View Full Version : Random Number Generator

07-24-2009, 06:58 AM
I havent seen a mod like this anywhere, so I' m hoping may you guys can help me out.

What I want to have is a mod where during posting the user (with appropriate permissions) can click a check box next to 'Generate Random Number' this could be under additional post options.

Then two fields would be displayed for a Min and Max boundary.

Once the user posts, a random number would be generated and displayed, next to the body of the post. With a heading "This user generated a random number between X and Y, it is Z"

As I said, a similar functionality is available on the online community gaiaonline.com however I havent seen this made for vB. Am I missing something or could someone help me out and make this mod?

07-24-2009, 07:01 AM
This sounds rather simple...

I'll look into how Gaia uses it. Either that, or I'll reread this thread tomorrow. I'm so tired that I can't read straight.