08-19-2009, 10:00 PM
[snap] BBcode
-Version 1.0-
Created by C?dric Claerhout
for www.vBulletin(-fr).org (
Version history:
2009 august 20: version 1.0 is out
This BBcode, which is provided as a product file, is based on Webthumb ( service. It consists of making screen capture of a website. It's working the following way: user borders website url with [snap] BBcode. When he valides a message, the website url is sent to Webthumb server, which sends back a picture that will be save on your server. Then, time has come for BBcode [snap] to be replaced by its brotherhood [IMG] BBcode, which will load picture from your server
You HAVE to open an account on Webthumb website in order to get an APIkey. This kind of license will allow you to make 100 screenshots per month. This product has been created to make you able to enter a default APIKEY for all your users AND, if you want it, you can create a User Profile Field to allow users to enter their own APIKEY.
This module can be automatically integrated to Advanced BB Codes Toolbar (
There are many options:
Usergroups permissions
Default APIkey
User APIkey
Image format
Image default size
Horizontal resolution
Vertical resolution
Multi sizes?
Multi-Snap Option
Advanced BB Codes Toolbar Integration
Single-button Option with Advanced BB Codes Toolbar
Don't use this product on crowded forum except if you configure it for a few number of users. The reason : when user submits a message with [snap] bbcodes inside, the website "snapped" URL is sent to Webthumb, but during this time your server is waiting for Webthumb answer. And if this answer is taking to much time to come, an SQL error will be displayed. Nothing serious but your admin email account will be spammed with error messages. Quite boring.
I don't think I will be able to improve this product. I've reached my coding limits. So if a smart coder wants to continue this project, please do ! For your information, Webthumb uses a GNU license. For my vB Code, you can modify it as you want (with or without sourcing me) providing to distribute your modification on
I'm sorry but I will not support this modification
-Version 1.0-
Created by C?dric Claerhout
for www.vBulletin(-fr).org (
Version history:
2009 august 20: version 1.0 is out
This BBcode, which is provided as a product file, is based on Webthumb ( service. It consists of making screen capture of a website. It's working the following way: user borders website url with [snap] BBcode. When he valides a message, the website url is sent to Webthumb server, which sends back a picture that will be save on your server. Then, time has come for BBcode [snap] to be replaced by its brotherhood [IMG] BBcode, which will load picture from your server
You HAVE to open an account on Webthumb website in order to get an APIkey. This kind of license will allow you to make 100 screenshots per month. This product has been created to make you able to enter a default APIKEY for all your users AND, if you want it, you can create a User Profile Field to allow users to enter their own APIKEY.
This module can be automatically integrated to Advanced BB Codes Toolbar (
There are many options:
Usergroups permissions
Default APIkey
User APIkey
Image format
Image default size
Horizontal resolution
Vertical resolution
Multi sizes?
Multi-Snap Option
Advanced BB Codes Toolbar Integration
Single-button Option with Advanced BB Codes Toolbar
Don't use this product on crowded forum except if you configure it for a few number of users. The reason : when user submits a message with [snap] bbcodes inside, the website "snapped" URL is sent to Webthumb, but during this time your server is waiting for Webthumb answer. And if this answer is taking to much time to come, an SQL error will be displayed. Nothing serious but your admin email account will be spammed with error messages. Quite boring.
I don't think I will be able to improve this product. I've reached my coding limits. So if a smart coder wants to continue this project, please do ! For your information, Webthumb uses a GNU license. For my vB Code, you can modify it as you want (with or without sourcing me) providing to distribute your modification on
I'm sorry but I will not support this modification