View Full Version : Change style id no.

07-24-2009, 12:20 AM
Is there a way to change the style id number? I have a style number 55 and want to change it to number 1. Is there a way?

07-24-2009, 12:42 PM
I dont think so, but however you can download the number 55 style then upload it back and merge with no 1 style .

In the upload style option there is merge into style option, you can merge that no55 to no1 style. so now the no 55 will be no 1.

but backup every style you want to change and know the exact style id.

Marco van Herwaarden
07-27-2009, 08:07 AM
The style-id is just an internal reference number. It has no meaning, but it should not be changed.

10-18-2009, 10:14 PM
I think i have a problem on photopost because of the style id ..since i deleted the style 0.

is there a way to give my new style the 0 number ?

thanks ?

10-18-2009, 10:53 PM
There is no style 0. The MASTER STYLE is styleid -1 and the default style your forum is 'born' with is styleid 1, so I don't know what you mean about deleting style 0.

10-18-2009, 11:05 PM
Well i don't have any style with that id ...so it means my master style is gone. i guess. Is there a fix for this ?

10-19-2009, 12:05 AM
You would not see your MASTER STYLE unless you were in debug mode. It is not displayed on a normal forum. If you just want a new style that is totally default, do this:

Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Add New Style
Parent Style: No Parent Style
Title: Default vBulletin
Allow User Selection: Yes

08-25-2011, 02:29 PM
I just did it:

1. run the following sql:

UPDATE style SET styleid='##NEWSTYLEID##', parentlist = '##NEWSTYLEID##,-1' WHERE styleid='##OLDSTYLEID##';
UPDATE stylevar SET styleid='##NEWSTYLEID##' WHERE styleid='##OLDSTYLEID##';
UPDATE template SET styleid='##NEWSTYLEID##' WHERE styleid='##OLDSTYLEID##';
UPDATE templatehistory SET styleid='##NEWSTYLEID##' WHERE styleid='##OLDSTYLEID##';

2. Go to Maintenance > Update Counters > Rebuild Styles. Run
3. Go to Settings > Options > Style & Language Settings. Click Save (no changes necessarily)

That should do it.