View Full Version : Just thought i'd share my new Navbar replacement.

08-20-2009, 05:16 AM
Its meant to kinda be like the old navbar, but with a few less things that aren't that important.

It has cyb's dynamic "new post" thing built into it, as well as a customized ajax search system. *** Removed *** You WILL have to select the "Test Theme" however. Otherwise you might wonder what i'm talking about. 've also managed to create multi level popup menus that allow tables. Navbar always stays docked at the top of the screen.

Below is a screenshot.


08-20-2009, 05:55 AM
Since VB is just links you can make nav bars out of anything , www.xara.com is the best flash nav bar software , ive used it a lot

Marco van Herwaarden
08-20-2009, 11:20 AM
Moved to reviews.

Please don't ask our members to register on your forums. If you want to show something that is only available to members, please provide a test login.

08-20-2009, 03:07 PM
Anyone can view it, you don't have to register.

08-20-2009, 03:40 PM
You WILL have to select the "Test Theme" however. Otherwise you might wonder what i'm talking about.
Hehe. Yeah, I went to your site and was thinking the navbar was the same as the default. Then I read this (OK, sometimes I do things a bit backwards!) and yeah, nice navbar!

08-20-2009, 10:54 PM
Thanks. Floats... I found out the vBmenus do NOT work with float. Thats the key thing about my menu.. Its kinda shuffling vbulletin towards a "web app" instead of a whole bunch of webpages. I had to re-write everything pretty much from scratch. I'm pretty proud of it. I plan on having my buddy list as a dropdown under the "Member Tools", as well as other things like maybe a quickPM with username matching and some other things.

Thanks for the compliment