View Full Version : "Bump" Feature

08-01-2009, 05:18 PM
On Runescape.com official forums (or at least how they had it, 2 years ago when I last played), on your own thread, or another thread, you can see the word "Bump" in the top. You click it, and it doesn't add a post to the thread (to reduce spamming), but it bumps it to the top of the list. A thread owner can bump his/her own thread once or twice, and then the option disappears and it's not allowed anymore.

Would this be possible?

08-02-2009, 06:53 PM
No comments yet?

Alisa Lindsay
08-06-2009, 12:01 PM

Zetaboards and InvisionFree both offer a feature similar to this as well. It is a feature I'd love to get for my board as currently we've no way of showing edited posts as New which we need as we're a RPG board.

08-06-2009, 01:48 PM
I've seen this discussed a few times and someone said they were gonna create a mod for it. I don't know if they ever did or if they just did it for the user in that one thread. You may want to do a search on this topic.

Alisa Lindsay
08-06-2009, 07:00 PM
Thanks again for your response, Lynne.

I don't know about Winterworks, but I have tried every search using variations on this topic that I can think of and have not located the mod or the discussion.

However, Winterworks, I did find several Bump Topic Mods using Bump Topic as a search string. I even installed one which solves part of our problem.


-- Alisa