View Full Version : Mini Mods - Live Thread Title Preview

07-27-2009, 10:00 PM
This small mod uses jQuery to show you a live preview of the thread title, vital to any board :rolleyes:

Demo (http://www.theflickzone.com/) - You will have to register :erm:

07-28-2009, 04:57 AM
thank you for this job

04-21-2010, 03:27 PM
thank you installed !

steven s
05-08-2010, 12:45 PM
What exactly does this do?
Installed with no effect.

New Joe
05-08-2010, 04:22 PM
What exactly does this do?
Installed with no effect.

I was wondering the same, installed it and had no idea what it did, so took it out

05-17-2010, 10:25 AM
thank you!!!

@New Joe it shows the user the name of the thread.

08-27-2010, 05:03 AM
I was wondering the same, installed it and had no idea what it did, so took it out

It shows the new thread title in the browser's title bar.

04-28-2012, 12:39 AM
Google Chrome not work