Marco van Herwaarden
08-22-2009, 10:00 PM
The content of this article is also available in your vBulletin distribution in ./readme-syntax.html.
vBulletin 4 Template Syntax
vBulletin 4.0 introduces a rich new syntax for marking-up templates, reducing the need for formatting and escaping to be performed in .php files.
Note that once a template makes use of any vBulletin 4 template syntax, the old syntax will cease to operate for that template. Conversions must be an all-or-nothing affair.
Variable Access
Safe Variables
Going forward, variables should be referenced in templates wherever possible using the following syntax:
{vb:var variable}
Variables accessed in this manner are 'made safe' by being run through htmlspecialchars as they are output.
To access array elements, use a dot operator, rather than standard PHP square brackets:
{vb:var} // accesses htmlspecialchars($variable['foo'])
{vb:var variable.$varkey} // accesses htmlspecialchars($variable[$varkey])
Raw Variables
To access variables in the normal, pre-vB4 fashion, use the following syntax:
{vb:raw variable}
This is equivalent to simply accessing $variable in the pre-vB4 syntax. No treatment is applied to the variable. The same dot operator is used to access array elements.
Curly-Brace Syntax
The general syntax here is
{vb:method arg1[, arg2...]}Inside curly braces, variables can be accessed without using a separate set of surrounding braces. For example,
{vb:method {variable}} // unneccessary extra braces
{vb:method variable}
Built-in Methods
phrase {vb:phrase phrase_name[, arguments for phrase...]} Inserts the specified phrase. If arguments are provided, they will be run through htmlspecialchars.
rawphrase {vb:rawphrase phrase_name[, arguments for phrase...]} As above, though arguments bypass htmlspecialchars.
Example: {vb:rawphrase message_by_x_on_y_at_z, {vb:link member, {vb:raw postinfo}}, {vb:raw postinfo.username}, {vb:raw postinfo.postdate}, {vb:raw postinfo.posttime}}
date {vb:date timestamp[, format]} Formats a UNIX timestamp using the default date format for the active language. A format may also be explicitly specified. Timezone will be corrected for the viewing user.
time {vb:time timestamp[, format]} As above, though uses the default time format instead of date format.
number {vb:number number[, decimals]} Outputs a number having run through vb_number_format for correct locale formatting. Number of decimal places to display can be optionally specified.
raw {vb:raw variable} Outputs the variable raw, without any formatting or escaping.
escapejs {vb:escapejs variable} Returns the variable prepared for use as a Javascript single-quoted string instead of running htmlspecialchars.
urlencode {vb:urlencode variable} Escapes the variable using urlencode.
if {vb:if condition, true[, false]} Use this in instances where the full <vb:if> tag can not be used, such as within HTML tags.
link {vb:link type, info[, extra-info]} Used to build a hyperlink URL of the specified type and into the correct 'friendly' format.
math {vb:math expression} Primarily used within CSS, this is used to evaluate the result of the mathematical expression specified.
stylevar {vb:stylevar name[.sub-part]} Used to output a style variable from the style system. No escaping is performed.
All tags make use of the vb namespace for ease of identification and parsing.
The following tags are available:
literal <vb:literal>misc code</vb:literal> Any code inside vb:literal tags will be treated as plain HTML. No curly-brace syntax or vb:tag markup will be evaluated.
if <vb:if condition="condition">true result</vb:if> If the expression specified in condition is true, the contents of the vb:if tags will be output, otherwise nothing will be output.
elseif <vb:elseif condition="condition" />true result Used in conjunction with vb:if, this allows a secondary condition to be checked and the true result to be output if the condition is met.
else <vb:else />true result Used in conjunction with vb:if, the true result will be output if the vb:if condition failed, and so did any vb:elseif checks.
comment <vb:comment>a comment</vb:comment> In cases where a comment is necessary but the usual <!-- comment --> syntax is undesirable, the vb:comment tag allows its contents to be completely removed upon compiling, so they will not be delivered to the browser. Useful for internal commenting.
each <vb:each from="array" key="key" value="value"></vb:each> This tag will iterate through an array, in a similar manner to foreach. See the example use below.
Example Use of vb:each
// We have an array of users available in PHP.
// It looks like this:
// $users = array(
// 1 => array('username' => 'Adam', 'email' => ''),
// 2 => array('username' => 'Ben', 'email' => ''),
// 3 => array('username' => 'Chris', 'email' => '')
// );
<!-- our template code... -->
<vb:each from="users" key="userid" value="userinfo">
<li><a href="member.php?u={vb:var userid}">{vb:var userinfo.username}</a></li>
<!-- will output... -->
<li><a href="member.php?u=1">Adam</a></li>
<li><a href="member.php?u=2">Ben</a></li>
<li><a href="member.php?u=3">Chris</a></li>
vBulletin 4 Template Syntax
vBulletin 4.0 introduces a rich new syntax for marking-up templates, reducing the need for formatting and escaping to be performed in .php files.
Note that once a template makes use of any vBulletin 4 template syntax, the old syntax will cease to operate for that template. Conversions must be an all-or-nothing affair.
Variable Access
Safe Variables
Going forward, variables should be referenced in templates wherever possible using the following syntax:
{vb:var variable}
Variables accessed in this manner are 'made safe' by being run through htmlspecialchars as they are output.
To access array elements, use a dot operator, rather than standard PHP square brackets:
{vb:var} // accesses htmlspecialchars($variable['foo'])
{vb:var variable.$varkey} // accesses htmlspecialchars($variable[$varkey])
Raw Variables
To access variables in the normal, pre-vB4 fashion, use the following syntax:
{vb:raw variable}
This is equivalent to simply accessing $variable in the pre-vB4 syntax. No treatment is applied to the variable. The same dot operator is used to access array elements.
Curly-Brace Syntax
The general syntax here is
{vb:method arg1[, arg2...]}Inside curly braces, variables can be accessed without using a separate set of surrounding braces. For example,
{vb:method {variable}} // unneccessary extra braces
{vb:method variable}
Built-in Methods
phrase {vb:phrase phrase_name[, arguments for phrase...]} Inserts the specified phrase. If arguments are provided, they will be run through htmlspecialchars.
rawphrase {vb:rawphrase phrase_name[, arguments for phrase...]} As above, though arguments bypass htmlspecialchars.
Example: {vb:rawphrase message_by_x_on_y_at_z, {vb:link member, {vb:raw postinfo}}, {vb:raw postinfo.username}, {vb:raw postinfo.postdate}, {vb:raw postinfo.posttime}}
date {vb:date timestamp[, format]} Formats a UNIX timestamp using the default date format for the active language. A format may also be explicitly specified. Timezone will be corrected for the viewing user.
time {vb:time timestamp[, format]} As above, though uses the default time format instead of date format.
number {vb:number number[, decimals]} Outputs a number having run through vb_number_format for correct locale formatting. Number of decimal places to display can be optionally specified.
raw {vb:raw variable} Outputs the variable raw, without any formatting or escaping.
escapejs {vb:escapejs variable} Returns the variable prepared for use as a Javascript single-quoted string instead of running htmlspecialchars.
urlencode {vb:urlencode variable} Escapes the variable using urlencode.
if {vb:if condition, true[, false]} Use this in instances where the full <vb:if> tag can not be used, such as within HTML tags.
link {vb:link type, info[, extra-info]} Used to build a hyperlink URL of the specified type and into the correct 'friendly' format.
math {vb:math expression} Primarily used within CSS, this is used to evaluate the result of the mathematical expression specified.
stylevar {vb:stylevar name[.sub-part]} Used to output a style variable from the style system. No escaping is performed.
All tags make use of the vb namespace for ease of identification and parsing.
The following tags are available:
literal <vb:literal>misc code</vb:literal> Any code inside vb:literal tags will be treated as plain HTML. No curly-brace syntax or vb:tag markup will be evaluated.
if <vb:if condition="condition">true result</vb:if> If the expression specified in condition is true, the contents of the vb:if tags will be output, otherwise nothing will be output.
elseif <vb:elseif condition="condition" />true result Used in conjunction with vb:if, this allows a secondary condition to be checked and the true result to be output if the condition is met.
else <vb:else />true result Used in conjunction with vb:if, the true result will be output if the vb:if condition failed, and so did any vb:elseif checks.
comment <vb:comment>a comment</vb:comment> In cases where a comment is necessary but the usual <!-- comment --> syntax is undesirable, the vb:comment tag allows its contents to be completely removed upon compiling, so they will not be delivered to the browser. Useful for internal commenting.
each <vb:each from="array" key="key" value="value"></vb:each> This tag will iterate through an array, in a similar manner to foreach. See the example use below.
Example Use of vb:each
// We have an array of users available in PHP.
// It looks like this:
// $users = array(
// 1 => array('username' => 'Adam', 'email' => ''),
// 2 => array('username' => 'Ben', 'email' => ''),
// 3 => array('username' => 'Chris', 'email' => '')
// );
<!-- our template code... -->
<vb:each from="users" key="userid" value="userinfo">
<li><a href="member.php?u={vb:var userid}">{vb:var userinfo.username}</a></li>
<!-- will output... -->
<li><a href="member.php?u=1">Adam</a></li>
<li><a href="member.php?u=2">Ben</a></li>
<li><a href="member.php?u=3">Chris</a></li>