View Full Version : End-User Options - UKBL ~ Clickable / Rotational / Timed Signature Banners

08-12-2009, 10:00 PM
UKBL ~ Clickable / Rotational / Timed Signature Banners

Well by popular demand here goes, This hack will allow Admins, Moderators the ability to add a clickable, rotational, timed siganture to your forum postbit.

Gone are the days where you can only have 1 or 2 links, now you can advertise to your hearts content, your not doing nothing wrong, only one signature banner at a time. ;)

Admins Make some extra $$$$ by offering this as a paid service to your members.

So are you ready ??? ;)

Step 1,

We'll need my rotating timed banner code from this hack here https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=202009

But to save you the hassle its all in the zip file here, ready to download, Firstly open the Rotating.txt file in notepad or a similar text editor

<title>UKBL ~ Clickable/Rotational/Timed Signatures</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function adArray() {
for (i=0; i*2<adArray.arguments.length; i++) {
this = new Object();
this[i].src = adArray.arguments[i*2];
this[i].href = adArray.arguments[i*2+1];
this.length = i;
function getAdNum() {
dat = new Date();
dat = (dat.getTime()+"").charAt(8);
if (dat.length == 1)
ad_num = dat%ads.length;
ad_num = 0;
return ad_num;
var ads = new adArray(

var ad_num = getAdNum();

document.write('<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 border=0><tr><td '
+'<A href="'+ads[ad_num].href+'"><IMG SRC="'+ads[ad_num].src+'" '
+'height="60" width="468" border="0" name="js_ad"></a></td></tr></table>');

link_num = document.links.length-1;

function rotateBanner() {
if (document.images) {
ad_num = (ad_num+1)%ads.length;
document.js_ad.src = ads[ad_num].src;
document.links[link_num].href = ads[ad_num].href;

// -->

The look for the following....


Basically what you see is what you get, the top line is the url of your image, you can save it to forums/images/misc or even photobucket, like my example above, The second line is the url to the site, Thats its just repeat this for all the ad banners you have and write up the code. Easy. You can use 2 banners or 200 the choice is yours. Once you've edited the files with the urls of your banner graphics, you need to save the file as "Index.html"

Now comes the exiting part :rolleyes:

Part 2

We will now need to create a new directory on our server/webspace, but with a twist :erm:

We're going to make a directory called "rotate.jpg"

Thats right, complete with extension

Then we go to our newly created directory and we'll add that code above which we just saved as "index.html"

Are you with me???

So this is what you should have looking at your forum structure


Now just go to your User CP and add the url to point to that directory you just created "rotate.jpg" like below


Now your signatures will rotate, Be timed and clickable ;)

By the way, to change the lenght of time that your signature banner rotates, go to the main code and look for


Now you need to change the time delay, its in milliseconds, don't forget that, so if you want your ads to change every 10 seconds like the code above, you leave it on 10000, if you want 8 seconds, you need to change the code to 8000 in both lines, likewise 5 seconds = 5000

Then just save the file :D

Don't set it too quick as you could be seen to be spamming
Just be gentle ;)


[I]Don't forget to click installed if you want support ;)