View Full Version : Database backup issue

08-15-2009, 03:49 PM
Hi guys,

I have a MAJOR issue with the backup of vBulletin, basically my issue starts off with taking a back up...

My host only allows me one table in the database so I have Wordpress and vBulletin running from the same table, when I took a backup I backed up vBulletin and Wordpress via AdminCP because I was using ImPex to import another forum for a merge... The forum merge messed up a bit so I used phpMyAdmin to restore the backup now all of the wordpress and forum posts cut off when a special character is introduced into the post...

I've done quite a bit of research and a hell of a lot of imports over the last 8 hours and it seems the problem lies with the special characters in my original SQL file... Whenever I upload the file in phpMyAdmin it ignores everything after a special character, by this i mean ? $ % ` etc, but the original SQL file still holds all of the posts regardless of the characters... How can I import the data and make sure it includes the special characters?

Bare in mind I know my way around php and mysql but im in no way advanced.

I apreciate any help in advance... This is my site that I have run for the last 2 years and it has a fairly large amount of traffic and while it is screwed I am losing visits in a massive way!

Thanks guys!

--------------- Added 1250355174 at 1250355174 ---------------

this isnt appearing in the forum?

--------------- Added 1250372035 at 1250372035 ---------------

I've just stumbled onto something, it looks as if my database has merged itself into vb_attachments table anyway I can sort this?

08-15-2009, 09:11 PM
See if your host will temporarily allow you an additional database.

Either way, you should try restoring your database to a new database name and see if it restores without issues. If you have a PC running linux and mysql available to you, that will suffice. From a command line:

mysql -uuser -ppassword -Dnewdb <backup.sql

The items in italics would represent your credentials, the new database name, and your backup filename.

If the database restores without errors, then you know the status of your database backup.

08-17-2009, 01:41 PM
I found the issue and fixed it...

vBulletins backup character set is UTF-8 and Wordpress is Latin1 - I just seperated the SQL file in Notepad++ and reuploaded the Wordpress entries in Latin1 and it worked