View Full Version : search function

07-06-2001, 06:15 PM
can this be done?

you have:
"and number of posts is greater then:"
"and number of posts is less then:"

can there be also:
"and started thread is greater then"
"and started threads is less then:"


should be in admin cp in all search function like find users and email users etc.

07-07-2001, 02:04 PM

07-11-2001, 04:44 PM
this shouldnt be that hard?

Steve Machol
07-11-2001, 04:56 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by DeadlyMax
this shouldnt be that hard?

07-11-2001, 05:39 PM
well with the xx threads started hack dont remember who made it
but with that hack it should be easy to include this
but becuz im not a php guy and dont know much about it i cant do it myself..
i think you need the resource of the xx threads started hack and the source of the post is less then: .. and post is greater then: .. source and then it shouldnt be that hard to make it..
well thats what i think it sound easy but yeah i think alot more will be involved
but like i said i dont know alot about it