View Full Version : Mini Mods - Dec2Roman

08-29-2009, 10:00 PM
This is not a real modification. This is only a php file to convert a decimal number into a roman one.

If this thread is on the wrong place, sorry 'bout this but I haven't permission for Articles - Programming Articles. So move this thread.

How to install it:
Upload the file into you includes folder.
In your PHP file add:
require_once (DIR . '/includes/dec2romanum.php');
then, you can use the function dec2romanum for converting numbers.

Here is an example:
$number = 13547;
echo $number . ' => ' . dec2romanum ($number);
Output is:

09-01-2009, 04:16 AM
I forgott to tell you that:

The number 5000 is viewed as V (yes I know 5 = V) but this V (5000) is overline.