View Full Version : Miscellaneous Hacks - Recurring link at the bottom of the first post

09-01-2009, 10:00 PM
Pretty versatile mod

I made this mod for a referral site called removed and what it does is put a link saying:

"Whatever you want to link to here"

x = the thread title

obviously there are so many edits you can make to this for your needs

In a nut shell:

Puts a link at the bottom of the first thread in x forum/s to guests/members/both

Should work with all previous versions as well but untested

go to admincp - styles & templates - search in styles type:


click search

click postbit



then enter this:

<if condition="$show['guest']">

(replace guest with member if you only want to show to members or delete this line to show to everyone)

<if condition="$forum[forumid] == x">

(replace x with the forum you want this link to appear in or delete this line to appear in every forum)

<center><a href="x"><b></b></a></center>

(replace my link with your referral link/whatever you want to link to)




You can use several variables in this mod too to grab other words such as thread title:

$post[title] <- put that where the red x is
