View Full Version : Photoshop-Pack.com Graphics Forums

08-24-2009, 01:05 AM
Here is my latest forum. It was live this past March, but I took it down until just a couple of days ago. What do you guys think?


Thanks for the reviews.

08-24-2009, 07:30 PM
I really like it, very nice layout. The only thing I'm not keen on is the postbit, it doesn't look as good as the parts surrounding it. I think it'd look better if it didn't use the legacy template, and instead kept the poster's name in the larger font and blue background above the post, as opposed to being down the side. Other than that, it's great :)

08-25-2009, 12:23 AM
Thanks Beav, I see what you mean. I will work on that now - the sidebar seems to have 'broken' the SHOWTHREAD template a bit, too. I might just take the sidebar off of that page and see how it goes, along with going back to the default postbit.

Thanks again for the tips/critique.