View Full Version : navigation header again..

09-16-2009, 02:57 PM
where is the main-nav-box-bg class ? i checked the main CSS file but am unable to find it ?
i need it (i believe :} to make the navigation header on http://everythingberry.net/forum the same as the one on http://everythingberry.net/blog

php is quite a bit different than html... :cool:

09-16-2009, 03:08 PM
That is not a default vbulletin class, so you would have to add it yourself into the box at the bottom of the Main CSS page.

09-16-2009, 03:23 PM
That is not a default vbulletin class, so you would have to add it yourself into the box at the bottom of the Main CSS page.

thanks Lynne, it could be from the theme i use (Black Impact).. i have to ass-u-me it's somewhere because it causes the "table"/box to be that size.

edit: well maybe not, commented out and the box is the same size :}