View Full Version : How to ste up usergroups based on age??

Mustang Sally
08-02-2009, 07:05 PM
How to set up usergroups based on age and only allow certain usergroups to view and participate in forums?? I am trying to set up a youth and parent forums, but I don't want children allowed in the parent section and vise verse. Can this be done??

08-07-2009, 05:20 PM
How to set up usergroups based on age and only allow certain usergroups to view and participate in forums?? I am trying to set up a youth and parent forums, but I don't want children allowed in the parent section and vise verse. Can this be done??


I think this has been asked quite a few times, The honest answer is that your never going to have a 100% foolproof way of seperating different age groups, Kids will still attempt to sign up as adults and vice versa.

Best thing you can do is start everyone as a general user and offer Memberships to the adult and kids forums seperately and only after they have been vetted by you, By this i mean, say for example, an adult wanted to join the Adult Forums, Then your going to need to see some form of ID, or age related material before granting access to the adult forums.

Likewise as with the Kids, I guess the best way would be to post them a parental consent form, to be signed by their parents as proof of age, but having said that, thats also open to fraud.

So basically any which way you decide to go with, your gonna need a few man hours to impliment this scheme.

Good Luck :up: