View Full Version : Move zero reply threads to forum(s)

Simon Lloyd
07-30-2009, 08:57 AM
Hi all,
i need to have a product or plugin that can move threads from one forum to another if the thread is 5 days old and zero replies, but leave a redirect.

I can find plenty of products at vb.org that move posts/threads but none do what i need, can someone help?

Perhaps using Forum Based options:

When creating or editing a forum

Auto-Move Threads
Enable Auto-Move Threads for this forum? (Yes/No)
Move Threads if reply count is this or lower (Textbox)
Move threads if thread age is this or older (Textbox)
Move threads to this forum (Drop Down Box)
Redirect (Drop Down Box) options: Pemanent or Expiring (expiry can be set at 2 months)

Simon Lloyd
08-01-2009, 02:20 PM
Anyone got any ideas for this?