View Full Version : Mass Email says it's sending out, but no emails recieved?

08-26-2009, 09:45 PM
at first i thought it was an issue with the server, because through cpanel when trying to access webmail, we got an error saying localhost could not connect.......however we submitted a ticket to cpanel and had that issue fixed, and still it says that we are sending out the emails, but none of the members get an email from us, not even me (already checked all spam folders, even set up a new member account with fresh email to see if it was an issue with my email)

both my site and another, hiphopnetwork and globalemcee have this issue

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.....

once again, it says all emails have been sent successfully but no emails recieved

08-26-2009, 09:52 PM
Are you checking the exim_mainlog as thats what crappanel uses?

Logs should always be used first to find your issues.

08-26-2009, 10:03 PM
i'll have my host look into getting me the logs so i can post them here, but my mail errors within cpanel are fixed, just vbulletin says it's sending out the mass emails and none are going out is the only issue i'm still having

08-26-2009, 10:06 PM
vbulletin is only dropping the emails off to the server, vbulletin doesnt send the mail out itself.

is this a dedicated/vps server?

also, if your host cant figure out what is wrong, get a real host with some skilled tech support.

08-26-2009, 10:11 PM
yeah, dedicated, and i couldn't work out a better deal than what i've got, friend of a friend, only been having the issue since we upgrade the PHP version so we could add facebook connect, thanks for the help though i'll have someone skilled look at the exim_mainlog to see if they can tell me what the issue is

08-26-2009, 10:18 PM
If the tech support isnt there, dont matter much what you pay for a server as your going to pay some one else to fix it when they cant or you cant fix it yourself.

ssh into the server and tail the mail log and send out a test msg thru the admincp.

tail -f /var/log/exim_mainlog

09-09-2009, 12:00 AM
Are you hosting from a residential Internet account? If so, your IP might be policy blacklisted.

Two other possibilities might be that your IP is blacklisted for spam or maybe you do not have rDNS setup for your server.

Any of those issues could result in a significant amount of your email being blocked/refused.