View Full Version : Active topics

07-03-2001, 08:17 AM
I have a snitz forum and I want to change for a vbulletin but one feature I like on snitz is the active topic page. It is possible for example to view all active topics since one week or 3 days...
My question : is there an equivalent feature in vbulletin ? or a hack to do this ?

PS : My english is perhaps not very good cause I am french :D

Freddie Bingham
07-03-2001, 04:37 PM
Yes you can find hacks to do such things.

07-03-2001, 06:55 PM
Hello freddie !
Thaks for your reply !
Can you tell me which hack can do this please ?

07-04-2001, 04:24 AM
Originally posted by squall
Can you tell me which hack can do this please ?
Hint: The search feature is your friend. ;)

10-09-2002, 03:36 PM
yeah the search feature just brings me to threads like this. if guys like u would help people we wouldnt have to search every single thread to find what we want