View Full Version : change link color

08-27-2009, 09:29 PM
i'd like to change the links color from blue to black in my whole forum?
what should i edit? and i mean basically all of the links, including threads...

08-27-2009, 09:34 PM
i'd like to change the links color from blue to black in my whole forum?
what should i edit? and i mean basically all of the links, including threads...

go to your admincp -> styles and templates -> style manager -> your style -> from the drop down box select main CSS

from there you can change the colour of your links from the various boxed in "normal CSS" font color etc etc

08-27-2009, 09:37 PM
go to your admincp -> styles and templates -> style manager -> your style -> from the drop down box select main CSS

from there you can change the colour of your links from the various boxed in "normal CSS" font color etc etc
i know it was an elementary question but i'm new to this. thank you very much.