 09:33 PM
09-21-2009, 09:35 PM
So if I want it to the right of the username, where do I put $template_hook[postbit_userinfo_left]
The thing is I think the experience bars use the same hook. So how can I just move the "nominated" logo
If you go to ACP -> Plugin Manager, find the Topic Nominations plugin HOOKED TO postbit_display_start:
OR: whatever other $template_hook that you want and is available in postbit template so that the images don't conflict.
09-21-2009, 09:37 PM
Any screenshots?
Read the 1st paragraph of the 1st post....
09-21-2009, 09:44 PM
Are you just supporting those that installed ? and ignoring those that are asking pre-install questions?
Just checking !
Users who marked "installed" have priority in getting the questions/ problems answered. I'll answer other questions as time permits.
If you're wondering about postbit_legacy support, read this post. ( It has already been confirmed to work with postbit_legacy by several users.
09-21-2009, 09:45 PM
Thanks, But I don't know what hook to use, even if it'spossible to get it just to the right of the username
09-21-2009, 09:50 PM
Thanks, But I don't know what hook to use, even if it'spossible to get it just to the right of the username
What do you mean? I just gave you an example....
09-21-2009, 09:55 PM
That hook sent it to the far right and messed up with something else, See screen shot
I would like it where the red arrow is pointing if thats possible?
09-21-2009, 09:57 PM
That hook sent it to the far right and messed up with something else, See screen shot
I would like it where the red arrow is pointing if thats possible?
As before, please upload image to; I don't like visiting unknown sites on my development computer.
09-21-2009, 09:58 PM
Users who marked "installed" have priority in getting the questions/ problems answered. I'll answer other questions as time permits.
If you're wondering about postbit_legacy support, read this post. ( It has already been confirmed to work with postbit_legacy by several users.
Question asked here :
09-21-2009, 10:00 PM
Like that?
09-21-2009, 10:08 PM
Like that?
No, you probably should remove the image because I think VB moderators don't like big images dominating the thread. You need to CLICK ON "Go Advanced" button and then "Manage Attachments".
To answer you Q, you can either test out another $template_hook or move the postbit_userinfo_right hook to where you want. Look at the postbit template (or postbit_legacy) for possible hooks (ACP -> Style Manager -> Edit Templates).
09-21-2009, 10:26 PM
<span style="text-decoration: line-through">Thanks, one last thing. Can it be changed from Topic of the month to "post of the month"
Never mind, sorted
09-22-2009, 07:16 AM
Actually the scenario I wrote in the previous post is what could potentially cause the error.... you shouldn't have tried it.
sorry,i meant i made sure that there are some rep points added :D
09-22-2009, 12:42 PM
Looking good so far. I have it working on blogs (latest version) and on postbit legacy, 3.8.4... hopefully it will auto generate on the first of the month, I have it set for monthly. Will report back on 10/1/09.
09-23-2009, 03:17 PM
Looking good so far. I have it working on blogs (latest version) and on postbit legacy, 3.8.4... hopefully it will auto generate on the first of the month, I have it set for monthly. Will report back on 10/1/09.
Same here, everything looks and works great...but wonder if things will go right at the beginning of October...
09-23-2009, 03:58 PM
Looking good so far. I have it working on blogs (latest version) and on postbit legacy, 3.8.4... hopefully it will auto generate on the first of the month, I have it set for monthly. Will report back on 10/1/09.
Thanks for confirming that it works with VB Blogs & postbit_legacy. Please click "Installed" to show your support & receive support ;)
09-23-2009, 04:01 PM
Just wondering, if you have joint nominations, do both nominations recieve the award, Also when someone nominates a thread should the poll be open for everyone to vote in, or are they supposed to nominate the thread also?
09-23-2009, 04:06 PM
Just wondering, if you have joint nominations, do both nominations recieve the award, Also when someone nominates a thread should the poll be open for everyone to vote in, or are they supposed to nominate the thread also?
If you're talking about nominations ties, this mod accounts for that up to 3 winners. If you want to limit users/ usergroups able to receive nominations and users/ usergroups able to give nominations, there are settings for that in VB Options > Topic Nominations.
09-23-2009, 04:08 PM
Something strange has happened!!
I just went to chek the topic of the month thread and the poll seems to have well gone!
All the threads are still marked as nominated tho, but nothing it appearing in the poll!!
And just test nominated another post and it didnt come up in the poll
Also, if someone nominates a topic, where it says "Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 20. This poll is closed"
The number 20 will go up, but the poll will still be empty
09-23-2009, 04:16 PM
First, make sure you are looking at the right thread/poll (ie: the most recent one vs. an older one). If so, you can refresh the poll by going to: ACP > Nominate Topic > Refresh Poll Thread.
If this ever happens again, you should set your Topic Nominations options to the default settings in the xml; see the bottom of the xml file and look for values between <defaultvalue> tags (reinstalling the xml will not reset the option values).
09-23-2009, 04:17 PM
I tried the refresh, nothing happened will try to set the default options...If I can...where do I find the xml file?
Also could it be becuse there are more that 10 threads nominated?
09-23-2009, 04:19 PM
Same here, everything looks and works great...but wonder if things will go right at the beginning of October...
I made an effort to make the automatic & manual contest finalizations more reliable & intuitive than the previous versions. I don't foresee any problems, but nothing is bug-free....
09-23-2009, 04:23 PM
I tried the refresh, nothing happened will try to set the default options...If I can...where do I find the xml file?
Also could it be becuse there are more that 10 threads nominated?
The xml is the file that you used to install this mod. The settings in VB Options should correspond to those listed in the xml file in the same order as the xml's displayorder attribute. It may take some time to do this if you're not used to reading xml files.
09-23-2009, 04:25 PM
Well I have no hope then, Can you screen shot or tell me what the options should be?
It was working fine earlier and nothing has changed since then
Also could it be becuse there are more that 10 threads nominated?
So that won't have anything to do with this?
09-23-2009, 04:41 PM
Yes, As soon as I deleted some nominations, to bring it back down to 10 threads nominated, the poll re-appeared....How can I stop this happening?
09-23-2009, 04:41 PM
Well I have no hope then, Can you screen shot or tell me what the options should be?
It was working fine earlier and nothing has changed since then
So that won't have anything to do with this?
I already told you where to find the default options....
The VB Options only allows max 10 nominated topics.
How many nominated topics are you allowing? Do you remember how many topics were nominated when the problem happened (ie: 5, 9, 10, etc.)?
09-23-2009, 04:43 PM
Maximun Number Of Topic To Display On Polls
Select the maximum number of topics you wish to have displayed in the polls.
I have got that set to 10, there were more than 10 how do I stop more than 10 threads being nominated
09-23-2009, 05:06 PM
Maximun Number Of Topic To Display On Polls
Select the maximum number of topics you wish to have displayed in the polls.
I have got that set to 10, there were more than 10 how do I stop more than 10 threads being nominated
It should have stopped at 10 in the contest poll, but users can still nominate topics. Try '9' and it should limit the nominations in the contest poll only. Can you provide a screenshot with more than 10 nominations?
09-23-2009, 05:13 PM
I did in my other post, that was with more than 10 nominations....or do you mean something else?
09-23-2009, 05:16 PM
This is it with it set at 9
Does that look correct?
09-23-2009, 05:18 PM
I did in my other post, that was with more than 10 nominations....or do you mean something else?
CHANGE CURRENT SETTINGS for "max topics in polls" to '9'.
Provide a screenshot with more than 10 nominations so I can help you debug.
09-23-2009, 05:20 PM
I have set it to 9 and provided a screen shot with it at 9 above.
when you say a screen shot of 10 nominations, Do you mean of the poll page?
09-24-2009, 11:55 AM
Tried it to my site for postbit_legacy setup...looks good at the moment but i'm gonna observe it first if it's gonna work till the my screenshots below coz i place it far right inside the post message....also created new nominated post/topic seal for
104718 104719 104720 104721
This might also bigger and easy for a nominated thread,topic or post to recognize... hope some of our friends here find it also nice and good to use it also...
thanks and best regards to all...
09-24-2009, 03:01 PM
A suggestion for future release. Once the maximum number of threads/posts have been nominated, the nominate button should disapear for all threads apart from the ones already nominated??
09-24-2009, 03:21 PM
@princeedward: thanks for the new images, looks great! Can you make 2 more "nominated" stamps for topic/ post of the fortnight since that's also a possible duration? I'll include it in a future release. Thanks :)
09-24-2009, 03:24 PM
A suggestion for future release. Once the maximum number of threads/posts have been nominated, the nominate button should disapear for all threads apart from the ones already nominated??
Good suggestion, maybe for a future release - I'll see how difficult it is to implement.
BTW: got your screenshot of 9 nominees, looks fine.
09-24-2009, 03:42 PM
A suggestion for future release. Once the maximum number of threads/posts have been nominated, the nominate button should disapear for all threads apart from the ones already nominated??
I don't think there is a maximum number of topics/posts that can be nominated. There's just a maximum number that can be shown in the poll and only the Top 5,6,7,8,9, or 10 will show up in the poll. I have way more than 10 nominated but have it set to only show the Top 5 most voted on nominations in the poll.
If we we're limited to how many topics could be nominated per month then this would kind of be pointless to use for a whole month...a post of the week could be feasible but if you have an active board a limit could be used up within the first few days of the month and the rest of the good posts couldn't be nominated.
09-24-2009, 04:16 PM
I don't think there is a maximum number of topics/posts that can be nominated. There's just a maximum number that can be shown in the poll and only the Top 5,6,7,8,9, or 10 will show up in the poll. I have way more than 10 nominated but have it set to only show the Top 5 most voted on nominations in the poll.
If we we're limited to how many topics could be nominated per month then this would kind of be pointless to use for a whole month...a post of the week could be feasible but if you have an active board a limit could be used up within the first few days of the month and the rest of the good posts couldn't be nominated.
I agree with you nascartr. The nominations mod is made to be dynamic so that better posts made later in the month can still qualify to be nominated and so that early posts can not hog up a limited # of nominations.
I thought Matthew meant preventing post nominations from the same thread once the max nominations was reached so that 1 thread can not hog a contest. There are cases that can be advantageous or disadvantageous with this feature. Currently, you can limit nominations to 1st posts only so that 1 thread can not hog a contest. I'll wait and see what other users prefer....
09-24-2009, 04:25 PM
Yes' it's fine as it is, I totally misunderstood. I thought that because the poll only showed 9, that was the maximum that could be nominated. so when people were nominating more they were just wasting there time.
I completly understand now :)
I'm going to be a complete pain in the arse now, I know you have answered this question before, but I am new to all this and I just can not work out hot to do it....see attatched screen shot
09-24-2009, 04:34 PM
So your posts above regarding more than 10 nominations was about threads/ posts still being able to be nominated when the max nominations in poll was reached?
If so, that's expected behavior as described in my previous post. Or did you mean more than 10 nominations were showing in the contest poll? Let me know so I know if there's a bug or not....
09-24-2009, 04:43 PM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
That post there is a bug. When you have it set to 10, and more than 10 are nominated. Nothing shows up in the poll...see the screenshot on that post.
Everything else is ok apart from the problem in my previous post about the "nomination image" position
09-24-2009, 04:54 PM
That post there is a bug. When you have it set to 10, and more than 10 are nominated. Nothing shows up in the poll...see the screenshot on that post.
Everything else is ok apart from the problem in my previous post about the "nomination image" position
Well, set "max nominations shown in poll" to '9' just in case there's a bug with '10'.
The image position is not a bug, it's your personal preference. That involves modifying the postbit template, which is a general question and not specific to this mod so you can post in the VB Discussions or Design Discussions forums (or maybe someone else can help you in this thread).
09-24-2009, 05:57 PM
@princeedward: thanks for the new images, looks great! Can you make 2 more "nominated" stamps for topic/ post of the fortnight since that's also a possible duration? I'll include it in a future release. Thanks :)a problem here it is...
104742 104743
best regards...
09-24-2009, 06:07 PM
Having no luck over there, someone must know :(
Sorted myself, used this hook, Not ideal but an improvement
Thanks Princeedward :) those Icons are great
09-24-2009, 06:30 PM
@princeedward: that was fast.... thanks for the 2 new images! :)
09-24-2009, 06:32 PM
@matthewhotdude: regarding your post,
Do you have it on weekly nominations? Cause if you do, you should see a new contest poll every week that's initially empty. The old contest polls should remain intact though.
09-24-2009, 06:38 PM
No it's on monthly, it's fine till there are over 10 nominations, then after that the poll empties
I have set it at 9 now and it's ok on 9
Nice mod!!!!!!!!.... Im testing!
Pinceedward can you please put the .psd files for the non-english forums? THANKS A LOT!!!!
09-24-2009, 11:22 PM
I have a mis-alignment of the winner image (here (
I follow all instructions but cant make the icon show.
Im guess is because i have a customize theme...... what can I do?...
09-24-2009, 11:36 PM
Where did you upload the images too?? make sure you put them in your customized style folder
I uploaded the images following your suggestion and... nothing...
I attach my configs... maybe is a stupid thing....
Link to printscreen:
09-24-2009, 11:58 PM
Which icons arnt showing up? the "nominated" on the thread or the post icon?
09-25-2009, 12:00 AM
Display nominated post icon on nominated posts
Specify the ID of the nominated post icon:
An icon "images/icons/nominate/nominated_star.png" has been supplied with this mod. You may add it to your system via 'ACP -> Post Icons -> Add new post icon' and report the icon's ID in here.
Display award winner icon on award winner posts
Specify the ID of the award winner icon:
An icon "images/icons/nominate/award_star.png" has been supplied with this mod. You may add it to your system via 'ACP -> Post Icons -> Add new post icon' and report the icon's ID in here.
You have them set up wrong anyway, read it again, it's supposed to just be a number not a URL
Your are right... but... how can I see the ID of a ICON? Thanks!
09-25-2009, 09:13 AM
Click on the edit button for the icon, and it will be at the top
Matt THANK YOU SO MUCH... now is working great.
Excelent mod!!!!!
How can I made the "nominated_post_0.gif" be inside first post like priceedwar did???
09-25-2009, 01:04 PM
How can I made the "nominated_post_0.gif" be inside first post like priceedwar did???
Mine is like that
Plugin manager
Scrool down to Topic Nomination
postbit_display_start Click edit
Replace with
A suggestion:
When you setup the post icons, any user can use those, and in this way, those post icon for "the nomination status" loose their raison d'être.
I hope you can understand what im talking about.
09-25-2009, 08:21 PM
Nice mod!!!!!!!!.... Im testing!
Pinceedward can you please put the .psd files for the non-english forums? THANKS A LOT!!!!hi...i'm not using PSD on that images...other easy software for me to use...not quite perfect like PSD but its okay.'s your request...
enjoy and hope you like it..
best regards
GREAT!!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!... all spanish people will thank you!!!!!!
09-26-2009, 05:30 PM
hi, error when I want delete a topic
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM nominate_topic WHERE postid='99801' AND is_blog='0' ORDER BY username;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'is_blog' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Saturday, September 26th 2009 @ 08:29:25 PM
Error Date : Saturday, September 26th 2009 @ 08:29:25 PM
Script : http://www.XXX/inlinemod.php?do=dodeletethreads&threadids=16662
Referrer : http://www.XXX/inlinemod.php?forumid=126
IP Address : XXX
Username : XXX
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.81-log
09-26-2009, 05:44 PM
@mitch84: That error says you don't have an 'is_blog' column. That column should be in the nominate_topic table - you can verify yourself by reading the beginning of the xml file. Use phpmyadmin to verify that your missing the 'is_blog' column in the nominate_topic table. If it's missing, you can try reinstalling the xml file (allow overwrite); OR use mysql or phpmyadmin to add the table column yourself.
09-27-2009, 04:59 AM
hi, added by phpadmin because if I use "allow overwrite" this sql line don't write in phpadmin, fixed, thx
vbboarder two question:
1- how can I delete all winners awards?. Because I was testing the mod, and now I want to start up from 0.
2- Could you please provide the .psd (or whatever)buttons to trasnlate please?.
09-29-2009, 05:01 AM
for some reason the (disable nominating posts older than X days?) is not working in our forum! We have entered 30 in the field, however, the nominate button is shown in topics older than 30 days. Some are 2 years old!
09-29-2009, 04:32 PM
vbboarder two question:
1- how can I delete all winners awards?. Because I was testing the mod, and now I want to start up from 0.
2- Could you please provide the .psd (or whatever)buttons to trasnlate please?.
There are only special actions to delete a user's current nominations, and to recount current nominations and past awards (but not delete them). If you want to reset the awards to 0, you would need to use phpmyadmin or mysql browser.
I do not have the psd files since I did not create them. You need to ask princeedward, but I think he said in a previous post that he doesn't use psd's.
09-29-2009, 04:33 PM
for some reason the (disable nominating posts older than X days?) is not working in our forum! We have entered 30 in the field, however, the nominate button is shown in topics older than 30 days. Some are 2 years old!
I'm not having that problem. I'll see if other users are also having your problem.
09-30-2009, 05:49 AM
hi, look the screenshoot when a new poll is starting, what's happens? thx
09-30-2009, 12:16 PM
vbboarder two question:
1- how can I delete all winners awards?. Because I was testing the mod, and now I want to start up from 0.
2- Could you please provide the .psd (or whatever)buttons to trasnlate please?.
Thanks.what button image you still want to translate brader? maybe i can help you on this...just throw me some sample and idea...the rest is give me time to create them and for you to get ready your paypal to donate something to me....(LOL joke only)
09-30-2009, 12:21 PM
Princeedward, do you have any icons for the winners?? Because t he Nominated icons were great
09-30-2009, 01:15 PM
Thank you for putting your hardwork and time into this. :) Great mod!
09-30-2009, 04:32 PM
Thank you for putting your hardwork and time into this. :) Great mod!
Glad you found it useful :D
09-30-2009, 04:39 PM
It is a great Mod!
shall look forward to seeing if it works as it should after midnight tonight :)
09-30-2009, 04:51 PM
It is a great Mod!
shall look forward to seeing if it works as it should after midnight tonight :)
Thanks Matthew. I think a lot of people are waiting to see if the automatic cron will work without any probs..... I don't anticipate any since the manual nomination poll creation and finalization works fine (tested it fine and so far no reported issues) and the automatic cron job uses the same code as that special action. The cron job is scheduled to happen 12:15 am server time; VB cron tasks depend on page requests, so make sure you visit your site (several times in case you have back-logged tasks).
09-30-2009, 05:15 PM
Just wondering, where does the winners award appear in the postbit, as am concerned it will mess with my style like the nomination did
09-30-2009, 06:03 PM
Just wondering, where does the winners award appear in the postbit, as am concerned it will mess with my style like the nomination did
The winner award stamps should appear in the same exact location in postbit as the nomination stamps.
09-30-2009, 10:41 PM
Worked like a charm, But need some new awards_ribbon.gif images, as they are awful on dark backgrounds, also a feature request, for a automatic thread to be created to announce the winners??? if possible?
10-01-2009, 09:05 AM
Very nice work !!
I have a problem : The requested URL /forums/admincp/cronadmin.php was not found on this server.
I have change the name of admincp folder to adma so i upload in that folder the : cronadmin.php.
What is wrong ?
10-01-2009, 09:36 AM
Can't you just create a folder called "admincp" and stick the file in there? as it's still looking for the folder "admincp"
Or I am guessing, in nominate_topic_admin.php you could change
define('CP_REDIRECT', $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/admincp/cronadmin.php?$session[sessionurl]do=runcron&cronid=" . $crondata['cronid']);
define('CP_REDIRECT', $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "/adma/cronadmin.php?$session[sessionurl]do=runcron&cronid=" . $crondata['cronid']);
10-01-2009, 10:29 AM
Great mod, Thanks!!!
10-01-2009, 10:49 AM
Thank you matthewhotdude !!!!
10-01-2009, 08:52 PM
Thank you matthewhotdude !!!!
Did that solve it? the folder or the file edit?
10-02-2009, 06:21 AM
I see a problem and i am not sure if its known already and if there is a sollution to this.
Whave music names in our forum and vote for Track Of The Month.
When we aply a song with a "&" in the name it automaticly puts the word "amp;" behind the name in the Track Of The Month, View Poll Results forum. In the original forum the name stay correct.
Roger Shah & Signum - Healeville Sanctuary (Roger Shah Mix)
View Poll Results:
Roger Shah & Signum - Healeville Sanctuary (Roger Shah Mix)
Is there a sollution to this problem?
10-02-2009, 03:20 PM
@Wird0: this is a known issue with VB polls; for example, you can create your own polls and the same thing would happen ('&' converted to '&'), or just see this thread ( here at
10-02-2009, 03:24 PM
@matthew: glad the automatic cron for the nomination contest worked fine for you. Regarding your suggestion, I'll consider having a post automatically created to announce the winners, but not a thread auto-created since the poll is already in a thread.
vbboarder is possibly to change poll opstions urls from "......" to "[url=......][url]" because I use vbseo and isnt working the links.
10-02-2009, 11:46 PM
vbboarder, sorry I had clicked installed on your previous version... just click on this one too. It did not auto generate, so I ran a cron and it generated. I wish it would do it by itself?
10-02-2009, 11:58 PM
The winner award stamps should appear in the same exact location in postbit as the nomination stamps.
Here are the images I made for nominating and nominated thread
10-03-2009, 04:08 PM
Worked fine for me. Winners were chosen and given awards for last month and a new thread was automatically generated.
As for the vbseo person...I also have it and it works just fine for me. You probably have a bad setting in one of the rewrite options.
Also, vbboarder...what do I do with this ( Did you mean for the nominated image to be floating around in the postbit? I know the last version had it in the upper right hand corner...
10-03-2009, 05:40 PM
vbboarder, sorry I had clicked installed on your previous version... just click on this one too. It did not auto generate, so I ran a cron and it generated. I wish it would do it by itself?
The auto cron worked fine for several users. Did you read this post:
Do you have a customized footer template? $cronimage MUST BE PRESENT in that template.
10-03-2009, 05:42 PM
Worked fine for me. Winners were chosen and given awards for last month and a new thread was automatically generated.
As for the vbseo person...I also have it and it works just fine for me. You probably have a bad setting in one of the rewrite options.
Also, vbboarder...what do I do with this ( Did you mean for the nominated image to be floating around in the postbit? I know the last version had it in the upper right hand corner...
Thanks for confirming that the auto cron works fine.
Please upload an image to your post. I don't go to unknown sites on my development computer for security reasons.
10-03-2009, 07:03 PM
The auto cron worked fine for several users. Did you read this post:
Do you have a customized footer template? $cronimage MUST BE PRESENT in that template.
ahh ok, I got it... I will add it back. I had removed it because it leaves a space that was driving me crazy.
Does it matter where in the footer I put it?
10-03-2009, 09:14 PM
Thanks great mod & voted for MOTM.
I don't use it for topic of the week/month, but for other contests such as Member of the Month, Signature of the Week, Profile of the Week, etc.
What we do is we post in the CONTEST forum a thread, let's say Member of the Month (MOTM) OCT.
Then on that first post we state the rules and other things for the contest. So first question, is it possible to disable first post from being nominated while all the other posts of that thread can be. This is so people don't nominate the post that isn't suppose to.
So then we have members reply to the MOTM thread with their USERNAME as the TITLE of their post, so the polls show their name when they are nominated.
Ok, everything works great.
Now, I want to create another contest thread Signature of the Week (SOTW) OCT W1. The problem is that the cycle time is set to Month.. I'm not sure how to make it work so that it shows up as Week. So second question, is it possible to pick day, week, or month depending on the thread? Or is it possible to have one forum use Week and another forum uses Month? If this not possible then I guess I can remove the Contest: [title] Of The [cycle] [month], [year] above the usernames and manually change the Title of the poll thread. And I will also have to change the Nomination Threads Standard Message text when the thread poll is made.
So last question, is it possible to have options like "add nominations forum" where we add a forum that we choose the forum and decide how the nominations work for that forum like "cycle" , "nomination threads standard message" , "nomination contest title" and a lot of the already included options but set for the forum we set it to.
Admin clicks on "add nomination forum"
Setting the options for forum 1:
Forum: Member of the Month MOTM
Cycle: Monthly
Nomination Contest Title: Member
Nomination Threads Standard Message: whatever goes here
and many of the other options that's too many to list.Admin clicks on "add nomination forum"
Setting the options for forum 2:
Forum: Signature of the Week SOTW
Cycle: Weekly
Nomination Contest Title: Signature
Nomination Threads Standard Message: whatever goes here
and many of the other options that's too many to list.Thanks for reading.. this sounds like another mod that you can make.
vbboarder is possibly to change poll options urls: from "......" to "[url=......][url]" because I use vbseo and the links isnt working.
what button image you still want to translate brader? maybe i can help you on this...just throw me some sample and idea...the rest is give me time to create them and for you to get ready your paypal to donate something to me....(LOL joke only)
Hello again!!!! I miss your post!... Thanks again!
awards_ribbon.gif= First Place = Primer Lugar
nominated_award_1_1.png= TOTW 1st = TDLS 1er.
nominated_award_1_2.png= TOTW 2nd = TDLS 2do.
nominated_award_1_0.png= TOTW 3rd = TDLS 3er.
THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!!!!... let me know if I can do something or you!!!
10-04-2009, 01:38 AM
vbboarder is possibly to change poll options urls: from "......" to "[url=......][url]" because I use vbseo and the links isnt working.
I have vbseo and it works just fine bro. You have a re-write setting that isn't set right. I wish I knew what it was...
Here's the image vbboarder.
Azzid, I open a ticke in Vbseo, they tolld me that those topics dons?t exist... look:
Nuevo AltoForo: ?Que te parece? ( - 33,33%
Turismo AF ( nueva secci?n) ( - 16,67%
Spot Pol?mico ( - 16,67%
Televisi?n Espa?ola en manos de Clar?n....o sera que...? ( - 16,67%
Tramit? ciudadan?a alemana.. ( - 16,67%
10-05-2009, 12:19 AM
Never said topics...I said settings. There isn't one directly related to this product, it has to do with single posts rewrite.
Yes, they look at my settings.... the answer was: "Those topis dosn´t exist". Can you please linkme to your forum to see how itps working for you?
10-05-2009, 03:19 PM
I have vbseo and it works just fine bro. You have a re-write setting that isn't set right. I wish I knew what it was...
Here's the image vbboarder.
There's no float css for the nomination & award stamps in the nominate_topic_stamps template - you can verify yourself. You may have customized your postbit template, so if you floated elements in the userinfo area of postbit, you'll also need to float the stamp image in the nominate_topic_stamps template.
@MaRu: I think AzzidReign is right about the vbseo setting - don't know which one though since I don't use it.
10-05-2009, 03:34 PM
Thanks great mod & voted for MOTM.
I don't use it for topic of the week/month, but for other contests such as Member of the Month, Signature of the Week, Profile of the Week, etc.
What we do is we post in the CONTEST forum a thread, let's say Member of the Month (MOTM) OCT.
Then on that first post we state the rules and other things for the contest. So first question, is it possible to disable first post from being nominated while all the other posts of that thread can be. This is so people don't nominate the post that isn't suppose to.
So then we have members reply to the MOTM thread with their USERNAME as the TITLE of their post, so the polls show their name when they are nominated.
Ok, everything works great.
Now, I want to create another contest thread Signature of the Week (SOTW) OCT W1. The problem is that the cycle time is set to Month.. I'm not sure how to make it work so that it shows up as Week. So second question, is it possible to pick day, week, or month depending on the thread? Or is it possible to have one forum use Week and another forum uses Month? If this not possible then I guess I can remove the Contest: [title] Of The [cycle] [month], [year] above the usernames and manually change the Title of the poll thread. And I will also have to change the Nomination Threads Standard Message text when the thread poll is made.
So last question, is it possible to have options like "add nominations forum" where we add a forum that we choose the forum and decide how the nominations work for that forum like "cycle" , "nomination threads standard message" , "nomination contest title" and a lot of the already included options but set for the forum we set it to.
Gosh, talking about 20 questions.... J.K. Anyways, see the "cycle time" and "contest title" settings - they determine the thread title and PM title/ message. You can specify multiple forums to enable nominations, but they should be for the same subject (ie: posts, members, etc.) and they all share the same settings. You can not disable the first post only, but you can do the opposite - "enable the first post only".
Thanks for reading.. this sounds like another mod that you can make. It's definitely requires another mod, but unlikely it would be made since it requires a lot of coding/ time.
10-06-2009, 04:41 AM
Please disregard my message sent to you.
The mod is still working ...
However ...
We can not nominate new topics but we can nominate topics that are over a week old.
Am I missing a setting here???
10-06-2009, 04:27 PM
Please disregard my message sent to you.
The mod is still working ...
However ...
We can not nominate new topics but we can nominate topics that are over a week old.
Am I missing a setting here???
I'm not aware of any setting that prevents new posts from being nominated.
10-06-2009, 04:32 PM
Any idea when a new version will be released? and if you will deffinatly include my idea of it posting the results
10-06-2009, 04:49 PM
I installed it but it doesnt work, when I click the nominate button it will take me to and nothing happens, blank screen.
How can that be fixed?
(I did step 5)
10-06-2009, 04:52 PM
I'm not aware of any setting that prevents new posts from being nominated.
I provided images of the member quoting their own post from 1 week ago to show that it's not allowing them to nominate posts unless they're a week old.
Sorry about this.
10-06-2009, 08:39 PM
I get this when i start a poll
Create New Poll Thread
You must specify a forumid in VB Options to place the nomination contest poll.
How do i do this?
10-07-2009, 03:44 PM
I installed it but it doesnt work, when I click the nominate button it will take me to and nothing happens, blank screen.
How can that be fixed?
(I did step 5)
You should mark "Installed" if you want help. Did you do steps 4 & 6?
10-07-2009, 03:45 PM
I get this when i start a poll
Create New Poll Thread
You must specify a forumid in VB Options to place the nomination contest poll.
How do i do this?
Exactly as it says.... ACP > VB Options > Nominate Topic
10-07-2009, 03:49 PM
I provided images of the member quoting their own post from 1 week ago to show that it's not allowing them to nominate posts unless they're a week old.
Sorry about this.
If you're quoting to test, then the post belongs to you. Did you check your settings to see if you allowed:
1. nominate your own post?
2. admins/ moderators can nominate?
3. only 1st post can be nominated?
10-07-2009, 04:24 PM
If you're quoting to test, then the post belongs to you. Did you check your settings to see if you allowed:
1. nominate your own post?
2. admins/ moderators can nominate?
3. only 1st post can be nominated?
No, I had someone else test it, to see if I could nominate their post and I couldn't.
One of the posts in the images that you can nominate is a week old, while the other image is a post that's only a minute old and you can't nominate.
I don't understand why it's not allowing us to nominate unless the post or thread is exactly a week old.
10-07-2009, 05:04 PM
You should mark "Installed" if you want help. Did you do steps 4 & 6?
It is marked now. I followed every singe step.
I've created the first poll with the product option and its empty. I ckick the nominate button in any post and it will get me to as blank screen.
10-08-2009, 12:38 AM
Yes, they look at my settings.... the answer was: "Those topis dosn?t exist". Can you please linkme to your forum to see how itps working for you?
You should enable "Replace post number link with Permalink " option in vBSEO CP and vBSEO will replace those links with main showthread URLs...I hope ;)
Let me know if that works.
10-08-2009, 01:43 AM
I'm trying to install the product but it's taking so long then it times out. :( It's locking up my other tables as it's trying to alter the users & posts table.
Edit: It just crashed my mysql service :(
10-08-2009, 12:55 PM
How can we move the "Nominate Post" button to be on the left side of "Edit"?
For me it defaults to the far right which is right next to quick reply to message, which of course is annoying when you click the wrong button accidentally.
10-08-2009, 02:14 PM
@godfather1984 & alehawk: remember there are 16 different settings that enable if a user can nominate or not - you should review them. This mod is working fine for myself and other members. Alehawk, it also sounds like your files may have been corrupted when you uploaded them to your server - you should reupload USING FTP, NOT via other programs like WYSIWYG editors (ie: Dreamweaver, Eclipse, etc).
10-08-2009, 02:16 PM
How can we move the "Nominate Post" button to be on the left side of "Edit"?
For me it defaults to the far right which is right next to quick reply to message, which of course is annoying when you click the wrong button accidentally.
This is not a problem with this mod, but an issue with template editing. You should post in the Design Discussion forum.
10-08-2009, 02:25 PM
This is not a problem with this mod, but an issue with template editing. You should post in the Design Discussion forum.
I did that when I had my template problem, and they said it was upto you to sort out, as it's your mod
10-08-2009, 02:28 PM
I did that when I had my template problem, and they said it was upto you to sort out, as it's your mod
Well, where you want your image boils down to your preference. If I coded for every possible combination, it would be endless....
10-08-2009, 07:31 PM
@godfather1984 & alehawk: remember there are 16 different settings that enable if a user can nominate or not - you should review them. This mod is working fine for myself and other members. Alehawk, it also sounds like your files may have been corrupted when you uploaded them to your server - you should reupload USING FTP, NOT via other programs like WYSIWYG editors (ie: Dreamweaver, Eclipse, etc).
I did upload the files by FTP, i'll do it again. I couldn nominate a post with the admin user.
I'll reupload and hope it works.
You should enable "Replace post number link with Permalink " option in vBSEO CP and vBSEO will replace those links with main showthread URLs...I hope ;)
Let me know if that works.
Yes... I have this eneable... Im guessing is a VBADVANCED module problem...
@vbboarder: ONLY admind can see the poll of topics... Is that right?????
10-08-2009, 10:57 PM
@godfather1984 & alehawk: remember there are 16 different settings that enable if a user can nominate or not - you should review them. This mod is working fine for myself and other members. Alehawk, it also sounds like your files may have been corrupted when you uploaded them to your server - you should reupload USING FTP, NOT via other programs like WYSIWYG editors (ie: Dreamweaver, Eclipse, etc).
Yeah, I have checked all settings. I have even turned off modifications to see if that helps and nothing.
If I send you access, would you come check it out to verify for yourself?
10-09-2009, 04:19 AM
I reuploaded the files and now I got this error:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE adforo_thread SET iconid = images/icons/nominate/nominated_star. png WHERE threadid = '5634'; MySQL Error : Unknown column 'images' in 'field list' Error Number : 1054
10-09-2009, 04:24 AM
Well, where you want your image boils down to your preference. If I coded for every possible combination, it would be endless....
Yes but I can't find your plugin where you hook and eval the template modification. I have no problems moving it myself.
Is the template being called after the quick reply button? I want to find the call and move it, but can't find where, as I mentioned, insert it via plugin.
I assume you insert it via plugin.
10-09-2009, 02:36 PM
I reuploaded the files and now I got this error:
Invalid SQL: UPDATE adforo_thread SET iconid = images/icons/nominate/nominated_star. png WHERE threadid = '5634'; MySQL Error : Unknown column 'images' in 'field list' Error Number : 1054
You did your settings wrong. For the iconid, it's supposed to be a number, NOT a url - that's why you got the SQL error. You can find the iconid when you edit your icon in VB's ACP.
10-09-2009, 02:38 PM
Yes but I can't find your plugin where you hook and eval the template modification. I have no problems moving it myself.
Is the template being called after the quick reply button? I want to find the call and move it, but can't find where, as I mentioned, insert it via plugin.
I assume you insert it via plugin.
If you want to move the button, you wouldn't edit the plugin - you need to edit the template (postbit). The hook you need to look for and move is: $template_hook[postbit_controls]
10-09-2009, 02:40 PM
Yeah, I have checked all settings. I have even turned off modifications to see if that helps and nothing.
If I send you access, would you come check it out to verify for yourself?
I only have time to support this mod in this thread - I can't do custom fixes for users.
10-09-2009, 02:42 PM
@MaRu: who's able to see the poll depends on the forum you chose to hold the nomination poll and what permissions you set for that forum. If you're showing the poll in vbAdvanced, that module also has its own settings in addition to the forum permissions.
10-09-2009, 02:51 PM
If you want to move the button, you wouldn't edit the plugin - you need to edit the template (postbit). The hook you need to look for and move is: $template_hook[postbit_controls]
Thank you :D
10-09-2009, 03:50 PM
The product is either: taking forever to upload/import, or hanging. Either way, it's stuck on "Importing Product, Please Wait..."
What could the issue be?
EDIT: MySQL crashed. Awesome.
10-09-2009, 04:49 PM
I recommend folks change template nominate_topic_stamps_box to something like:
<div id="nominate_topic_stamps_box_$post[postid]">
or maybe this:
<div id="nominate_topic_stamps_box_$post[postid]">
<span style="float: right; ">
To get a much cleaner look..... (see attached)
10-09-2009, 05:26 PM
Uninstalled, sorry.
10-09-2009, 08:31 PM
Man I checked everything in the second troubleshooting post and still don't see any postbit controls. I use a highly mod'ed legacy postbit, but even when i flip over to the default 'new' postbit... no controls.
10-09-2009, 08:53 PM
The product is either: taking forever to upload/import, or hanging. Either way, it's stuck on "Importing Product, Please Wait..."
What could the issue be?
EDIT: MySQL crashed. Awesome.
It happens to me to, if you do mysqladmin proc, it shows that it's trying to add things to the users and posts table which will take a very long time if you have very large tables. I suggest you shutdown your board from members and run it. It takes a long time (for me took 45 mins and i had to import it a couple times since the script timed out on me).
I also suggest that vbboarder adds a warning for members with large forums, telling them that it will cause downtime since tables will be locked waiting for the fields to be added.
10-09-2009, 10:31 PM
You did your settings wrong. For the iconid, it's supposed to be a number, NOT a url - that's why you got the SQL error. You can find the iconid when you edit your icon in VB's ACP.
It worked!
One last question, my site is in spanish, what must I edit to translate month names?
Thank you!
10-11-2009, 08:09 PM
Hi! Thanks for the excellent plugin.
How do I remove "nominated post" image from postbit? Is it possible?
10-11-2009, 08:15 PM
I recommend folks change template nominate_topic_stamps_box to something like:
To get a much cleaner look..... (see attached)
This worked great for me, thanks!
10-12-2009, 04:39 AM
I recommend folks change template nominate_topic_stamps_box to something like:
<div id="nominate_topic_stamps_box_$post[postid]">
or maybe this:
<div id="nominate_topic_stamps_box_$post[postid]">
<span style="float: right; ">
To get a much cleaner look..... (see attached)
10-12-2009, 07:06 AM
Change this template as instructed.
10-12-2009, 07:07 AM
This worked great for me, thanks!
Great! Glad found it useful! I does look much nicer! :D
10-12-2009, 09:01 AM
didnt work for me, messed up my style
10-12-2009, 11:04 AM
didnt work for me, messed up my style
Well, why don't you post exactly what your template had before and after, instead of a short message with no information.
It is impossible to help you if you don't provide any information.
10-12-2009, 02:00 PM
I am looking to do 2 things:
1: Set the number of official winners to just 1 per contest.
2: Remove the "Awarded" image from postbit for previous winners.
How may I do this?
Thanks for your help!
10-12-2009, 03:20 PM
1: Set the number of official winners to just 1 per contest.
2: Remove the "Awarded" image from postbit for previous winners.
These are good options to include +1 :up:
10-12-2009, 04:14 PM
How can I put the nominate button in every thread?
I mean I can now butwhen the user clicks the button it nominates the thread, I want to have the nominate button in every thread but, when the user clicks que nominate button it will nominate the whole post not a thingle thread... can that be done?
10-12-2009, 05:39 PM
It happens to me to, if you do mysqladmin proc, it shows that it's trying to add things to the users and posts table which will take a very long time if you have very large tables. I suggest you shutdown your board from members and run it. It takes a long time (for me took 45 mins and i had to import it a couple times since the script timed out on me).
I also suggest that vbboarder adds a warning for members with large forums, telling them that it will cause downtime since tables will be locked waiting for the fields to be added.
Yeah I am experiencing the same problem.
Need to be careful if you have A LOT of posts in your forum. I am letting it ride right now and will post an update once it is done.
Hopefully it does not crash MySQL. :(
**** EDIT ****
Well it seemed to install fine. However, it does seem to spike the CPU/MySQL usage whenever you hit the Hall of Fame or do any activity with this plugin.
10-13-2009, 07:34 AM
Yeah I am experiencing the same problem.
Need to be careful if you have A LOT of posts in your forum. I am letting it ride right now and will post an update once it is done.
Hopefully it does not crash MySQL. :(
**** EDIT ****
Well it seemed to install fine. However, it does seem to spike the CPU/MySQL usage whenever you hit the Hall of Fame or do any activity with this plugin.
Should be OK, if you install during off-peak times.
Or, simply turn off your forums and install (that is the safest way!). There is an option to do this, as you might recall, but most people do not do it :D
10-14-2009, 10:41 AM
I upgrade last night from 1.6.3 version to this one 2.0.2 and now things are messed up... nominations are not holding and when I go back and look at the nominated topic it is not nominated... and it does not send it to the poll.
I knew I should not have upgraded... I always have problems.
Also there were no templates to revert anywhere. I went over everything.
What should I do?
also when I look at nominate_topic.php?do=shownominationawardswinners page there are no longer any winners and there were 2 yesterday.
10-14-2009, 03:50 PM
@chick: you probably upgraded wrong because EVERY template was changed so every template starting with 'nominate_topic' needs to be reverted. If you did not edit any templates, then no templates need reverting. As stated in instruction #3:
This mod will work only if ALL templates are reverted since major changes were done to them.
10-14-2009, 04:35 PM
Yes I never touched the templates so there were none to revert.
What should I do? I reinstalled again and overwrote everything, checked all settings etc...
NOMINATE doesn't work and throws a pop-up window javascript error in IE7 which I have never seen before.
This pages doesn't work /nominate_topic.php?do=findallnominations (nothing there)
This page doesn't work nominate_topic.php?do=shownominationawardswinners (I had 2 previous winners)
I have to get this to work, should I uninstall completely and lose everything I have thus far the do a fresh install?????
Can I go back to 1.63 if I overwrite everthing?????
Its funny because I have your version 1.63 working 100% everything works on another site and I don't dare touch it.
10-16-2009, 02:15 PM
Right I've read most of this thread, but I'm still not able to see any buttons/images ect, I've uploaded the images into my custom skin, but to no avail.
That is from the correct file path but it does not show up in the forum.
Below is a screen shot of what I see, I just don't see any buttons, great mod btw I hope I can get it working as it would be a great feature for my forum.
10-16-2009, 02:50 PM
Well, why don't you post exactly what your template had before and after, instead of a short message with no information.
It is impossible to help you if you don't provide any information.
Oh sorry!
Before nominate_topic_stamps_box had this in it
<div id="nominate_topic_stamps_box_$post[postid]">$nominate_topic_stamps_box</div>
When I change to
<div id="nominate_topic_stamps_box_$post[postid]">
this happenes (See screen shot)
10-16-2009, 08:01 PM
I've set up a brand new test board with no mods and it still doesn't show, I've followed the read me, word for word I don't know what the problem is.
10-17-2009, 03:43 AM
Everything seemed to work flawless till no. Under the first post I have that informational table which says that 4 people votes. But it only displays 3 users. How is it possible.? In the poll thread it also displays "4".
10-17-2009, 12:22 PM
vbboarder, I had to uninstall this completely and go back to the previous version which I now have working 100% properly now. Thank you for this mod.
10-17-2009, 03:42 PM
Everything seemed to work flawless till no. Under the first post I have that informational table which says that 4 people votes. But it only displays 3 users. How is it possible.? In the poll thread it also displays "4".
A username may not show if that user is allowed to make his online status invisible.
10-17-2009, 05:07 PM
My online status is always hidden, so is my smod and another admin but it shows up... err is that just because I can view invisible members? My members are not allowed to be invisible.
10-17-2009, 05:44 PM
VBBoarder any chance you can help me? I set up the mod as per the read me on my board, but icons buttons ect were not showing, so I set up a test board brand new install no other mods and I get the same results.
I've double checked all images to make sure everything has gone into the correct directories ect, but still no luck.
As you can see from the image the TOTW Award shows in the post bit, I can generate polls ect but because threads cannot be nominated, there are no poll options.
10-17-2009, 06:06 PM
My online status is always hidden, so is my smod and another admin but it shows up... err is that just because I can view invisible members? My members are not allowed to be invisible.
Yep, that's why.
10-17-2009, 06:13 PM
@Cableguy69: I only have time to help in this thread. Review the troubleshooting tips again and check the actual source code of your showthread pages - search for the nominate_topic image to verify if: 1. the <img> tag was inserted by the plugin, and 2. the url of the image is correct (image will not show if url is not correct).
10-17-2009, 06:42 PM
OK now were getting somewhere, the <img> url hasn't been inserted into the showthread so were should it be placed?
and how should it appear?
Should it go after this to get it to appear on the right of the quick reply button?
<td class="tcat" colspan="2">
<if condition="$show['quickreply_collapse']"><a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('quickreply');"><img id="collapseimg_quickreply" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat$vbcollapse[collapseimg_quickreply].gif" alt="" border="0" /></a></if>
10-17-2009, 08:45 PM
can someone paste the nomination button/link code? i can't make them appear in postbit_legacy, and have nothing to go off of...
10-18-2009, 12:03 PM
Hi! I accidentally uninstalled previous version of this mod, and lost all other nominations from before. Is there any way to reload them? Are they still on the database?
10-18-2009, 05:21 PM
A username may not show if that user is allowed to make his online status invisible.
Not the case in my case, sorry. Nobody is allowed to be invisible.
10-19-2009, 12:45 PM
Please help. Just installed this mod. Everything went fine, but when I click on the icons to view the poll it says I have insufficient priviledges. Can you help?
10-19-2009, 06:26 PM
OK now were getting somewhere, the <img> url hasn't been inserted into the showthread so were should it be placed?
and how should it appear?
Should it go after this to get it to appear on the right of the quick reply button?
<td class="tcat" colspan="2">
<if condition="$show['quickreply_collapse']"><a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('quickreply');"><img id="collapseimg_quickreply" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat$vbcollapse[collapseimg_quickreply].gif" alt="" border="0" /></a></if>
Well, it seems like you're missing a template_hook. Insert either before or after the quick reply and within the same td cell: $template_hook[postbit_controls]
10-19-2009, 06:28 PM
Hi! I accidentally uninstalled previous version of this mod, and lost all other nominations from before. Is there any way to reload them? Are they still on the database?
If you have a 'post' sql table backup before you uninstalled the old mod, then you can restore your old awards - otherwise, no.
10-19-2009, 06:31 PM
Please help. Just installed this mod. Everything went fine, but when I click on the icons to view the poll it says I have insufficient priviledges. Can you help?
The usergroup you're using to view the nominations probably don't have the permissions to view nominations and/or nominate - check VB Options > Nominate Topic settings.
10-19-2009, 09:32 PM
1: Set the number of official winners to just 1 per contest.
Can this be done?
10-20-2009, 12:54 PM
"Nominated 4,294,967,295 Times in 4,294,967,295 Posts
TOTW/F/M Award(s): 0"
Please tell me about fix it?
10-20-2009, 05:33 PM
Hi Vbboarder I've added the hook like you said, but the nominate button still doesn't show.
What I noticed before I added the hook, I have a private forum set up just for me, to keep certain details in ect. On posts 9 there was the nominate button. I pressed it and sure enough the post was flagged as nominated and the nomination poll was created.
I have no idea what is going on with.
Also is this how the template should look?
<td class="tcat" colspan="2">
<if condition="$show['quickreply_collapse']"><a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('quickreply');"><img id="collapseimg_quickreply" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat$vbcollapse[collapseimg_quickreply].gif" alt="" border="0" /></a></if>
<td class="tcat" colspan="2">
<if condition="$show['quickreply_collapse']"><a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('quickreply');"><img id="collapseimg_quickreply" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat$vbcollapse[collapseimg_quickreply].gif" alt="" border="0" /></a></if>
10-20-2009, 06:42 PM
@ Cedric_FP: no, it's hard coded to 3 winners.
@ tiengnhat: are you sure you upgraded correctly? This was an error that occurred in the pre-2.0 release. Can't help you wo. an sql error report or actual sequence of actions that caused it.
10-20-2009, 06:44 PM
@ Cableguy69: Yes, your edits are correct - either one is fine.
I don't really understand your question. Why did you edit the postbit if the nominate button was already showing up in your private forum?
10-20-2009, 08:58 PM
What I mean is the button only shows in a locked down area only visible to me, the problem is the nominate button only shows in posts 9, which is the last post in that thread. The button does not appear anywhere else out of 20 or so categories.
I did the edit in a last ditch attempt to get it working.
I also tried to add this piece of code directly into the post bit as I could see it in the page source.
<a href="nominate_topic.php?do=nominate_topic_add_user&p=17 743&securitytoken=1256074968-506f86c196cd3de8a485f42502d12c1430b68a94" id="nominate_topic_button_17743" onclick="nominate_topic_add_user(17743); return false;" style="display:none" rel="nofollow"><img src="images/styles/BlissfullySimple/buttons/nominate/nominate_topic.gif" alt="Nominate this post" border="0" /></a>
Unfortunately that made no difference either.
I'll try uninstalling and starting over fresh, I can't see it making any difference though.
10-20-2009, 10:14 PM
Reinstalled it and came across this when trying to finalize and create poll. (
10-20-2009, 11:32 PM
Ah right now I've got it working, reverted to the default setting and it's there although it's not quite yet working how I want it to lol.
Cheers Vbboarder. I made some Icons for my board, so I thought I'd share em with anybody who wants them. (
They're saved as Transparent editable .png files so fonts colour ect can be changed.
I've posted them here.
10-21-2009, 12:27 AM
Can I just ask were about I need to edit this TOTW/F/M so it just shows TOTW? (
10-21-2009, 10:32 AM
Thanks for the ribbons cable guy :)
10-21-2009, 10:46 AM
How can I change this, so it shows a different ribbon for first and second place?
10-21-2009, 12:17 PM
If you have a 'post' sql table backup before you uninstalled the old mod, then you can restore your old awards - otherwise, no.
I have daily backups of my database. Do you know how can I get the data from a backup database and add it to the current one?
Thanks for your help!
10-21-2009, 12:42 PM
How can I change this, so it shows a different ribbon for first and second place?
I'm not sure sorry I've named the images the same as the default ones.
10-21-2009, 03:41 PM
I'm not sure sorry I've named the images the same as the default ones.
The names of the images need to be exactly the same as the ones they are supposed to replace, otherwise the wrong images will show. Thanks for sharing - they look great ;)
Regarding 'TOTW/F/M' phrase, you need to search for that term in the Phrase Manager - I forgot the exact name for it right now.
Glad you finally got it working :D Yeah, you should used the default settings 'cause those are the ones that I tested the most so they're most likely to be reliable.
10-21-2009, 03:46 PM
I have daily backups of my database. Do you know how can I get the data from a backup database and add it to the current one?
Thanks for your help!
If you restore your whole 'post' table, you'll lose posts that are newer than the backup date. So it's better to restore just the nominate_topic_award and nominate_topic_award_rank columns - can't help ya with that though since that's a site admin issue.
10-21-2009, 04:13 PM
Super Mod!
Installed and seems to be working fine, however the nomination is not showing up for registered members but it's showing up for me. I've checked over the settings several times, I haven't banned any usergroups or userids either and I can't see why it's not being displayed for members only.
EDIT: In fact, now it's working for everyone in every other forum expect the one individual forum the Poll is posted in, WTF :L
10-21-2009, 10:42 PM
Something weird is happening. I have it set up to monthly nominations. Installed the mod in the middle of the month. When the poll was created (10.16.2009), I went in to edit the poll (just to see what it looks like on the inside). On the inside it says "This poll gets closed in 7 days". Well I manually added 15 days to match the end of the month.
I went into the poll thread today and I have zero nominations in there (all nominations have mysteriously disappeared), though it does say that 25 people have voted. Picture is attached. I tried to update just about everything and anything through the ACP. No change.
What is happening? Thanks.
10-22-2009, 04:20 AM
The names of the images need to be exactly the same as the ones they are supposed to replace, otherwise the wrong images will show. Thanks for sharing - they look great ;)
Regarding 'TOTW/F/M' phrase, you need to search for that term in the Phrase Manager - I forgot the exact name for it right now.
Glad you finally got it working :D Yeah, you should used the default settings 'cause those are the ones that I tested the most so they're most likely to be reliable.
It's a great mod and already taking off really well on my forum, I'll review the file names maybe I made an error somewhere.
Keep up the good work Vbboarder and if you ever need any icons buttons ect just holla.
10-22-2009, 05:01 AM
The names of the images need to be exactly the same as the ones they are supposed to replace, otherwise the wrong images will show
I've just checked over the files and the image names are correct. (
1st = nominated_award_1.png
1st = nominated_award_0_1.png
1st = nominated_award_1_1.png
1st = nominated_award_2_1.png (
2nd = nominated_award_2.png
2nd = nominated_award_0_2.png
2nd = nominated_award_1_2.png
2nd = nominated_award_2_2.png (
3rd = nominated_award_0.png
3rd = nominated_award_0_0.png
3rd = nominated_award_1_0.png
3rd = nominated_award_2_0.png
10-22-2009, 07:47 AM
Any one got any ideas why the nomination button isn't showing up the forum where the Poll thread is created? It's working for everyone and everywhere else.
10-22-2009, 08:57 AM
I only replaced one of the original images, it has always been the same from default, it would show 1st place ribbon, for first and second place.
This is the URL to the ribbon for first and second place
10-22-2009, 02:38 PM
Any one got any ideas why the nomination button isn't showing up the forum where the Poll thread is created? It's working for everyone and everywhere else.
You should create a forum just for the nominations poll threads, otherwise the nominations themselves can be nominated.
10-22-2009, 02:58 PM
You should create a forum just for the nominations poll threads, otherwise the nominations themselves can be nominated.
Thanks, I thought about that. However is that a requirement or just a suggestion?
EDIT: I've just done that, works fine, Thanks (Y)
10-23-2009, 03:38 AM
I only replaced one of the original images, it has always been the same from default, it would show 1st place ribbon, for first and second place.
This is the URL to the ribbon for first and second place
You've replaced the wrong image.
The default image is this.
The custom one I'm using is this one.
So you must have renamed the file before or after uploading to the server.
Like said in the previous post these are the correct file names for the correct images and all of them need to be uploaded. (
1st = nominated_award_1.png
1st = nominated_award_0_1.png
1st = nominated_award_1_1.png
1st = nominated_award_2_1.png (
2nd = nominated_award_2.png
2nd = nominated_award_0_2.png
2nd = nominated_award_1_2.png
2nd = nominated_award_2_2.png (
3rd = nominated_award_0.png
3rd = nominated_award_0_0.png
3rd = nominated_award_1_0.png
3rd = nominated_award_2_0.png
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