View Full Version : Aion Arena: Aion Online Gaming Site

08-25-2009, 01:33 AM
<a href="http://aionarena.com/forum.php" target="_blank">http://aionarena.com/forum.php</a>

This site looks like a Joomla site. It doesn't have any Joomla in it but we used to have a Joomla main page. We reskinned and recoded the forum to match then ditched the Joomla main page. Bridging Joomla and vBulletin is still not an exact science and it was just too many queries. But we retained the skin we made to match and have been using it ever since. We still have credit to Joomlart.com because it IS based on their theme.

This is mostly made up of free and homemade modifications, there isnt much fancy stuff going on. We have two themes, one based on the dark race and one on the light race of the game. We added in that if you pick your race, those that choose the opposing race have a red name to you just like in the game. Coding nearly identical light and dark skins is kinda challenging. Gamers seem to think that gaming sites are supposed to have dark skins but I like light ones. Some things still arent perfect, but Im more interested in ppl's impression of the overall feel of it.

08-25-2009, 06:56 PM
Looks awesome! really nice style you go there

08-27-2009, 02:55 PM
great looking header/navbar

clean look / not cluttered

I noticed that you have 2 search features (1 header / 1 navbar)...
you don't need 2 - confuses visitors

08-29-2009, 06:15 PM
The search on the top is a leftover from the old Joomla setup. I never really thought about choosing one over the other. ^^ It looks nice up there so I left it. Ill have to pick one I guess.

Thanks for your review, I like a clean look so that is what I was aiming for. Glad I hit the mark.

08-29-2009, 08:12 PM
really nice!

08-30-2009, 04:03 PM
Great design, clean, great colors! That background image actually gave me an idea, why not have a rotating background image similar to the one you have now so that every time it refreshes it's different? Just an idea.

I see you're using an image instead of text for your welcome message, but I highly suggest cleaning up that text so that it's not as blurry as it looks now. Lets get some content and nice member incentives up and see where this thing goes :p