View Full Version : VB Blog Modification

09-10-2009, 07:17 PM
I'm a total noob to the Vbulletin program. I have a sports site called Philly Sports Pulse (www.phillysportspulse.com). I upgraded 3.8.3 with the blog add on in hopes of using the blog for local sportscasters to write articles for the site. We are focusing on attracting members that are not use to the message board format and have found the current format of the blog difficult for users to find and it doesnt really allow Philly Sports Pulse to promote their articles. Is there a way to create a modification ( skin or template ) that would allow one to create a blog profile that could have an area below the avatar with a detailed description and well as clean up that area so it look very professional and two allow certain blogs/articles to be posted on the home page. I'm not sure if my issue is just a template/skin issue or not but I need to create a look that will show these broadcasters/writers/athletes that this is a legit avenue for them to show their writing talents. Thank you for all of your help
Edward Kirk