View Full Version : Reputation timer

07-14-2009, 09:51 PM
I've been looking around but there doesn't seem to be a mod out there for this, so I'm requesting it here.

What I'd like is to add an additional check (or a feature) to rep system, which would be a timer. The timer value of say 1 week would serve the purpose of allowing those people who use the rep system relatively rarely to bypass the rep spread requirement IF their last rep hit was made outside of the wait time value set for the timer.

To illustrate:

NOW: User X tries to rep user Y. They get the error telling them they have to spread more rep around because 1 month back, they gave rep to the same user (and no other users since).

WITH THIS MOD: User X tries to rep user Y. They are allowed to do so, because it's been more than 1 week since they've last repped that user.


Would that be hard to do or have any other potential issues that I haven't envisioned? Thanks.

07-27-2009, 02:12 PM