View Full Version : Couple of Questions Before Purchase

09-09-2009, 08:11 PM
I sent these over to the pre-sales folks at vBulletin.com and they suggested that I ask them here. :)

1) I have a TON of files that are on my website. Is there some sort of 3rd party add-on that will allow me to run my file areas without having to have each file attached to a message?

2) How do you create a 'News Front End' like I see on some sites. I'd like to have something setup like my current site (www.halerecordings.com) but using vBulletin.


Jim Hale

09-09-2009, 08:31 PM
1.) Not quite sure I understand what your asking, but you can use ImpEx to import your current board to your vBulletin board if it is supported in the supported list

2.) vBAdvanced (http://www.vbadvanced.com)