View Full Version : Enlighten [Admin CP Style]

08-08-2009, 10:00 PM
I would like to thank nutz (Mathew Summerfield - fromBasics.com) who worked for me in the past for coding a custom Admin CP style based off my commercial enlighten skin.

This is a commercial skin, but since it turned out so well and no actual skin code / graphics are really used I felt it would be nice to offer this as a free download for vB users

This is a ‘cpstyle’ for your vBulletin admin/moderator control panel, the style is based off the new eXtremepixels enlighten skin.


1. Unzip “vBulletin_3_enlighten” and upload to cpstyles (site.com/forum/cpstyles/)
2. Log into your Admin control panel.
3. vBulletin Options.
4. Admin Control Panel Options.
5. Set it to ‘vBulletin_3_enlighten’.

Thanks again to Mat for doing all the work

08-09-2009, 04:59 AM
Nice style, thank you.