View Full Version : New Posting Features - Automatic Thread Tagger From Post Content and Title
07-10-2009, 10:00 PM
VERSION 4.1.2 RELEASED - prepare for real revolution in tags! :D
What this mod do:
Each time new post arrives (as new thread or reply) this mod will automatically add tags according to post content, title and existing tags in forum. It will also automatically add new tags to old threads.
In details:
It will add only tags which already exists in your forum if it will be included in your post title or content.
It works simple - if title or content includes tag word, then tag will be added to this thread.
Simple and fast. And also have lot of sophisticated functionalities - see below :)
In more details ;):
I.e. if you already have in forum such tags as autohypnosis, hypnosis, nlp, and submodalities. Now someone will write post like this (as reply or new thread):
Title: Hello NLP fans
Content: I like to use autohypnosis!
So this mod will automatically add for thread where post is written such tags: autohypnosis, nlp
nlp - cause it is in title; autohypnosis - cause it is in content
hypnosis is included in word autohypnosis, but this mod is smart enough to see that there is no separate word hypnosis neither in title nor in content - so it is not added :)
submodalities and any other existing tag is not added here, cause it is not included either in content or title of new post.
In more details with sophisticated functionalities :D:
Also this mod will add tags propositions for each word existing in post title which is not a tag yet. So for this example 2 tags propositions will be added: hello and fans.
You can approve tags propositions manually or set quarantine time after which propositions will automaticaly change to tags.
This mod allows you to define related words for each tag. It means that now tag word don't have to be included in post - it is enough if any of related words is included to add tag :up:
I.e. if you have tag cat then you can define for it related words like: cats,kitty,kitties,lion,tiger. Now if any of those words appears in post then tag cat will be added :)
This is really great if you want have tag added no matter does word will be used singular or plural, or in which time it will be or maybe in your language you have to inflect words. Like in Polish we have: krowa, krowy, krowie, krową - for same word krowa. Now no matter how is inflected tag word in post and no matter in which language is your forum - this mod will appropriately add this tag! :)
You can also use this functionality to define tag packs. I.e. I want that every time when someone is writing about hypnosis or trans, booth hypnosis and trans tags to be added. In such case I simply define trans as related word for hypnosis tag and hypnosis as related word for trans tag :)
This mod also allows you to set default tags for forum. So each new and old thread in forum will be tagged by those tags :) It could be very useful - for example I have forum with good news and I want each thread in this forum to be tagged by newspaper, and news - so I simply write it in forum configuration and mod cares about everything! Is it great or just amazing? ;)
Also with this mod You can just click one link in menu and it will add tags to all already existing threads. So If you was happy that now all new posts will be properly tagged, I have great news for you - now all threads will be properly tagged - even old one :)
Also every day this mod will automatically check does some new tags appears and in such case it will add new tags to all already existing threads which includes this keyword in content or title. So now not only all threads will be properly tagged for moment when you use functionality described above. It will keep all tags in all threads up to date continuously :D
Automatically adds tags to new posts/threads according to content, title and already existing tags in forum.
Allows you to set default tags for forum and will create those tags if don't exists
Tags related words functionality
Automatically creates tags propositions according to posts titles for words which are not tags yet
Configurable creation tags proposition (on/off)
Configurable quarantine time for tags propositions - after this time propositins will be automatically changed to tags (can be dissabled)
Allows manually approve and disapprove tags propositions
Aliases for setting tag min and max length with this mod options
Respects tag min and max length settings when creates tags propositions
Configurable set of ignored words during tags propositions creation
Allows you to create tags propositions from all posts titles
You can configure this mod to work only for new threads, or for each post - even replies.
Sophisticated keyword searching (will not add as tags words included in other words)
Configurable words separators for sophisticated searching
Automatically adds new tags to old threads (daily)
Allows you to add tags to all threads
Allows you to clear all tags associations to threads
Gives you alias to Tags form, so you can easy manage them
Gives you alias to Forum Manager form, so you can easily set default tags for forum
Creates new tags if defined ad default tags for forum and not exists
Allows you to add new tag and related words in one step.
You can configure, to how many threads should be added tags, per one page of execution of "Add tags to all threads" task
Respects Maximum Tags per Thread setting
Gives you alias to set native vBulletin Maximum Tags per Thread setting in one menu with other settings of this mod
Version checking supportedAnd commercial :D:
It is very useful for everyone who wants to keep an eye on tags, and doesn't want just each word from title automatically added.
So with this mod you know that only valuable tags are automatically added.
In some languages (like mine - Polish) same word is different according to whole sentence - i.e. in English is just cow and cows - in Polish we have: krowa, krowy, krowie, krową... And I didn't want all of those to make garbage of my tags, so I was not able to mod which was just adding every word which appears in title - it was too weak for me. I really wan to have only valuable tags ant that’s why I created this mod :)
Also with this mod thanks to related words functionality I'm sure that tag will be added no matter in which person, time or quantity the tag word is used in post! And also allows me to create groups of related tags!
When I wrote post I just to add tags myself, but also had to do this for other users who just add post and doesn't care about tags.
You know that? Now this mod will do it for you and also you will forget about tags writing, because after some time in most forums new tags are very rare, and mostly are used tags which already exist.
It was very important for me to have such solution and I want to share :) Enjoy!
NOTE if you made update from version older than 4.1.1 then please read first this message before update: additional update steps (
In other cases - just install/update to last release :)
Version History:
4.1.3 Small fix for php4 users. Do not need to update if you have working version
4.1.2 Bug corrected for related words finished with comma
4.1.1 Removed aliases for native vBulletin settings.
4.1.0 Respects tag min and max length settings when creates tags propositions, also aliases for this settings added to this mod settings group. Fixed bug for changing propositions to tags with special characters.
4.0.1 Solved bug in creation propositions for all posts with option threads only
4.0.0 Mod creates new tags - first as tags propositions, after that as tags (automatically or after manual approve - configurable). Also added set of configuration options to handle tags propositions and option to add tags propositions from titles of all posts. See first post to know how exactly works tags propositions.
3.0.1 Small bug fixed in alias
3.0.0 Related words functionality, sophisticated searching, default forum tags and others :)
NOTE: upgrading from version 1.X.X or 2.X.X to 3.0.X you have to uninstall previous version! In Admin CP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products
2.1.0 Mod respects native vBulletin Maximum Tags per Thread setting
2.0.2 Added param which allows to configure, to how many threads should be added tags, per one page of execution of "Add tags to all threads" task.
2.0.1 Small bug fixed with table prefixes.
2.0.0 Added scheduled task, which adds new tags to old posts. Also added function allowing to add tags to all existing posts.
1.1.0 Added option which allows to choose do you want this mod works only for new threads or for each post - even replies. By default it works for all new posts.
1.0.0 Just great mod released :D
1. Download
zip file from here (download last release - see index at the end of file name - nothing more - other files are only history)
2. Upload
to your forum directory everything what is included in upload directory
3. Import
in vB Admin CP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product -> Choose product file, set Allow Overwrite to yes and click Import
4. Click : "Mark as Installed" ( :D Thanks!
5. (Optional) Customize settings
in Admin CP -> Thread Tagger -> Options
6. (Optional) Define default tags for forums
in Admin CP -> Thread Tagger -> Forum Manager choose forum and find Automatic Thread Tagger From Post Content and Title settings (see screenshots)
7. (Optional) Define tag related words
see Thread Tagger menu. Can be done in any time and in parts.
8. (Optional) Clear all tags assotiations
see Thread Tagger menu.
9. (Optional) Add tags to old threads
Admin CP -> Thread Tagger -> Add Tags To All Threads (NOTE: if you want to do this it is advised to make clean-up in your tags, especially if you had other - the old tag adder which was adding every word from title and probably already made a garbage in your tags)
07-11-2009, 01:48 AM
Hello :)
Content of this post will change in time, because it will summarize most common questions/issues, presented by users. So If you don't feel happy to read whole discussion - here you have shortcut :)
1. On which vB versions it will work?
It is tested for 3.8.2 but can work on other versions. For older vB versions you have to modify product file and set minversion="3.8.2" to your version. Right now it is confirmed to work on vB versions:
- 3.8.0
- 3.8.2
- 3.8.3
Please confirm other versions :)
2. Will this mod work with Persian(Farsi), Arabic or any other language?
Yes. I have confirmed that it works with Arabic, and should with any other :)
Already confirmed languages:
- Arabic
- English
- Polish
I will be grateful if you confirm other languages - it will help the others who are thinking about, install this mod :)
Also will motivate me to give you more great plugins :D
3. How this mod adds new tags? I don't want to have garbage in my tags...
Remember - creating new tag and assigning it to thread those are 2 different things.
This mod NEVER creates new tags directly, so it will never mess up your tags. Automatic creation of new tags is fast way to have garbage in tags.
This mod only assigns already existing tags to threads - new and old one. It will assign a tag to thread if this thread contains tag keyword in content or title of any of its posts (or first one - it's configurable).
It will also create tags propositions for each word in post title which is not tag yet. You can manage those propositions and approve it or dissaprove. Propositions are not viwible by any user! You can manage those only in Admin CP.
Such way You define what is important for you by creating tags (and you do it only once per tag), and this mod assures you that whenever people are writing about any of important things - those threads will be appropriately tagged :)
No automat can decide for you what is important - so this mod says: "You are the master my lord - just tell me what's important and I'm gonna fallow your orders".
Note that you are able to configure tags propositions for automatic approve after quarantine time if you want.
4. How can I create new tags?
You can create new tags in 6 ways.
1st when you create new post and suspect that some important keyword doesn’t exists as tag yet - then you just add it when write a post. After that this mod will add new tags to all appropriate threads.
2nd when you already created post and see that something what you expected to exist as tag really doesn't - then just add tag for this thread. After that this mod will add new tags to all appropriate threads.
3rd in AdminCP -> Thread Tagger -> Tags Related Words -> Add Tag
4th you can manually approve tags propositions what will change those to tags
5th you can set quarantine time after which tags propositions will be automatically approved and changed to tags
6th allow old thread tagger to create new tags. This is also a way, but it will make a garbage in your tags, since you will have absolutely no control what is added as new tag.
Note - no matter which way you use mod will work. You just have to create tags - mod will assign those to threads. 2 first ways already assign tag to one thread (mod will assign it to rest), 3rd way only create tag without any assignment - also mod will take care of this :) 4th allows you easly response for new posts content. 5th and 6th are messy and not advised.
5. How much work I will have with tags creation?
It depends of your forum. You don't have to set all possible tags at once. You can add new whenever are needed - mod will handle this :) At my forum which is about 2 main topics (nlp and hypnosis), when I started to use tags, after few posts I was mainly adding same tags over and over again. That's why I created this mod. Add tag once, and let mod to assign it where it's appropriate.
Right now when tags proposal are rated automatically it can be few clicks :)
6. Do I have to create all tags myself?
Of course no - some of your users for sure cares about tags and add those. As owner you probably know what keywords are most important and which should exists as tags, so it is wise to add it. But as I already wrote you can add new ones whenever you want - this mod will assign it to old threads where is appropriate. If you want to have full tag control you can also limit other users and take theme right to create new tags (in Usergroup Manager) - it is up to you. You are the master here :) Of course you can also allow the old tagger mod to be master and automatically add every word from title, but this way you finish with lot of garbage. One more time - it's up to you which way you prefer :)
7. How this mod differs from old thread tagger mod?
This mod never creates new tags directly - only assigns existing tags to threads.
This mod creates for you tags propositions according to posts titles - you can approve or disapprove those manually or set quarantine time after which will be automatically approved.
This mod parses not only title but also content of post.
This mod works not only for first post, but for all posts in thread (you can configure it).
This mod adds you such funtionalities as tag related words, forum default tags, and many others :)
8. When this mod adds new tags to old posts?
It is scheduled and executed daily :)
9. I approved some of tags propositions - what now?
For you it's everything :) Whenever tag proposition is approved (manually or after quarantine time) it automatically becomes tag. So it will be assigned just when scheduled job for new tags will be executed. If you want you can run it manually from Admin CP, but it is not necessary because it is executed daily :)
07-11-2009, 02:09 AM
could be very useful. I will keep an eye on this.
07-11-2009, 02:22 AM
If it works with Ajax (unlike the other auto thread tagger), I'll try it. Somebody else go first. :)
07-11-2009, 02:32 AM
If it works with Ajax (unlike the other auto thread tagger), I'll try it. Somebody else go first. :)
No - it just add new tags when post is send - no Ajax here ;)
Thanks that it is fast and able to parse whole (even long) post - not only title :)
Also - I made it mostly thinking about forum users who don’t think about tags ;) So they don't care at all about seeing tags with Ajax feature - they don't care about tags at all. And good - cause now cares this mod! :D
So you still can try this one :)
07-11-2009, 02:46 AM
No, you misunderstand. I wasn't asking for Ajax. The problem with the other thread tagger is it breaks the functionality of other Ajax mods. Specifically, the one I linked to in the other thread.
07-11-2009, 04:29 AM
Good Morning,
Very good Idea. Thank you for hat Add on.
Is just installed that one.
Has anybody an Idea how to delete all Tags that I don?t like from the old post?
I used the old thread tagger so I do have some Tags in I don?t like.
just see there is an optoin in the ACP - 373 pages :(
07-11-2009, 10:06 AM
Very Nice ..
Installed :)
Thanks NLP-er .
07-11-2009, 05:19 PM
Works well, you just need to establish your tags yourself and then it will search for them and add them after every new post
Brandon Sheley
07-11-2009, 05:56 PM
nice mod, thanks for sharing
how is it different that the other auto tagger?
I can find a link if you don't know what mod I'm talking about
I use the other one on my forum, just wondering how this one is better/different as I might use this one instead :)
07-11-2009, 07:05 PM
nice mod, thanks for sharing
how is it different that the other auto tagger?
I can find a link if you don't know what mod I'm talking about
I use the other one on my forum, just wondering how this one is better/different as I might use this one instead :)
same question
07-11-2009, 07:05 PM
woooooooow thx thx
07-11-2009, 07:07 PM
what about Persian(farsi) and arabic ? is it supported also ?
07-11-2009, 07:45 PM
it work white me my forume arabic
07-11-2009, 08:32 PM
No, you misunderstand. I wasn't asking for Ajax. The problem with the other thread tagger is it breaks the functionality of other Ajax mods. Specifically, the one I linked to in the other thread.
So - this one will not break any Ajax functionality of any other mod, because it doesn't use Ajax and works on server side :)
07-11-2009, 08:38 PM
nice mod, thanks for sharing
how is it different that the other auto tagger?
I can find a link if you don't know what mod I'm talking about
I use the other one on my forum, just wondering how this one is better/different as I might use this one instead :)
I know which one you write about (I think ;)). This one is different in 2 main points:
1. This mod adds only tags which already exist in forum; the other mod adds new ones from titles, so at the end you finish with lot of garbage in your tags. But not with this mod :) here only valuable tags are added, because you define it before.
2. This mod adds tags parsing title and content of pos; the other mod uses only title.
07-11-2009, 08:40 PM
what about Persian(farsi) and arabic ? is it supported also ?
Should work with all languages, because in background navite vBulletin tag functionality is used. This mod just add it automatically.
07-11-2009, 11:13 PM
pls shoud i add tagees manuly or i let it for the hake do it for me
07-12-2009, 03:36 AM
pls shoud i add tagees manuly or i let it for the hake do it for me
First manually - so mod will know which tags you are interested. After that mod will add tags for you and anybody every time when tag word occurs in post content or title :) This way mod adds only relevant tags not just any word which exists.
In my forum after few days of using tag system I added all relevant tags, just with new posts, after that by months used only those (if your forum is about specific topic, or several topics, then all posts are around those topics). So I thought - It is just stupid - I add over and over same tags in my posts, and also had to add when someone forget - why some mod doesn't do this for me?... And now it does :)
This mod adds tags not only for new topics - but with every post. That was my 2nd nightmare with tags. Topic was about X and after few replies people was talking about Y and Z and other related topics. I had enough to spy every little post and look does thread needs new tags.
If you know what I'm talking about, then it means that, this mod is created for you :)
07-12-2009, 03:43 AM
Good Morning,
Very good Idea. Thank you for hat Add on.
Is just installed that one.
Has anybody an Idea how to delete all Tags that I don’t like from the old post?
I used the old thread tagger so I do have some Tags in I don’t like.
just see there is an optoin in the ACP - 373 pages :(
Not sure does question is still up-to-date, because of erasure, but if someone will need it in the future:
To delete tags (or better merge it if for example you have bandler and richard bandler, you don't have to lose any tag data about thread tags - you can just merge it to one tag), you have to go to Admin CP -> Threads & Posts -> Tags and there you have all what you need :)
You have 373 pages of tags - note that you have Tags per column param :)
07-12-2009, 08:45 AM
First manually - so mod will know which tags you are interested. After that mod will add tags for you and anybody every time when tag word occurs in post content or title :) This way mod adds only relevant tags not just any word which exists.
In my forum after few days of using tag system I added all relevant tags, just with new posts, after that by months used only those (if your forum is about specific topic, or several topics, then all posts are around those topics). So I thought - It is just stupid - I add over and over same tags in my posts, and also had to add when someone forget - why some mod doesn't do this for me?... And now it does :)
This mod adds tags not only for new topics - but with every post. That was my 2nd nightmare with tags. Topic was about X and after few replies people was talking about Y and Z and other related topics. I had enough to spy every little post and look does thread needs new tags.
If you know what I'm talking about, then it means that, this mod is created for you :)
thx for your respond
what i do is uplode the prodect and there was any control for it in the admin cp
second what i understand is to add tags by me then the hake will produse tages relefant with my thread
then why i should add every time tagges it supposed add atomatic
now i didnt use spesific taggs add by me i just let it work atoumatic shouid this harm my formes
i apologize for my language
07-12-2009, 09:06 AM
thx for your respond
what i do is uplode the prodect and there was any control for it in the admin cp
second what i understand is to add tags by me then the hake will produse tages relefant with my thread
then why i should add every time tagges it supposed add atomatic
i apologize for my language
This mod doesn't have any settings - just add product and it works :)
This mod uses only existing tags - so you need to have or setup relevant tags, and after that for each created post (as new thread or reply) tags will be added automatically if post content or topic includes one of already defined tags.
So you add tag once and after this mod knows that it is important and adds it automatically is created post which includes this tag word in content or topic :)
07-12-2009, 09:14 AM
i have kindes of topic in my forume and i dont wont to spesfi the tagges
shouid this work or i must add tagges
i dont wont to add tagees i wont hack to work by it self without enterfining frome
if this can happen will it harme my or no harm
07-12-2009, 11:38 AM
two questions can it work together with the other tagger?
If not do all those tags need to be deleted before installing this mod?
07-12-2009, 11:50 AM
If not do all those tags need to be deleted before installing this mod?
I disabled the old onld one and installed this one. So I have some Treads with a lot of senseless tags.
Now I going thru 320 Pages of crab tags - it is some work.
So I recommend to fist disable the old one, than check your tags. If this is done install this Add on.
07-12-2009, 03:55 PM
Hello NLP-er.
After one day with this mod . it's really work fine but ...
In some threads i have alot of tags ( more than 100 tags just on one thread ) ..
Is there any way to let the hack work with the first post only ?
07-12-2009, 05:05 PM
i have kindes of topic in my forume and i dont wont to spesfi the tagges
shouid this work or i must add tagges
i dont wont to add tagees i wont hack to work by it self without enterfining frome
if this can happen will it harme my or no harm
It works without any harm - you can be calm.
You don't have to think about all possible tags and add those at once. You can still add tags when new post is written if you suspect that such tag doesn’t exist. This mod simply uses tags which exists in forum in post creation time. So when you are writing on very fresh topic - then just add tags manually. After that when anybody mention about it any topic, then this mod will automatically add tag to this topic.
Only thing which is needed, is to define which key words are valuable for you by defining tags. Each time new post is created this mod uses already defined tags to parse content and title of new post and add tags to actual topic. Thanks that you don't finish with garbage in your tags like in mod which just add every existing word in topic, but with this mod you are 100% sure that if someone was writing about one of important topics it will be automatically tagged :)
Once again - you don't need to write every possible keywords as tags at once. You can add it whenever you want, just knowing that mod will use only already defined tags, to assure you that only valuable keywords are automatically added as tags to new posts/topics.
07-12-2009, 05:10 PM
two questions can it work together with the other tagger?
If not do all those tags need to be deleted before installing this mod?
1st: didn't test it. I just look in their code - we use totally different hooks, so everything should be ok, and should work together :)
2nd: As I wrote it should, but I didn't test it, and no - you don't have to delete any of your existing tags. Of course you can do this if you think that some tags are not relevant, but it is not necessary. This mod will treat every existing tag as relevant.
07-12-2009, 05:14 PM
Hello NLP-er.
After one day with this mod . it's really work fine but ...
In some threads i have alot of tags ( more than 100 tags just on one thread ) ..
Is there any way to let the hack work with the first post only ?
No problem - I will made some changes and make it configurable :) It will be done in next release :)
Great idea - personally I don't need it, but yes - for many people it can be useful :up:
07-12-2009, 05:26 PM
It works without any harm - you can be calm.
You don't have to think about all possible tags and add those at one. You can still add tags when new post is written if you suspect that such tag doesn?t exist. Thos mod simply uses tags which exists in forum in post creation time. So when you are writing on very fresh topic - then just add tags manually. After that when anybody mention about it any topic, then this mod will automatically add tag to this topic.
Only think which is needed is define which key words are valuable for you by defining tags. Each time new post is created this mod uses already defined tags to parse content and title of new post and add tags to actual topic. Thanks that you don't finish with garbage in your tags like in mod which just add every existing word in topic, but with this mod you are 100% sure that if someone was writing about one of important topics it will be automatically tagged :)
Once again - you don't need to write every possible keywords as tags at once. You can add it whenever you want, just knowing that mod will use only already defined tags, to assure you that only valuable keywords are automatically added as tags to new posts/topics.
thx NLP-er i calm :D keep the good working
07-12-2009, 05:53 PM
Hello NLP-er.
After one day with this mod . it's really work fine but ...
In some threads i have alot of tags ( more than 100 tags just on one thread ) ..
Is there any way to let the hack work with the first post only ?
You're asking - you’re getting :D
New 1.1.0 release just occurs - now it allows to configure, do you want this mod works only for new threads, or for all posts - even replies :) (By default for all)
Configuration is nice and easy - just by vB Options :)
Have fun! :)
07-12-2009, 06:17 PM
woooooooow thx thx
I like you :D
07-12-2009, 06:17 PM
wooooooooooooooooooow shouid i upgread nlp
07-12-2009, 07:01 PM
wooooooooooooooooooow shouid i upgread nlp
If you want it works only for new threads - then yes - new version allows to configure it. If you still want it works for all posts and don’t need to configure it in future then 1.0.0 is fine :) Nothing else changed.
07-12-2009, 07:15 PM
what about images whene my thread have some images this product will take tagges from the images and this is not good for me becouse the members but for example
apicture for hotel the tag is fir the images and the adress for the image is the Helton web site
you know what im seeing
some pepole add thread wit content of images form other sits
when thay post the new thread the taggs will add the informtion of other site ^^
07-12-2009, 08:03 PM
You're asking - you’re getting :D
New 1.1.0 release just occurs - now it allows to configure, do you want this mod works only for new threads, or for all posts - even replies :) (By default for all)
Configuration is nice and easy - just by vB Options :)
Have fun! :)
You are releasing - you are the best :D ..
A9eel saing the hack most ignore words from links such as images links ..
He just think this is an adv for others sites :D
But this hack didn't make a new tags ! so none of these words will appear .
07-12-2009, 08:10 PM
Another thing will make this hack better .
Some people for example saing :
Woooow !
or saing :
Woow !
We will get tags like this :
Woooow , Woow , wooow , woooooooow and so on
Is there any way to stop this !
In tags and in the posts .
07-13-2009, 12:06 AM
You are releasing - you are the best :D ..
A9eel saing the hack most ignore words from links such as images links ..
He just think this is an adv for others sites :D
But this hack didn't make a new tags ! so none of these words will appear .
ha ha you think like me :D i did atest i find it take from the image the link of the image ;)
and if the image have title it will take and this is my problem :D
07-13-2009, 12:52 AM
Hello :)
I know that this mod just appear, but I'm learning fast and I can proudly present you version 2.0.0
What's new? 2 very important functionalities.
1st: You just click one link in menu and this mod will add tags to all already existing threads. So If you was happy that now all new posts will be properly tagged, I have great news for you - now all threads will be properly tagged - even those old :)
2nd: Every day it will automatically check does some new tags appears and in such case it will add it to all already existing threads which includes this keyword in content or title. So now not only all threads will be properly tagged for moment when you use 1st functionality. It will keep all tags in all threads up to date :D
Have great time! :)
07-13-2009, 01:05 AM
what about images whene my thread have some images this product will take tagges from the images and this is not good for me becouse the members but for example
apicture for hotel the tag is fir the images and the adress for the image is the Helton web site
you know what im seeing
some pepole add thread wit content of images form other sits
when thay post the new thread the taggs will add the informtion of other site ^^
Really not sure do I understand you ;)
Whatever content your users add to posts, this mod will tag those posts only by already existing tags.
So if you don't want some word to be tag you just don't create such tag, and in such case this mod will ignore this word in content and title, because it's not considered as keyword.
07-13-2009, 01:11 AM
Another thing will make this hack better .
Some people for example saing :
Woooow !
or saing :
Woow !
We will get tags like this :
Woooow , Woow , wooow , woooooooow and so on
Is there any way to stop this !
In tags and in the posts .
If you want limit users to create new tags you can do it in Admin CP, in usergropus options. There you can set which usergroup can create new tags :)
If you want to stop this in posts... Maybe censored words will help you - but it ill just change such words to ***.
I think that what you are asking for is a subject for some new mod which will change content of posts. Right now this mod consider only adding tags, and don't change content :)
07-13-2009, 01:16 AM
ha ha you think like me :D i did atest i find it take from the image the link of the image ;)
and if the image have title it will take and this is my problem :D
It could be your problem only when you already have defined tags which are included in this title, but if you don't like it you don't have it in tags...
No matter what is in title of image this mod will care about only if you already have defined such tag - cause it you have it means that it is important for you. If it's not you just don't have such tag, and this mod never creates new tags - it add only tags which already exists.
I really don't understand the issue here :confused:
07-13-2009, 01:45 AM
Works well, you just need to establish your tags yourself and then it will search for them and add them after every new post
Till 2.0.0 tags are added even to old posts :) And also when new tags arrives - existing posts will be updated :D Is it amazing or just great?... ;)
07-13-2009, 01:59 AM
Okay, but if you have a brand new forum with no existing tags, then seems like this program will do absolutely nothing.
In that respect, I like the other auto tag creator. This is not an auto tag creator at all, unless I am doing something wrong and installed it wrong?? because I am creating new posts to test and no new tags are being automatically added by your program.
(I am not running the other auto tagger on this new forum of mine, only yours - and your program is doing nothing.)
07-13-2009, 03:26 AM
Okay, but if you have a brand new forum with no existing tags, then seems like this program will do absolutely nothing.
In that respect, I like the other auto tag creator. This is not an auto tag creator at all, unless I am doing something wrong and installed it wrong?? because I am creating new posts to test and no new tags are being automatically added by your program.
(I am not running the other auto tagger on this new forum of mine, only yours - and your program is doing nothing.)
If you have brand new forum, then you will set tags with few first posts, after that most needed tags will exist. And if in the future some new tag appears - it is ok - this mod will add it to already existing threads :)
It is clearly described that this mod NEWER creates new tag, it uses only existing tags and adds it to threads if appropriate. This is whole idea! We keep tags in order and avoid garbage which can easily and very fast happen when as tag is added every word from title.
If you like messy way - ok :) You can like whatever you want, this mod is useful and if someone prefers something else it is quite ok for me :)
Having choice is better than not having it ;) This mod gives you choice and opportunity to have always appropriate and clean tags :)
Also note that this mod uses not only title like old mod, but also content, and not only from first post, but from every one - so tags are better assigned :)
07-13-2009, 03:47 AM
Installed, but...
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT threadid, title, pagetext FROM post WHERE threadid >= 0 AND threadid < 250 ORDER BY threadid;
MySQL Error : Table ''doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Monday, July 13th 2009 @ 06:41:52 AM
I have table prefixes "vb_".
The problem is these prefixes?
07-13-2009, 04:34 AM
Installed, but...
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT threadid, title, pagetext FROM post WHERE threadid >= 0 AND threadid < 250 ORDER BY threadid;
MySQL Error : Table ''doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Monday, July 13th 2009 @ 06:41:52 AM
I have table prefixes "vb_".
The problem is these prefixes?
Yes the problem is with prefixes.
Thanks - I will made update in few minutes :)
07-13-2009, 04:39 AM
Okay I uninstalled the plug in, but now there is a little
in my menu on the upper left. How do I completely uninstall and delete this add on/ Thank you.
07-13-2009, 04:39 AM
2.0.1 released with small table prefixes bug fixed. Please try this one :)
07-13-2009, 04:41 AM
Okay I uninstalled the plug in, but now there is a little
in my menu on the upper left. How do I completely uninstall and delete this add on/ Thank you.
Just look to package, and delete from server all uploaded files :)
07-13-2009, 04:45 AM
Makes sense, lol. Okay.
07-13-2009, 04:52 AM
Also, I cannot say for certain, but this does seem to create a conflict with
in that after installing yours, not every one of the new threads was getting the new tags. Again, not certain but maybe you or someone else could test further. I had AJAX setting enabled on the other tagger.
07-13-2009, 06:34 AM
Add Tags To All Threads
Proces: 36 Added 32 tags.
Proces: 79
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /virtual/pl/admincp/misc.php(1933) : eval()'d code on line 204
Another one :confused:
I know, it's limitation of my server... Any solution?
07-13-2009, 12:44 PM
I don't have any errors, I've switched it on but it doesn't seem to be working with old or new threads.
Any ideas?
07-13-2009, 02:40 PM
Also, I cannot say for certain, but this does seem to create a conflict with
in that after installing yours, not every one of the new threads was getting the new tags. Again, not certain but maybe you or someone else could test further. I had AJAX setting enabled on the other tagger.
If there is not crashing then there should be no conflict. Booth plugins works on other hooks, more possible this is bug in the old adder. If I get more info I can check it, but sorry I don’t want to install the old one, because I have nice clean tags and don't want old plugin make a mess. So I will not test it myself, but ready to react when some error occurs :)
07-13-2009, 02:41 PM
3.8.3 dont work :S
07-13-2009, 02:44 PM
Add Tags To All Threads
Proces: 36 Added 32 tags.
Proces: 79
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /virtual/pl/admincp/misc.php(1933) : eval()'d code on line 204
Another one :confused:
I know, it's limitation of my server... Any solution?
Probably yes - I will add new param "threads per page" so you will be able to limit it. Now it's 250 and it is hardcoded. When you change it to something smaller you will still get same functionality, but each page will execute faster to problem should not occur. I will make new release in few minutes - will appreciate for feedback, does it really resolves this issue :)
07-13-2009, 02:50 PM
I don't have any errors, I've switched it on but it doesn't seem to be working with old or new threads.
Any ideas?
To work it with new thread some tags must already exist in your forum. This mod never creates new tag (it keeps your tags clean-up) - it uses only existing tags and assign it to thread if it ontans this keyword in title or content.
For old threads you have to run manually "Add Tags To All Threads" - you do it only once, because for new tags there is scheduled job, which takes all tags creates in last 24 hours and add it to all appropriate threads :)
07-13-2009, 02:53 PM
3.8.3 dont work :S
I have and tested it on 3.8.2 and it is clearly written in mod description so I really cannot tell what happens in 3.8.3, but I will gladly make it works :)
Do you have some errors?
It is possible that it works fine - create some test thread where will be included tag words (which you are sure that exists as tags in other threads) in content or title and tell me does those where added :)
07-13-2009, 03:16 PM
New release 2.0.2: Added param which allows to configure to how many threads should be added tags, per one page of execution of "Add tags to all threads" task.
07-13-2009, 03:21 PM
Good idea. I will try this later.
07-13-2009, 03:36 PM
To work it with new thread some tags must already exist in your forum. This mod never creates new tag (it keeps your tags clean-up) - it uses only existing tags and assign it to thread if it ontans this keyword in title or content.
For old threads you have to run manually "Add Tags To All Threads" - you do it only once, because for new tags there is scheduled job, which takes all tags creates in last 24 hours and add it to all appropriate threads :)
I'm confused now.
So this modification doesn't add thread tags? - For example I assumed that if you created a thread I.E. 'Big Dog Eats Small Cat' this mod would add certain words from that title or post to the thread tags?
Mine just says None because none manualy been created when the thread was created
07-13-2009, 03:42 PM
I'm confused now.
So this modification doesn't add thread tags? - For example I assumed that if you created a thread I.E. 'Big Dog Eats Small Cat' this mod would add certain words from that title or post to the thread tags?
Mine just says None because none manualy been created when the thread was created
In your Admin CP, you can add tags to your tag database, if you have none in there it will not pull tags from threads and add them as tags.
When you add tags into your database it will find THOSE tags and identifiy them as tags with each new post or reply....this way you don't have random tags that no one would give a shit about like "the, and, there, was, how" but instead ones you identify as a tag like "cat, dog, small, big"
Got it?
07-13-2009, 04:35 PM
I'm confused now.
So this modification doesn't add thread tags? - For example I assumed that if you created a thread I.E. 'Big Dog Eats Small Cat' this mod would add certain words from that title or post to the thread tags?
Mine just says None because none manualy been created when the thread was created
This mod DOES add thread tags.
It is clearly described that this mod works with already existing tags in forum :) It will automatically assign tags to new and old threads and those tags must already exist. You can add new tags whenever you want - this mod will assign those to already existing threads.
I really don't know where your expectations and confusion comes from - jut read mod description to know how it works :) There you have simple example :)
Whole idea of this mod is to NOT CERATE any tag - only automatically assign existing one. This way you have always clean and appropriate tags. Creating automatically new tags will quickly make garbage in your tags.
Adding tag to thread and create tag those are 2 different things :) This mod doesn't create any tag, but it does automatically add tags to threads :)
07-13-2009, 04:38 PM
In your Admin CP, you can add tags to your tag database, if you have none in there it will not pull tags from threads and add them as tags.
When you add tags into your database it will find THOSE tags and identifiy them as tags with each new post or reply....this way you don't have random tags that no one would give a shit about like "the, and, there, was, how" but instead ones you identify as a tag like "cat, dog, small, big"
Got it?
That’s right + this mod will also assign new tags to old threads + it can assign all tags to all threads (where it's appropriate) + you can also add new tag when write post about new topic and after that this tag will be assigned to any similar topic :)
07-13-2009, 04:41 PM
Good idea. I will try this later.
Whenever you want :) Now, mod has also new configuration param - see history :)
07-13-2009, 09:09 PM
This mod DOES add thread tags.
It is clearly described that this mod works with already existing tags in forum :) It will automatically assign tags to new and old threads and those tags must already exist. You can add new tags whenever you want - this mod will assign those to already existing threads.
I really don't know where your expectations and confusion comes from - jut read mod description to know how it works :) There you have simple example :)
Whole idea of this mod is to NOT CERATE any tag - only automatically assign existing one. This way you have always clean and appropriate tags. Creating automatically new tags will quickly make garbage in your tags.
Adding tag to thread and create tag those are 2 different things :) This mod doesn't create any tag, but it does automatically add tags to threads :)
Sorry for the confussion, I always and did read the mod info on first post but don't know where I got confussed.
In your Admin CP, you can add tags to your tag database, if you have none in there it will not pull tags from threads and add them as tags.
When you add tags into your database it will find THOSE tags and identifiy them as tags with each new post or reply....this way you don't have random tags that no one would give a shit about like "the, and, there, was, how" but instead ones you identify as a tag like "cat, dog, small, big"
Got it?
Thanks, I understand now.
Just one thing where abouts in the ACP do you add tags as i've never done that before, Thanks again.
07-14-2009, 01:56 AM
Admin CP
Threads & Posts
07-14-2009, 01:59 AM
Sorry for the confussion, I always and did read the mod info on first post but don't know where I got confussed.
Thanks, I understand now.
Just one thing where abouts in the ACP do you add tags as i've never done that before, Thanks again.
Admin CP -> Threads & Posts -> Tags
Honestly - I also never add tags this way ;) I just add manually tags when I'm writing new thread and I'm sure that such tag doesn't exist, or when I see that it doesn't exist after writing the post. But as I wrote in one of post - when I started using tags, then after few posts I was using already existing tags over and over again - It would be hard to use new ones if forum is about specific topics ;) So I made mod which do it automatically and assures me that none of new garbage tags will be added - only those keywords which I considered valuable and already made tags for theme :) And even if some new tag ocures this mod will add it to old topics :)
So with this mod I'm 100% sure that if people are writing about important stuff it will be tagged, and if somesthing new will be considered as important, then all related topics will be also tagged even if was created before new tag arrived :)
07-14-2009, 05:45 AM
2.1.0 Released I was asked does this mod can limit number of added tags. Such limitation already exists in vBulletin so I used it. In this release mod respects native vBulletin Maximum Tags per Thread setting and gives you alias to set it in one menu with other settings of this mod.
Enjoy! It's an order ;)
Very helpful, thank you.
I have a small 'problem tho'.
My forum is using many non English characters, so i don't know if anything can be done regarding this:
Letters like:
? č ? Ɖ etc.
Would it be possible to add option to remove and re-add tags in maintenance section?
Thank you,
07-15-2009, 04:51 PM
Very helpful, thank you.
I have a small 'problem tho'.
My forum is using many non English characters, so i don't know if anything can be done regarding this:
Letters like:
Š č ž Ɖ etc.
Would it be possible to add option to remove and re-add tags in maintenance section?
Thank you,
I wonder why did somebody add tags like those in your forum...
I think you have some encoding problem. For me it looks like tags where added in one encoding and page is displayed in other one.
Is it possible to add functionality you asking for - you already have such thing in Admin CP -> Threads & Posts -> Tags you can there use Merge/Rename Selected - which is even better because don't remove anything - just change existing tag to have other keyword, but it is still assigned to every thread it was before :)
My forum is non-English forum, so, ppl are using different letters etc.
Vbseo script is rewriting them, but it doesnt work in tags, thats why i am asking if this can be fixed for users that are using different letters like Š č ž Ɖ etc.
Thank you
07-15-2009, 07:48 PM
My forum is non-English forum, so, ppl are using different letters etc.
Vbseo script is rewriting them, but it doesnt work in tags, thats why i am asking if this can be fixed for users that are using different letters like ? č ? Ɖ etc.
Thank you
I think... Propably you use Auto Thread Tagger ?? and u don't have Filter / Replacement Characters like:
I have that filter and both Taggers work fine.
07-15-2009, 07:54 PM
Excellent thanks NLP-er :D
I think... Propably you use Auto Thread Tagger ?? and u don't have Filter / Replacement Characters like:
I have that filter and both Taggers work fine.
Actually i uninstalled that script, using only this one.
Even when i was using Auto thread tagger script, not always it was filtering all letters, thats why i decided to go with this one.
07-15-2009, 08:01 PM
<font color="Red">Version check failed. No version number was found at this location. The URL for the version check may be incorrect, or the server may be experiencing problems. Please try again later.</font>
Any thoughts?
Also on the Admin CP I have this (see attachment please). I can't think the server has any problem because I have it on my other forum running as a charm and both forums are on the very same server (Linux)
I'm running 3.8.3 and installed this version, is that OK? ==> product-autotaggerfromcontentandtitle100.xml
07-15-2009, 09:21 PM
Version check failed. No version number was found at this location. The URL for the version check may be incorrect, or the server may be experiencing problems. Please try again later.
Any thoughts?
Also on the Admin CP I have this (see attachment please). I can't think the server has any problem because I have it on my other forum running as a charm and both forums are on the very same server (Linux)
I'm running 3.8.3 and installed this version, is that OK? ==> product-autotaggerfromcontentandtitle100.xml
Try install 1 more time (without uninstall). Helped for me.
07-16-2009, 04:06 AM
My forum is non-English forum, so, ppl are using different letters etc.
Vbseo script is rewriting them, but it doesnt work in tags, thats why i am asking if this can be fixed for users that are using different letters like Š č ž Ɖ etc.
Thank you
Hymm... I also have non english forum with vBSEO where I use such letters like ĄĘŚŻŹĆąęśćżź and everything is ok with my vB - are you sure you don't have some configuration issues?
07-16-2009, 04:14 AM
Version check failed. No version number was found at this location. The URL for the version check may be incorrect, or the server may be experiencing problems. Please try again later.
Any thoughts?
Also on the Admin CP I have this (see attachment please). I can't think the server has any problem because I have it on my other forum running as a charm and both forums are on the very same server (Linux)
I'm running 3.8.3 and installed this version, is that OK? ==> product-autotaggerfromcontentandtitle100.xml
Wrong installation :) Use last release - please download zip file with biggest number at the end. I understand that you did it make upload, but installed old product file instead this one which was in zip package - that’s why you have options menu without translations. Make install again with newest product-file and other files :)
About version check error - yesterday I had problems with server so it can be the cause :) But is also possible that I mis somesthing in this area ;) I will check it. Anyway - mod is working, and if issues with update are my fault I will correct it :)
07-16-2009, 04:18 AM
I also made little change in installation instructions so it will not be confusing in the future. 1st step:
1. Download
zip file from here (download last release - see index at the end of file name - nothing more - other files are only history)
Hymm... I also have non english forum with vBSEO where I use such letters like ĄĘŚŻŹĆąęśćżź and everything is ok with my vB - are you sure you don't have some configuration issues?
What should i check if you don't mind telling me.
Thank you
07-16-2009, 04:39 AM
What should i check if you don't mind telling me.
Thank you
Really... I have no idea :D Mine just works and I never had problems with that. Please add some new tag manually with your special letters and see does it is ok? You wrote that you had old tagger - maybe it made a mess in your tags :)
If new tag which you add is ok - then you need only make cleaning after the old tagger. If manually added tag will be wrong - then it is some issue with vB settings. In such case ask in general forum - I would gladly help you :) but have no idea what could it be - my hint: encoding issues.
I cleaned all tags before installing yours.
I will do some tests as you recommended.
Thank you :)
07-16-2009, 06:47 AM
Wrong installation :) Use last release - please download zip file with biggest number at the end. I understand that you did it make upload, but installed old product file instead this one which was in zip package - that?s why you have options menu without translations. Make install again with newest product-file and other files :)
About version check error - yesterday I had problems with server so it can be the cause :) But is also possible that I mis somesthing in this area ;) I will check it. Anyway - mod is working, and if issues with update are my fault I will correct it :)
Thank you very much, I will do just as you said. :)
I did as you told me, seems to me is installed but the Options, under Tagger, are empty, is that normal? Please se attachment.
07-16-2009, 10:22 AM
Thank you very much, I will do just as you said. :)
I did as you told me, seems to me is installed but the Options, under Tagger, are empty, is that normal? Please se attachment.
This is correct - click on Options to see form :)
This is just alias you can reach options for this mod also in vBOptions :)
07-16-2009, 03:25 PM
can i use this mod in vbulletin 3.8.1
Is there a way to make this only add tags from complete words?
I had a thread get tagged with "river" because it contained "Drivers License".
Another was tagged with "cat" because it contained "catching fire".
07-16-2009, 08:45 PM
Mmmmmmmmm, this is what I have, if I canot fix it I guess I'll give up. Hope I'm not been too much of a bother but I need your help guys.
This is what I have and as you can see no tags are showing.
07-16-2009, 10:50 PM
can i use this mod in vbulletin 3.8.1
No idea :D Just check it and tell me is it working :) Should be ok.
07-16-2009, 10:52 PM
Is there a way to make this only add tags from complete words?
I had a thread get tagged with "river" because it contained "Drivers License".
Another was tagged with "cat" because it contained "catching fire".
Ok - I will work on it :)
07-16-2009, 10:56 PM
Mmmmmmmmm, this is what I have, if I canot fix it I guess I'll give up. Hope I'm not been too much of a bother but I need your help guys.
This is what I have and as you can see no tags are showing.
Do you have any tags created? As is described - this mod only assigns tags and never creates new tags - this way we avoid garbage and everything is clean.
You can find everything about this in mod description and first post, where is FAQ :)
07-16-2009, 11:05 PM
Is there a way to make this only add tags from complete words?
I had a thread get tagged with "river" because it contained "Drivers License".
Another was tagged with "cat" because it contained "catching fire".
Good observation, hope that can be added
07-17-2009, 01:34 AM
Nominated - this is a life saver.. thank you, works great.
07-17-2009, 01:59 AM
Good observation, hope that can be added
Will be - I was just working on another great mod :D I have 4 already. This one and:
All simple and easy - just import product - best way possible :D
07-17-2009, 03:50 AM
Is there a way to make this only add tags from complete words?
I had a thread get tagged with "river" because it contained "Drivers License".
Another was tagged with "cat" because it contained "catching fire".
Already done :D But I want to add also something else so please be patient - will be released fast enough :)
07-17-2009, 09:12 AM
Is there any chance of adding the blog to get auto tags. I would really like this. My members use the blog allot and never seem to add tags to anything.
Oh and by the way, your tagger is adding tags to my vaultwiki premium which I love. Thanks again.
07-17-2009, 04:28 PM
can i use this mod in vbulletin 3.8.1
Yep it's working with 3.8.0 you should edit the file 'product-autotaggerfromcontentandtitle.xml' and change :
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.8.2" maxversion="3.9.99" />
With :
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.8.0" maxversion="3.9.99" />
07-17-2009, 06:55 PM
Is there any chance of adding the blog to get auto tags. I would really like this. My members use the blog allot and never seem to add tags to anything.
Oh and by the way, your tagger is adding tags to my vaultwiki premium which I love. Thanks again.
I will think about it. On my forum no one is using blogs, but I can add this functionality :)
07-17-2009, 06:55 PM
Yep it's working with 3.8.0 you should edit the file 'product-autotaggerfromcontentandtitle.xml' and change :
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.8.2" maxversion="3.9.99" />
With :
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="3.8.0" maxversion="3.9.99" />
Thanks for confirming :) :up:
07-18-2009, 03:04 AM
3.0.0 Related :D
Added such features as: related words functionality, sophisticated searching, default forum tags and others - see details in mod description and on screen shots :)
NOTE: upgrading from any previous version to 3.0.0 you have to uninstall previous version! In Admin CP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products
Enjoy! :D
07-18-2009, 04:57 AM
Propably we need another version.
Forum Manager
Not Found
The requested URL /admincp/admincp/forum.php was not found on this server.
Awesome Mod. Nominated.
07-18-2009, 07:01 AM
Propably we need another version.
Forum Manager
Not Found
The requested URL /admincp/admincp/forum.php was not found on this server.
Awesome Mod. Nominated.
How does it happen?
07-18-2009, 07:05 AM
I see it now - it is in alias :) Best thing - it works on my side :D
Ok - I will made small bug fixing - it doesn't harm any functionality so you can go on this version :)
07-18-2009, 07:12 AM
3.0.1 Released small bug fixed in alias.
If you already installed 3.0.0 and want to correct it yourself just edit upload/includes/xml/cpnav_autotaggerfromcontentandtitle.xml and change admincp/forum.php?do=modify to forum.php?do=modify :)
Still - Enjoy :)
07-18-2009, 07:15 AM
Awesome Mod. Nominated.
Thanks! Still plan to add new features :) Nominations and installs can definitively motivate me to do it :D
version appears in the Product panel, as 3.0.0 altho I installed the latest package which is the 3.0.1 o,o
07-18-2009, 05:49 PM
version appears in the Product panel, as 3.0.0 altho I installed the latest package which is the 3.0.1 o,o
Yea - I forgot to change it in product file ;) But if you downloaded 301 zip then you have latest version :)
If it annoys you, just open product file, change <version>3.0.0</version> and import it again :)
Ok - I will work on it :)
Thanks for fixing that. :cool:
07-22-2009, 05:55 PM
I am using 3.8.3. Installation is fine but it always creates 0 tags. When uninstalling it, the admin options menu bar doesn't go away. :(
07-22-2009, 09:20 PM
I am using 3.8.3. Installation is fine but it always creates 0 tags. When uninstalling it, the admin options menu bar doesn't go away. :(
Just delete all uploaded files and menu bar will go away :)
About not creating tags - it is APPROPRIATE behavior!!! It is clearly written that this mod doesn't create any tag and only associate existing one to new (and old) threads. Please just READ mod description! :)
07-22-2009, 10:54 PM
Working good, just a minor error in process of installation (show some error on screen while importing product - show only on screen for 0,54 secondscopy paste here)
07-23-2009, 05:37 AM
Working good, just a minor error in process of installation (show some error on screen while importing product - show only on screen for 0,54 secondscopy paste here)
Are you fast enought to send me this error message? ;)
07-23-2009, 08:22 AM
Nop :D
It is only show in that half second when you import product. That was similiar to one another mod I installed.
Nothing to be afraid...MOD working very good!
Thanks for this MOD :up:
Mod works perfect so far :P
This mod does not create new tags and that means that if your forum is tags :P
If its possible add automatic tag adder and to remove garbages like to small words profanity words can add STOP WORD field..
07-23-2009, 10:46 PM
Mod works perfect so far :P
This mod does not create new tags and that means that if your forum is tags :P
If its possible add automatic tag adder and to remove garbages like to small words profanity words can add STOP WORD field..
Such mod already exist :)
This one first rule is - you have control! I will think about something semi automatic, but fill automat means garbage. No matter how many stop words you will have. Someone will write wow some one woow, later woooooooooow - and so on. Also cat, cats, kitties - and so on. Some one will made typo in word and you have new tag...
Stop words in real give you 0 control. So till now I'm sure that I don't want to implement any automatic tag creation in this mod. But - I can think about something semi automatic...
Such mod already exist :)
This one first rule is - you have control! I will think about something semi automatic, but fill automat means garbage. No matter how many stop words you will have. Someone will write wow some one woow, later woooooooooow - and so on. Also cat, cats, kitties - and so on. Some one will made typo in word and you have new tag...
Stop words in real give you 0 control. So till now I'm sure that I don't want to implement any automatic tag creation in this mod. But - I can think about something semi automatic...
yes sure..but im talking for something semi-automatic...(export the tags title to tags and user select which one want to add)
07-24-2009, 09:17 PM
yes sure..but im talking for something semi-automatic...(export the tags title to tags and user select which one want to add)
Great idea :) I was also thinking about this - still thinking about some details :)
07-25-2009, 01:18 AM
Greetings, i had installed before the Automatic Thread Tagger for vB3.8, i have uninstalled it and installed yours, i liked the way it treats the title and content tags.
But unfortunately to my surprise it doesn't add any automatic new tags, just search among the old manual created by users and add them comparing the title and content.
Mostly users don't like or simply forget to add any manual tags.
Is there a way you can add the automatic feature to grab certain words that are used in title and content by avoiding of course some non english character, depending in the number of character letters?
If this feature is not what you have in mind, is there any problem to use both of the products: the automatic tags and yours at the same time?
07-25-2009, 09:24 AM
If this feature is not what you have in mind, is there any problem to use both of the products: the automatic tags and yours at the same time?
I have both and both works correctly.
07-25-2009, 06:16 PM
thank you jaryx
07-25-2009, 07:18 PM
Greetings, i had installed before the Automatic Thread Tagger for vB3.8, i have uninstalled it and installed yours, i liked the way it treats the title and content tags.
But unfortunately to my surprise it doesn't add any automatic new tags, just search among the old manual created by users and add them comparing the title and content.
Mostly users don't like or simply forget to add any manual tags.
Is there a way you can add the automatic feature to grab certain words that are used in title and content by avoiding of course some non english character, depending in the number of character letters?
If this feature is not what you have in mind, is there any problem to use both of the products: the automatic tags and yours at the same time?
I'm really not surprised anymore that people in mysterious way expect something else that is clearly written in mod description :D Could it be that so many users just install mod without knowing what it does?... No – it have to be some mysterious way ;)
I know that this mode never creates any tag - I designed it this way :) (yeah - it can create new tag if you set some not existing as forum default, but don't tell anyone - this is secret :p)
I know that many users don't care about tags and that's why I created this mod which associate tags automatically.
Please read mod description and also 1st post if you like to know FAQ answers :)
Also read few posts above your one - there is answer for your question :)
It is confirmed that booth taggers works together :)
07-25-2009, 10:57 PM
Certainly your words never missed the ironic way of dealing with the questions. Still, thank you for you mod, nice job!
07-26-2009, 01:20 AM
After installing this Thread Tagger, after the submission of every new thread, a white page is displayed and it says "Flood" - I have all flood control disabled - so do you know what could be causing this? The Threads are created and tagged - it's just that this page shows up instead of the post that was just created.
I have disabled the mod and it doesn't give the flood message any longer.
Any solution to this problem or do you need additional information.
07-26-2009, 07:21 AM
Certainly your words never missed the ironic way of dealing with the questions. Still, thank you for you mod, nice job!
Thanks :) Ironic can be funny if you are able to laught of yourself ;)
07-26-2009, 07:49 AM
After installing this Thread Tagger, after the submission of every new thread, a white page is displayed and it says "Flood" - I have all flood control disabled - so do you know what could be causing this? The Threads are created and tagged - it's just that this page shows up instead of the post that was just created.
I have disabled the mod and it doesn't give the flood message any longer.
Any solution to this problem or do you need additional information.
I will gladly help you and definitively I need more information :)
What vB version are you using? Can I see this behavior on your forum (can be test instance)?
Right now I'm looking for solution in other mods which had this issue.
07-26-2009, 08:02 AM
Ok - I read all results of "white flood" searching in this forum. No solutions :( It appears in several plugins - I think that some other mod is causing this and got conflict with mine.
This mod is working on many forums thats why I suspect that some other mod is causing problem having conflict.
So If you have any mod about double post prevention or control flood try to disable it and check does tagger will work. Please let me know about results :)
07-26-2009, 06:24 PM
NLP, I am using 3.8.3 and your mod runs great BUT I must turn this off somehow in the moderator private forum.
Members can see tags on the forums home page as I want them to.... BUT I do not want them seeing tags that come out of the private moderator forum. It is tagging usernames if we are discussing them and the name shows up on the main forum page in the tag cloud. This tips off the member.
Is there an IF conditional I can add somewhere to prevent the creation of tags in my private mod forum? I hope so.
07-27-2009, 03:14 PM
NLP, I am using 3.8.3 and your mod runs great BUT I must turn this off somehow in the moderator private forum.
Members can see tags on the forums home page as I want them to.... BUT I do not want them seeing tags that come out of the private moderator forum. It is tagging usernames if we are discussing them and the name shows up on the main forum page in the tag cloud. This tips off the member.
Is there an IF conditional I can add somewhere to prevent the creation of tags in my private mod forum? I hope so.
This is not caused by my mod. My mod doesn't create new tags - only assigns existing ones to threads.
07-27-2009, 11:23 PM
4.0.0 Released
Because many people was asking about automatic creation of new tags I was thinking how to satisfy all - those who want to have full control, those who like to control from time to time, and those who don't care and just want to have new tags.
I introduce new tags propositions feature. Right now whenever new post will be written for each word from title which is not tag yet will be automatically created tag proposition. You can easily manage tags propositions by approve or disapprove it. All approved propositions are automatically changed to tags and will be automatically assigned by scheduled job (at night). All disapproved propositions will never shown again as proposal.
And for those who like to check from time to time or not at all - you can also configure quarantine time for tags propositions. After this time propositions will be automatically approved and changed to tags :)
Hope you will like the idea. Now if you want you still have control and it is easier to create new tags which are up to date to new posts (just select checkbox in proposition). And if you want you can just set 0 quarantine time and new tags will be automatically created and assigned in next night :)
07-28-2009, 07:58 PM
im sorry please
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT title
FROM posts
AND threadid >= 0
AND threadid < 250;
MySQL Error : Table 'beyhan_onur31.posts' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Request Date : Tuesday, July 28th 2009 @ 02:57:07 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, July 28th 2009 @ 02:57:07 PM
Script : ************/misc.php?do=autotaggerfromcontentandtitle_proposit ions_add
Referrer : ***********************/misc.php?do=chooser
IP Address : *****
Username : ****
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.45
07-28-2009, 08:16 PM
help me please
07-28-2009, 08:28 PM
help me please
Just checking this :)
ALREADY SOLVED!!! - 4.0.1 Release
07-28-2009, 08:36 PM
4.0.1 Released
Fixed bug in creation propositions for all posts with option threads only.
07-28-2009, 08:45 PM
Wooww very nice
Thanks Men ;)
07-28-2009, 11:02 PM
Hi Guys,
I am getting an error while importing:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare can_admin_hosting() (previously declared in /home/******/public_html/admincp/global.php(243) : eval()'d code:3) in /home/******/public_html/global.php(400) : eval()'d code on line 12
07-29-2009, 07:23 AM
Hi Guys,
I am getting an error while importing:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare can_admin_hosting() (previously declared in /home/******/public_html/admincp/global.php(243) : eval()'d code:3) in /home/******/public_html/global.php(400) : eval()'d code on line 12
There is no function can_admin_hosting in my mod - it isn't even used. As I see it is allocated in global.php - everywhere where I'm using it it is imported by require_once, so there should be no problem with any redeclaring.
I cannot tell right now why it happens. For me it looks like you override global.php file, but this file is not included in this mod package.
Please follow installation instructions - if you will have problems again - PM me.
07-29-2009, 12:07 PM
This Mod Rock
It solved my big problem with tagging
Very Very Thanks for you
I have a question : I want to include tag keywords in showthread metakeywords
This is My showthread meta
<title>$thread[prefix_plain_html] $thread[title]<if condition="$pagenumber>1"> - <phrase 1="$pagenumber">$vbphrase[page_x]</phrase></if> - $foruminfo[title_clean]</title>
<meta name="description" content="$thread[title], $foruminfo[title]" />
<meta name="keywords" content="$thread[title] , $foruminfo[title]" />
so i need to include tag keywords in <meta name="keywords" content="TAG KEYWORDS HERE" />
2- My 2nd question
I want an option that enforce my users to choose only tags i need
and , newthread not be published except after they choose 2 or 3 tags
Installed, Rated Nominate
07-29-2009, 03:34 PM
There is no function can_admin_hosting in my mod - it isn't even used. As I see it is allocated in global.php - everywhere where I'm using it it is imported by require_once, so there should be no problem with any redeclaring.
I cannot tell right now why it happens. For me it looks like you override global.php file, but this file is not included in this mod package.
Please follow installation instructions - if you will have problems again - PM me.
I will give it another whirl.
07-29-2009, 07:52 PM
This Mod Rock
It solved my big problem with tagging
Very Very Thanks for you
I have a question : I want to include tag keywords in showthread metakeywords
This is My showthread meta
<title>$thread[prefix_plain_html] $thread[title]<if condition="$pagenumber>1"> - <phrase 1="$pagenumber">$vbphrase[page_x]</phrase></if> - $foruminfo[title_clean]</title>
<meta name="description" content="$thread[title], $foruminfo[title]" />
<meta name="keywords" content="$thread[title] , $foruminfo[title]" />
so i need to include tag keywords in <meta name="keywords" content="TAG KEYWORDS HERE" />
2- My 2nd question
I want an option that enforce my users to choose only tags i need
and , newthread not be published except after they choose 2 or 3 tags
Installed, Rated Nominate
Nice to read you like it :D
About first question - this is beggining of my headinclude template (from very beggining to comment about CSS - should help you to define what to change):
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$stylevar[charset]" />
<meta name="generator" content="vBulletin $vboptions[templateversion]" />
<if condition="$show['threadinfo']">
<meta name="keywords" content="<if condition="$threadinfo['taglist']">$threadinfo[taglist], </if>$threadinfo[prefix_plain_html] $threadinfo[title], $vboptions[keywords]" />
<meta name="description" content="<if condition="$pagenumber>1"><phrase 1="$pagenumber">$vbphrase[page_x]</phrase>-</if>$threadinfo[prefix_plain_html] $threadinfo[title] $foruminfo[title_clean]" />
<else /><if condition="$show['foruminfo']">
<meta name="keywords" content="$foruminfo[title_clean], $vboptions[keywords]" />
<meta name="description" content="<if condition="$pagenumber>1"><phrase 1="$pagenumber">$vbphrase[page_x]</phrase>-</if>$foruminfo[description_clean]" />
<else />
<meta name="keywords" content="$vboptions[keywords]" />
<meta name="description" content="$vboptions[description]" />
<!-- CSS Stylesheet -->
It includes tags into meta keywords - but I'm not sure when I made those changes and does it needs som mod to work - just check it and tell does it help :)
As you can see there are some conditions and $threadinfo['taglist'] is used to get tags :)
ADDED - i compared it with original and I see that it is original part of headinclude template - so there is no need to change anything - just set some option which here is checked by $show['threadinfo']
About 2nd thing - this mod is to take tags issues off users. So right now I'm not planning to force users to set tags :) If you want users not create new tags (just use existing one ) - just take them righst for this :)
07-29-2009, 08:18 PM
Is there any chance of adding the blog to get auto tags. I would really like this. My members use the blog allot and never seem to add tags to anything.
Oh and by the way, your tagger is adding tags to my vaultwiki premium which I love. Thanks again.
Ok - give me some manual how to even deal with blogs in vb :D I have no idea how to create blog - without this I'm not able to make tests ;)
So if you want automatic tagging in blogs - first tell me how blogs works in vb :) You can PM me :)
07-30-2009, 11:14 AM
Nice to read you like it :D
About first question - this is beggining of my headinclude template (from very beggining to comment about CSS - should help you to define what to change):
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$stylevar[charset]" />
<meta name="generator" content="vBulletin $vboptions[templateversion]" />
<if condition="$show['threadinfo']">
<meta name="keywords" content="<if condition="$threadinfo['taglist']">$threadinfo[taglist], </if>$threadinfo[prefix_plain_html] $threadinfo[title], $vboptions[keywords]" />
<meta name="description" content="<if condition="$pagenumber>1"><phrase 1="$pagenumber">$vbphrase[page_x]</phrase>-</if>$threadinfo[prefix_plain_html] $threadinfo[title] $foruminfo[title_clean]" />
<else /><if condition="$show['foruminfo']">
<meta name="keywords" content="$foruminfo[title_clean], $vboptions[keywords]" />
<meta name="description" content="<if condition="$pagenumber>1"><phrase 1="$pagenumber">$vbphrase[page_x]</phrase>-</if>$foruminfo[description_clean]" />
<else />
<meta name="keywords" content="$vboptions[keywords]" />
<meta name="description" content="$vboptions[description]" />
<!-- CSS Stylesheet -->
It includes tags into meta keywords - but I'm not sure when I made those changes and does it needs som mod to work - just check it and tell does it help :)
As you can see there are some conditions and $threadinfo['taglist'] is used to get tags :)
ADDED - i compared it with original and I see that it is original part of headinclude template - so there is no need to change anything - just set some option which here is checked by $show['threadinfo']
About 2nd thing - this mod is to take tags issues off users. So right now I'm not planning to force users to set tags :) If you want users not create new tags (just use existing one ) - just take them righst for this :)
Thanks NLP-er , It really works
Now every single thread have it's own keywords , WAITING HIGH PAGE RANK FROM GOOGLE:D
you're great coder
I'm sorry I don't have another membership to rate this Mod again:D
07-31-2009, 06:00 PM
I get these errors in newest 4.0 version after creating a thread or post!
Warning: require_once([path]/includes/functions_autotaggerfromcontentandtitle.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]\includes\functions_newpost.php(609) : eval()'d code on line 2
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'C:\xampp\htdocs\vaz\discussions/includes/functions_autotaggerfromcontentandtitle.php' (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\pear\') in C:\xampp\htdocs\vaz\discussions\includes\functions _newpost.php(609) : eval()'d code on line 2
07-31-2009, 07:26 PM
Hi Guys,
I have it installed now (FYI There is a conflict between this MOD and VBHosting Lite MOD, If you have VHosting installed, this wont.)
Now onto my new issue, if I manually run "Create Tags Propositions From All Titles" and then run the task "Automatic Thread Tagger From Post Content and Title - Tags Propositions" I end up with an SQL error. If I run the task before i manually run it, it has not issues. (I tested that with a fresh install)
Error (Truncated from the middle, so it will allow to post):
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:
Invalid SQL:
INSERT IGNORE INTO tag (tagtext,dateline) VALUES ('servercommand', 1249071740),('grand', 1249071740),('opening', 1249071740),('looking', 1249071740),('for', 1249071740),('staff', 1249071740),('failed', 1249071740),('notice', 1249071740),('how', 1249071740),('to', 1249071740),('oppose', 1249071740),('a', 1249071740),('ban', 1249071740),('read', 1249071740),('before', 1249071740),('posting', 1249071740),('up', 1249071740),('abyss', 1249071740),('web', 1249071740),('windows', 1249071740),('friendly', 1249071740),('fire', 1249071740),('sup', 1249071740),('move', 1249071740),('completed', 1249071740),('nd', 1249071740),('yes', 1249071740),('no', 1249071740),('video', 1249071740),('m', 1249071740),('n', 1249071740),('wall', 1249071740),('automatically', 1249071740),('kick', 1249071740),('high', 1249071740),('pings', 1249071740),('new', 1249071740),('members', 1249071740),('applying', 1249071740),('hypernia', 1249071740),('net', 1249071740),('off', 1249071740),('setup', 1249071740),('first', 1249071740),('month', 1249071740),('linux', 1249071740),('webserver', 1249071740),('lamp', 1249071740),('tutorials', 1249071740),('cool', 1249071740),('templates', 1249071740),('website', 1249071740),('fan', 1249071740),('love', 1249071740),('story', 1249071740),('green', 1249071740),('grass', 1249071740),('official', 1249071740),('cibelle', 1249071740),('well', 1249071740),('am', 1249071740),('here', 1249071740),('hello', 1249071740),('idle', 1249071740),('s', 1249071740),('team', 1249071740),('balance', 1249071740),('chat', 1249071740),('bann', 1249071740),('sec', 1249071740),('moving', 1249071740),('other', 1249071740),('plz', 1249071740),('this', 1249071740),('him', 1249071740),('hell', 1249071740),('look', 1249071740),('at', 1249071740),('haha', 1249071740),('please', 1249071740),('vote', 1249071740),('some', 1249071740),('suggestions', 1249071740),('from', 1249071740),('players', 1249071740),('board', 1249071740),('updated', 1249071740),('requests', 1249071740),('biggest', 1249071740),('artists', 1249071740),('joins', 1249071740),('realtime', 1249071740),('bulletin', 1249071740),('partners', 1249071740),('crytek', 1249071740),('extension', 1249071740),('multiplatform', 1249071740),('crysi', 1249071740),('mixed', 1249071740),('martial', 1249071740),('mma', 1249071740),('hub', 1249071740),('competition', 1249071740),('breaks', 1249071740),('sweat', 1249071740),('record', 1249071740),('sir', 1249071740),('paul', 1249071740),('mccartney', 1249071740),('ringo', 1249071740),('starr', 1249071740),('along', 1249071740),('yoko', 1249071740),('ono', 1249071740),('lennon', 1249071740),('olivia', 1249071740),('harrison', 1249071740),('charm', 1249071740),('girls', 1249071740),('present', 1249071740),('william', 1249071740),('blair', 1249071740),('growth', 1249071740),('conference', 1249071740),('highly', 1249071740),('isnt', 1249071740),('feedback', 1249071740),('shapes', 1249071740),('fifa', 1249071740),('far', 1249071740),('publishing', 1249071740),('annual', 1249071740),('relax', 1249071740),('protect', 1249071740),('purge', 1249071740),('secure', 1249071740),('travelling', 1249071740),('manage', 1249071740),('family?s', 1249071740),('hectic', 1249071740),('schedule', 1249071740),('calendar', 1249071740),('mobile', 1249071740),('personalize', 1249071740),('it?s', 1249071740),('reduce', 1249071740),('stress', 1249071740),('stay', 1249071740),('organized', 1249071740),('errands', 1249071740),('financial', 1249071740),('claim', 1249071740),('victory', 1249071740),('tablet', 1249071740),('writer', 1249071740),('outlook', 1249071740),('access?no', 1249071740),('pocket', 1249071740),('managing', 1249071740),('records', 1249071740),('ufc', 1249071740),('undisputed', 1249071740),('infamous', 1249071740),('terminator', 1249071740),('salvation', 1249071740),('cross', 1249071740),('faction', 1249071740),('guerrilla?', 1249071740),('?', 1249071740),('clank?', 1249071740),('metallica', 1249071740),('crimson', 1249071740),('gem', 1249071740),('saga?', 1249071740),('piper', 1249071740),('jaffray', 1249071740),('consumer', 1249071740),('allspark', 1249071740),('reven', 1249071740),('asus', 1249071740),('bathroom', 1249071740),('dawnville', 1249071740),('sawmill', 1249071740),('altair', 1249071740),('camp', 1249071740),('desetv', 1249071740),('firefahkre', 1249071740),('matmatan', 1249071740),('overgrown', 1249071740),('swatmata', 1249071740),('adds', 1249071740),('sellers', 1249071740),('current', 1249071740),('specials', 1249071740),('celebrate', 1249071740),('surprise', 1249071740),('penumbra', 1249071740),('horror', 1249071740),('tiger', 1249071740),('woods', 1249071740),('pga', 1249071740),('tees', 1249071740),('serves', 1249071740),('slamtennis', 1249071740),('invites', 1249071740),('burnout', 1249071740),('surf', 1249071740),('prologue', 1249071740),('manner', 1249071740),('based', 1249071740),('cipher', 1249071740),('virtua', 1249071740),('indiana', 1249071740),('jones', 1249071740),('kings?', 1249071740),('unplugged?', 1249071740),('heroes?', 1249071740),('shape', 1249071740),('shifts', 1249071740),('retail', 1249071740),('millions', 1249071740),('embrace', 1249071740),('orchestra', 1249071740),('steamworks', 1249071740),('terran', 1249071740),('blueberry', 1249071740),('igf', 1249071740),('prize', 1249071740),('north', 1249071740),('shoot', 1249071740),('distance', 1249071740),('maxxx', 1249071740),('mythic', 1249071740),('entertainment', 1249071740),('rise', 1249071740),('event', 1249071740),('finish', 1249071740),('mysims', 1249071740),('speeds', 1249071740),('onto', 1249071740),('store', 1249071740),('shelve', 1249071740),('dwight', 1249071740),('howard', 1249071740),('athlete', 1249071740),('nba', 1249071740),('civilization', 1249071740),('beyond', 1249071740),('sword', 1249071740),('hinterland', 1249071740),('unleash', 1249071740),('summer', 1249071740),('railworks', 1249071740),('mmos', 1249071740),('arnhem', 1249071740),('selects', 1249071740),('mediaedge', 1249071740),('cia', 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1249071740),('officer', 1249071740),('mystery', 1249071740),('scorpio', 1249071740),('ritual', 1249071740),('smashball', 1249071740),('anno', 1249071740),('campaign', 1249071740),('aspviper', 1249071740),('avatumbleweed', 1249071740),('castle', 1249071740),('ctan', 1249071740),('carentan', 1249071740),('deck', 1249071740),('desert', 1249071740),('docks', 1249071740),('dunes', 1249071740),('latest', 1249071740),('blackhawks', 1249071740),('kane', 1249071740),('nhl', 1249071740),('evil', 1249071740),('unite', 1249071740),('dynasty', 1249071740),('overlord?', 1249071740),('?ii', 1249071740),('galactic', 1249071740),('beams', 1249071740),('worldwide', 1249071740),('vengeance', 1249071740),('she', 1249071740),('projected', 1249071740),('draft', 1249071740),('pick', 1249071740),('blake', 1249071740),('ncaa', 1249071740),('basketb', 1249071740),('dust', 1249071740),('eerie', 1249071740),('eerier', 1249071740),('endangered', 1249071740),('falujah', 1249071740),('forest', 1249071740),('novint', 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1249071740),('buildings', 1249071740),('metro', 1249071740),('missle', 1249071740),('monastery', 1249071740),('nva', 1249071740),('octagon', 1249071740),('onslaught', 1249071740),('pool', 1249071740),('reloaded', 1249071740),('african', 1249071740),('bretot', 1249071740),('dumont', 1249071740),('had', 1249071740),('maze', 1249071740),('iwo', 1249071740),('jima', 1249071740),('kaen', 1249071740),('luxing', 1249071740),('parthenon', 1249071740),('spirit', 1249071740),('pavlov', 1249071740),('ol', 1249071740),('ramelle', 1249071740),('sk', 1249071740),('tubw', 1249071740),('worldcup', 1249071740),('zen', 1249071740),('gate', 1249071740),('meridian', 1249071740),('mytran', 1249071740),('blazblue', 1249071740),('calamity', 1249071740),('trigger', 1249071740),('prince', 1249071740),('dinosaurs', 1249071740),('juarez', 1249071740),('bound', 1249071740),('cid', 1249071740),('dummy', 1249071740),('warner', 1249071740),('bros', 1249071740),('bloo', 1249071740),('maloof', 1249071740),('cup', 1249071740),('makes', 1249071740),('debut', 1249071740),('critically', 1249071740),('acclaimed', 1249071740),('shelves', 1249071740),('xfactor', 1249071740),('reg', 1249071740),('chains', 1249071740),('reccuring', 1249071740),('sea', 1249071740),('air', 1249071740),('huge', 1249071740),('aquadukt', 1249071740),('aoasta', 1249071740),('valley', 1249071740),('archway', 1249071740),('beltot', 1249071740),('fort', 1249071740),('boxfight', 1249071740),('cargo', 1249071740),('cmm', 1249071740),('complex', 1249071740),('dam', 1249071740),('decl', 1249071740),('dhd', 1249071740),('mayhem', 1249071740),('divided', 1249071740),('doneck', 1249071740),('forsaken', 1249071740),('mogadishu', 1249071740),('bunker', 1249071740),('fellas', 1249071740),('hih', 1249071740),('hollywood', 1249071740),('holocaust', 1249071740),('hurtgen', 1249071740),('insurgency', 1249071740),('junk', 1249071740),('karrak', 1249071740),('lumberyard', 1249071740),('mashtuur', 1249071740),('matmata', 1249071740),('mice', 1249071740),('oldtown', 1249071740),('osamas', 1249071740),('paisible', 1249071740),('panzer', 1249071740),('pillar', 1249071740),('piped', 1249071740),('plura', 1249071740),('prisonsona', 1249071740),('berserk', 1249071740),('perk', 1249071740),('gothic', 1249071740),('leveling', 1249071740),('manor', 1249071740),('maniacs', 1249071740),('stranded', 1249071740),('pacman', 1249071740),('rsix', 1249071740),('death', 1249071740),('pit', 1249071740),('tunnels', 1249071740),('hour', 1249071740),('custm', 1249071740),('mos', 1249071740),('eisley', 1249071740),('orman', 1249071740),('biohazard', 1249071740),('nagomi', 1249071740),('sou', 1249071740),('heaven', 1249071740),('sum', 1249071740),('fears', 1249071740),('cave', 1249071740),('raods', 1249071740),('aqua', 1249071740),('study', 1249071740),('trail', 1249071740),('concert', 1249071740),('hall', 1249071740),('doom', 1249071740),('bte', 1249071740),('outsidetdofv', 1249071740),('wishing', 1249071740),('silo', 1249071740),('despair', 1249071740),('canyon', 1249071740),('lotd', 1249071740),('downtown', 1249071740),('stigmaticism', 1249071740),('lucas', 1249071740),('brainpipe', 1249071740),('wild', 1249071740),('simanimals', 1249071740),('africa', 1249071740),('tweens', 1249071740),('electronic', 1249071740),('inc', 1249071740),('sponsor', 1249071740),('inaugural', 1249071740),('natio', 1249071740),('boink', 1249071740),('compressing', 1249071740),('uncompressing', 1249071740),('tales', 1249071740),('monkey', 1249071740),('swashbuckling', 1249071740),('saga', 1249071740),('five', 1249071740),('deploy', 1249071740),('nerf', 1249071740),('elite', 1249071740),('celebration', 1249071740),('hasbro', 1249071740),('begun', 1249071740),('lucasarts', 1249071740),('battlefield?', 1249071740),('los', 1249071740),('angeles', 1249071740),('supreme', 1249071740),('ruler', 1249071740),('scary', 1249071740),('cycling', 1249071740),('europa', 1249071740),('universalis', 1249071740),('rome', 1249071740),('lower', 1249071740),('platform', 1249071740),('con', 1249071740),('teams', 1249071740),('gi', 1249071740),('joe', 1249071740),('through', 1249071740),('hola', 1249071740),('handbags', 1249071740),('purses', 1249071740),('lowerest', 1249071740),('fashion', 1249071740),('handbag', 1249071740),('designers', 1249071740),('unbound', 1249071740),('dot', 1249071740),('commy', 1249071740),('mumbo', 1249071740),('jumbo', 1249071740),('dan', 1249071740),('slutz', 1249071740),('canton', 1249071740),('ohio', 1249071740),('wins', 1249071740),('national', 1249071740),('invent', 1249071740),('aion', 1249071740),('aboard', 1249071740),('vpk', 1249071740),('dawntown', 1249071740),('storms', 1249071740),('san', 1249071740),('diego', 1249071740),('hottest', 1249071740),('brothers', 1249071740),('expands', 1249071740),('colt', 1249071740),('akm', 1249071740),('ruins', 1249071740),('depot', 1249071740),('duelies', 1249071740),('nya', 1249071740),('shotgun', 1249071740),('garage', 1249071740),('tmp', 1249071740),('usp', 1249071740),('dc', 1249071740),('comics', 1249071740),('nine', 1249071740),('circles', 1249071740),('dante', 1249071740),('inferno', 1249071740),('award', 1249071740),('winning', 1249071740),('guitarist', 1249071740),('carlos', 1249071740),('santana', 1249071740),('lend', 1249071740),('smooth', 1249071740),('grooves', 1249071740),('trademark', 1249071740),('loaded', 1249071740),('competitive', 1249071740),('bay', 1249071740),('indie', 1249071740),('rats', 1249071740),('clutch', 1249071740),('phenomic', 1249071740),('renegade', 1249071740),('pandemic', 1249071740),('studios', 1249071740),('saboteur', 1249071740),('explodes', 1249071740),('december', 1249071740),('nancy', 1249071740),('drew', 1249071740),('ransom', 1249071740),('seven', 1249071740),('industry', 1249071740),('veterans', 1249071740),('twistory', 1249071740),('singulari', 1249071740),('horse', 1249071740),('blast', 1249071740),('results', 1249071740),('august', 1249071740),('quest', 1249071740),('galactrix', 1249071740),('sam', 1249071740),('raimi', 1249071740),('wa', 1249071740),('nitro', 1249071740),('adrenaline', 1249071740),('fueled', 1249071740),('november', 1249071740),('briefing', 1249071740),('cologne', 1249071740),('gamescom', 1249071740),('pm', 1249071740),('shatters', 1249071740),('montreal', 1249071740),('signs', 1249071740),('renowned', 1249071740),('chris', 1249071740),('bachalo', 1249071740),('jock', 1249071740),('eng', 1249071740),('catalog', 1249071740),('defense', 1249071740),('awakening', 1249071740),('races', 1249071740),('watchmen', 1249071740),('end', 1249071740),('nigh', 1249071740),('fiscal', 1249071740),('velvet', 1249071740),('stockholders', 1249071740),('tropico', 1249071740),('pangya', 1249071740),('contest', 1249071740),('pub', 1249071740),('experiment', 1249071740),('jazzy', 1249071740),('turntable', 1249071740),('skills', 1249071740),('franchises', 1249071740),('awe', 1249071740),('multimode', 1249071740),('blip', 1249071740),('damn', 1249071740),('rwf', 1249071740),('lost', 1249071740),('mgmt', 1249071740),('kf', 1249071740),('cabela', 1249071740),('outdoor', 1249071740),('enthusias', 1249071740),('inglourious', 1249071740),('basterds', 1249071740),('premiere', 1249071740),('rearmed', 1249071740),('corner', 1249071740),('grim', 1249071740),('lab', 1249071740),('mondain', 1249071740),('avai', 1249071740),('cloud', 1249071740),('fedor', 1249071740),('emelianenko', 1249071740),('headlines', 1249071740),('roster', 1249071740),('fighters', 1249071740),('xiii', 1249071740),('mata', 1249071740),('hari', 1249071740),('correcting', 1249071740),('replacing', 1249071740),('archives', 1249071740),('carnival', 1249071740),('featuring', 1249071740),('widest', 1249071740),('apple', 1249071740),('prepare', 1249071740),('folder', 1249071740),('raven', 1249071740),('shield', 1249071740),('brewery', 1249071740),('hearts', 1249071740),('iron', 1249071740),('complete', 1249071740),('including', 1249071740),('fourth', 1249071740),('installment', 1249071740),('bogey', 1249071740),('nikopol', 1249071740),('secrets', 1249071740),('immortals', 1249071740),('befor', 1249071740),('already', 1249071740),('bnsf', 1249071740),('licensed', 1249071740),('done', 1249071740),('supermarket', 1249071740),('princess', 1249071740),('xii', 1249071740),('degeneration', 1249071740),('ctf', 1249071740),('stronghold', 1249071740),('respect', 1249071740),('flashlight', 1249071740),('scoutz', 1249071740),('deagle', 1249071740),('dualies', 1249071740),('deluxe', 1249071740);
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'share', 1249071740),('mine', 1249071740),('scripts', 1249071740),('rucell', 1249' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Friday, July 31st 2009 @ 02:22:20 PM
Error Date : Friday, July 31st 2009 @ 02:22:20 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : ******
Username : ******
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.81-community
On another note, you are also missing a phrase, image attached.
07-31-2009, 07:27 PM
I get these errors in newest 4.0 version after creating a thread or post!
Warning: require_once([path]/includes/functions_autotaggerfromcontentandtitle.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]\includes\functions_newpost.php(609) : eval()'d code on line 2
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'C:\xampp\htdocs\vaz\discussions/includes/functions_autotaggerfromcontentandtitle.php' (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\pear\') in C:\xampp\htdocs\vaz\discussions\includes\functions _newpost.php(609) : eval()'d code on line 2
You did upload the new files for 4.01, right?
08-01-2009, 03:51 PM
I get these errors in newest 4.0 version after creating a thread or post!
Warning: require_once([path]/includes/functions_autotaggerfromcontentandtitle.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]\includes\functions_newpost.php(609) : eval()'d code on line 2
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'C:\xampp\htdocs\vaz\discussions/includes/functions_autotaggerfromcontentandtitle.php' (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\pear\') in C:\xampp\htdocs\vaz\discussions\includes\functions _newpost.php(609) : eval()'d code on line 2
Please fallow installation instructions and upload files included in zip package :)
08-01-2009, 03:58 PM
Hi Guys,
I have it installed now (FYI There is a conflict between this MOD and VBHosting Lite MOD, If you have VHosting installed, this wont.)
Now onto my new issue, if I manually run "Create Tags Propositions From All Titles" and then run the task "Automatic Thread Tagger From Post Content and Title - Tags Propositions" I end up with an SQL error. If I run the task before i manually run it, it has not issues. (I tested that with a fresh install)
Error (Truncated from the middle, so it will allow to post):
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:
Invalid SQL:
INSERT IGNORE INTO tag (tagtext,dateline) VALUES ('servercommand', 1249071740),('grand', 1249071740),('opening', 1249071740),('looking', 1249071740),('for', 1249071740),('staff', 1249071740),('failed', 1249071740),('notice', 1249071740),('how', 1249071740),('to', 1249071740),('oppose', 1249071740),('a', 1249071740),('ban', 1249071740),('read', 1249071740),('before', 1249071740),('posting', 1249071740),('up', 1249071740),('abyss', 1249071740),('web', 1249071740),('windows', 1249071740),('friendly', 1249071740),('fire', 1249071740),('sup', 1249071740),('move', 1249071740),('completed', 1249071740),('nd', 1249071740),('yes', 1249071740),('no', 1249071740),('video', 1249071740),('m', 1249071740),('n', 1249071740),('wall', 1249071740),('automatically', 1249071740),('kick', 1249071740),('high', 1249071740),('pings', 1249071740),('new', 1249071740),('members', 1249071740),('applying', 1249071740),('hypernia', 1249071740),('net', 1249071740),('off', 1249071740),('setup', 1249071740),('first', 1249071740),('month', 1249071740),('linux', 1249071740),('webserver', 1249071740),('lamp', 1249071740),('tutorials', 1249071740),('cool', 1249071740),('templates', 1249071740),('website', 1249071740),('fan', 1249071740),('love', 1249071740),('story', 1249071740),('green', 1249071740),('grass', 1249071740),('official', 1249071740),('cibelle', 1249071740),('well', 1249071740),('am', 1249071740),('here', 1249071740),('hello', 1249071740),('idle', 1249071740),('s', 1249071740),('team', 1249071740),('balance', 1249071740),('chat', 1249071740),('bann', 1249071740),('sec', 1249071740),('moving', 1249071740),('other', 1249071740),('plz', 1249071740),('this', 1249071740),('him', 1249071740),('hell', 1249071740),('look', 1249071740),('at', 1249071740),('haha', 1249071740),('please', 1249071740),('vote', 1249071740),('some', 1249071740),('suggestions', 1249071740),('from', 1249071740),('players', 1249071740),('board', 1249071740),('updated', 1249071740),('requests', 1249071740),('biggest', 1249071740),('artists', 1249071740),('joins', 1249071740),('realtime', 1249071740),('bulletin', 1249071740),('partners', 1249071740),('crytek', 1249071740),('extension', 1249071740),('multiplatform', 1249071740),('crysi', 1249071740),('mixed', 1249071740),('martial', 1249071740),('mma', 1249071740),('hub', 1249071740),('competition', 1249071740),('breaks', 1249071740),('sweat', 1249071740),('record', 1249071740),('sir', 1249071740),('paul', 1249071740),('mccartney', 1249071740),('ringo', 1249071740),('starr', 1249071740),('along', 1249071740),('yoko', 1249071740),('ono', 1249071740),('lennon', 1249071740),('olivia', 1249071740),('harrison', 1249071740),('charm', 1249071740),('girls', 1249071740),('present', 1249071740),('william', 1249071740),('blair', 1249071740),('growth', 1249071740),('conference', 1249071740),('highly', 1249071740),('isnt', 1249071740),('feedback', 1249071740),('shapes', 1249071740),('fifa', 1249071740),('far', 1249071740),('publishing', 1249071740),('annual', 1249071740),('relax', 1249071740),('protect', 1249071740),('purge', 1249071740),('secure', 1249071740),('travelling', 1249071740),('manage', 1249071740),('family’s', 1249071740),('hectic', 1249071740),('schedule', 1249071740),('calendar', 1249071740),('mobile', 1249071740),('personalize', 1249071740),('it’s', 1249071740),('reduce', 1249071740),('stress', 1249071740),('stay', 1249071740),('organized', 1249071740),('errands', 1249071740),('financial', 1249071740),('claim', 1249071740),('victory', 1249071740),('tablet', 1249071740),('writer', 1249071740),('outlook', 1249071740),('access—no', 1249071740),('pocket', 1249071740),('managing', 1249071740),('records', 1249071740),('ufc', 1249071740),('undisputed', 1249071740),('infamous', 1249071740),('terminator', 1249071740),('salvation', 1249071740),('cross', 1249071740),('faction', 1249071740),('guerrilla?', 1249071740),('?', 1249071740),('clank?', 1249071740),('metallica', 1249071740),('crimson', 1249071740),('gem', 1249071740),('saga?', 1249071740),('piper', 1249071740),('jaffray', 1249071740),('consumer', 1249071740),('allspark', 1249071740),('reven', 1249071740),('asus', 1249071740),('bathroom', 1249071740),('dawnville', 1249071740),('sawmill', 1249071740),('altair', 1249071740),('camp', 1249071740),('desetv', 1249071740),('firefahkre', 1249071740),('matmatan', 1249071740),('overgrown', 1249071740),('swatmata', 1249071740),('adds', 1249071740),('sellers', 1249071740),('current', 1249071740),('specials', 1249071740),('celebrate', 1249071740),('surprise', 1249071740),('penumbra', 1249071740),('horror', 1249071740),('tiger', 1249071740),('woods', 1249071740),('pga', 1249071740),('tees', 1249071740),('serves', 1249071740),('slamtennis', 1249071740),('invites', 1249071740),('burnout', 1249071740),('surf', 1249071740),('prologue', 1249071740),('manner', 1249071740),('based', 1249071740),('cipher', 1249071740),('virtua', 1249071740),('indiana', 1249071740),('jones', 1249071740),('kings?', 1249071740),('unplugged?', 1249071740),('heroes?', 1249071740),('shape', 1249071740),('shifts', 1249071740),('retail', 1249071740),('millions', 1249071740),('embrace', 1249071740),('orchestra', 1249071740),('steamworks', 1249071740),('terran', 1249071740),('blueberry', 1249071740),('igf', 1249071740),('prize', 1249071740),('north', 1249071740),('shoot', 1249071740),('distance', 1249071740),('maxxx', 1249071740),('mythic', 1249071740),('entertainment', 1249071740),('rise', 1249071740),('event', 1249071740),('finish', 1249071740),('mysims', 1249071740),('speeds', 1249071740),('onto', 1249071740),('store', 1249071740),('shelve', 1249071740),('dwight', 1249071740),('howard', 1249071740),('athlete', 1249071740),('nba', 1249071740),('civilization', 1249071740),('beyond', 1249071740),('sword', 1249071740),('hinterland', 1249071740),('unleash', 1249071740),('summer', 1249071740),('railworks', 1249071740),('mmos', 1249071740),('arnhem', 1249071740),('selects', 1249071740),('mediaedge', 1249071740),('cia', 1249071740),('planning', 1249071740),('agency', 1249071740),('reco', 1249071740),('shift', 1249071740),('puts', 1249071740),('racers', 1249071740),('profile', 1249071740),('em', 1249071740),('boyos', 1249071740),('mtv', 1249071740),('harmonix', 1249071740),('superstar', 1249071740),('lineup', 1249071740),('pac', 1249071740),('dark', 1249071740),('sector', 1249071740),('ghostbusters?', 1249071740),('thumb', 1249071740),('wallace', 1249071740),('gromit', 1249071740),('muzzled', 1249071740),('bethesda', 1249071740),('brings', 1249071740),('strategy', 1249071740),('ghostbusters', 1249071740),('videogame', 1249071740),('chronicles', 1249071740),('rid++++', 1249071740),('athena', 1249071740),('features', 1249071740),('merchants', 1249071740),('brooklyn', 1249071740),('argos', 1249071740),('naval', 1249071740),('yard', 1249071740),('expansion', 1249071740),('gigamedia', 1249071740),('ta', 1249071740),('overlord', 1249071740),('john', 1249071740),('schappert', 1249071740),('returns', 1249071740),('officer', 1249071740),('mystery', 1249071740),('scorpio', 1249071740),('ritual', 1249071740),('smashball', 1249071740),('anno', 1249071740),('campaign', 1249071740),('aspviper', 1249071740),('avatumbleweed', 1249071740),('castle', 1249071740),('ctan', 1249071740),('carentan', 1249071740),('deck', 1249071740),('desert', 1249071740),('docks', 1249071740),('dunes', 1249071740),('latest', 1249071740),('blackhawks', 1249071740),('kane', 1249071740),('nhl', 1249071740),('evil', 1249071740),('unite', 1249071740),('dynasty', 1249071740),('overlord?', 1249071740),('?ii', 1249071740),('galactic', 1249071740),('beams', 1249071740),('worldwide', 1249071740),('vengeance', 1249071740),('she', 1249071740),('projected', 1249071740),('draft', 1249071740),('pick', 1249071740),('blake', 1249071740),('ncaa', 1249071740),('basketb', 1249071740),('dust', 1249071740),('eerie', 1249071740),('eerier', 1249071740),('endangered', 1249071740),('falujah', 1249071740),('forest', 1249071740),('novint', 1249071740),('falcon', 1249071740),('rated', 1249071740),('critics', 1249071740),('battlestations', 1249071740),('pacific', 1249071740),('garry', 1249071740),('tyson', 1249071740),('ring', 1249071740),('fight', 1249071740),('unrivaled', 1249071740),('downloa', 1249071740),('knocks', 1249071740),('ba', 1249071740),('land', 1249071740),('rec', 1249071740),('packages', 1249071740),('zeno', 1249071740),('clash', 1249071740),('messiah', 1249071740),('droplitz', 1249071740),('addictive', 1249071740),('trine', 1249071740),('backlot', 1249071740),('bridge', 1249071740),('fritzkrieg', 1249071740),('hangar', 1249071740),('fsd', 1249071740),('walk', 1249071740),('garena', 1249071740),('gold', 1249071740),('islands', 1249071740),('gaveyard', 1249071740),('harem', 1249071740),('hill', 1249071740),('hq', 1249071740),('highway', 1249071740),('kh', 1249071740),('knife', 1249071740),('ls', 1249071740),('beach', 1249071740),('lsb', 1249071740),('gmn', 1249071740),('lumber', 1249071740),('malta', 1249071740),('buildings', 1249071740),('metro', 1249071740),('missle', 1249071740),('monastery', 1249071740),('nva', 1249071740),('octagon', 1249071740),('onslaught', 1249071740),('pool', 1249071740),('reloaded', 1249071740),('african', 1249071740),('bretot', 1249071740),('dumont', 1249071740),('had', 1249071740),('maze', 1249071740),('iwo', 1249071740),('jima', 1249071740),('kaen', 1249071740),('luxing', 1249071740),('parthenon', 1249071740),('spirit', 1249071740),('pavlov', 1249071740),('ol', 1249071740),('ramelle', 1249071740),('sk', 1249071740),('tubw', 1249071740),('worldcup', 1249071740),('zen', 1249071740),('gate', 1249071740),('meridian', 1249071740),('mytran', 1249071740),('blazblue', 1249071740),('calamity', 1249071740),('trigger', 1249071740),('prince', 1249071740),('dinosaurs', 1249071740),('juarez', 1249071740),('bound', 1249071740),('cid', 1249071740),('dummy', 1249071740),('warner', 1249071740),('bros', 1249071740),('bloo', 1249071740),('maloof', 1249071740),('cup', 1249071740),('makes', 1249071740),('debut', 1249071740),('critically', 1249071740),('acclaimed', 1249071740),('shelves', 1249071740),('xfactor', 1249071740),('reg', 1249071740),('chains', 1249071740),('reccuring', 1249071740),('sea', 1249071740),('air', 1249071740),('huge', 1249071740),('aquadukt', 1249071740),('aoasta', 1249071740),('valley', 1249071740),('archway', 1249071740),('beltot', 1249071740),('fort', 1249071740),('boxfight', 1249071740),('cargo', 1249071740),('cmm', 1249071740),('complex', 1249071740),('dam', 1249071740),('decl', 1249071740),('dhd', 1249071740),('mayhem', 1249071740),('divided', 1249071740),('doneck', 1249071740),('forsaken', 1249071740),('mogadishu', 1249071740),('bunker', 1249071740),('fellas', 1249071740),('hih', 1249071740),('hollywood', 1249071740),('holocaust', 1249071740),('hurtgen', 1249071740),('insurgency', 1249071740),('junk', 1249071740),('karrak', 1249071740),('lumberyard', 1249071740),('mashtuur', 1249071740),('matmata', 1249071740),('mice', 1249071740),('oldtown', 1249071740),('osamas', 1249071740),('paisible', 1249071740),('panzer', 1249071740),('pillar', 1249071740),('piped', 1249071740),('plura', 1249071740),('prisonsona', 1249071740),('berserk', 1249071740),('perk', 1249071740),('gothic', 1249071740),('leveling', 1249071740),('manor', 1249071740),('maniacs', 1249071740),('stranded', 1249071740),('pacman', 1249071740),('rsix', 1249071740),('death', 1249071740),('pit', 1249071740),('tunnels', 1249071740),('hour', 1249071740),('custm', 1249071740),('mos', 1249071740),('eisley', 1249071740),('orman', 1249071740),('biohazard', 1249071740),('nagomi', 1249071740),('sou', 1249071740),('heaven', 1249071740),('sum', 1249071740),('fears', 1249071740),('cave', 1249071740),('raods', 1249071740),('aqua', 1249071740),('study', 1249071740),('trail', 1249071740),('concert', 1249071740),('hall', 1249071740),('doom', 1249071740),('bte', 1249071740),('outsidetdofv', 1249071740),('wishing', 1249071740),('silo', 1249071740),('despair', 1249071740),('canyon', 1249071740),('lotd', 1249071740),('downtown', 1249071740),('stigmaticism', 1249071740),('lucas', 1249071740),('brainpipe', 1249071740),('wild', 1249071740),('simanimals', 1249071740),('africa', 1249071740),('tweens', 1249071740),('electronic', 1249071740),('inc', 1249071740),('sponsor', 1249071740),('inaugural', 1249071740),('natio', 1249071740),('boink', 1249071740),('compressing', 1249071740),('uncompressing', 1249071740),('tales', 1249071740),('monkey', 1249071740),('swashbuckling', 1249071740),('saga', 1249071740),('five', 1249071740),('deploy', 1249071740),('nerf', 1249071740),('elite', 1249071740),('celebration', 1249071740),('hasbro', 1249071740),('begun', 1249071740),('lucasarts', 1249071740),('battlefield?', 1249071740),('los', 1249071740),('angeles', 1249071740),('supreme', 1249071740),('ruler', 1249071740),('scary', 1249071740),('cycling', 1249071740),('europa', 1249071740),('universalis', 1249071740),('rome', 1249071740),('lower', 1249071740),('platform', 1249071740),('con', 1249071740),('teams', 1249071740),('gi', 1249071740),('joe', 1249071740),('through', 1249071740),('hola', 1249071740),('handbags', 1249071740),('purses', 1249071740),('lowerest', 1249071740),('fashion', 1249071740),('handbag', 1249071740),('designers', 1249071740),('unbound', 1249071740),('dot', 1249071740),('commy', 1249071740),('mumbo', 1249071740),('jumbo', 1249071740),('dan', 1249071740),('slutz', 1249071740),('canton', 1249071740),('ohio', 1249071740),('wins', 1249071740),('national', 1249071740),('invent', 1249071740),('aion', 1249071740),('aboard', 1249071740),('vpk', 1249071740),('dawntown', 1249071740),('storms', 1249071740),('san', 1249071740),('diego', 1249071740),('hottest', 1249071740),('brothers', 1249071740),('expands', 1249071740),('colt', 1249071740),('akm', 1249071740),('ruins', 1249071740),('depot', 1249071740),('duelies', 1249071740),('nya', 1249071740),('shotgun', 1249071740),('garage', 1249071740),('tmp', 1249071740),('usp', 1249071740),('dc', 1249071740),('comics', 1249071740),('nine', 1249071740),('circles', 1249071740),('dante', 1249071740),('inferno', 1249071740),('award', 1249071740),('winning', 1249071740),('guitarist', 1249071740),('carlos', 1249071740),('santana', 1249071740),('lend', 1249071740),('smooth', 1249071740),('grooves', 1249071740),('trademark', 1249071740),('loaded', 1249071740),('competitive', 1249071740),('bay', 1249071740),('indie', 1249071740),('rats', 1249071740),('clutch', 1249071740),('phenomic', 1249071740),('renegade', 1249071740),('pandemic', 1249071740),('studios', 1249071740),('saboteur', 1249071740),('explodes', 1249071740),('december', 1249071740),('nancy', 1249071740),('drew', 1249071740),('ransom', 1249071740),('seven', 1249071740),('industry', 1249071740),('veterans', 1249071740),('twistory', 1249071740),('singulari', 1249071740),('horse', 1249071740),('blast', 1249071740),('results', 1249071740),('august', 1249071740),('quest', 1249071740),('galactrix', 1249071740),('sam', 1249071740),('raimi', 1249071740),('wa', 1249071740),('nitro', 1249071740),('adrenaline', 1249071740),('fueled', 1249071740),('november', 1249071740),('briefing', 1249071740),('cologne', 1249071740),('gamescom', 1249071740),('pm', 1249071740),('shatters', 1249071740),('montreal', 1249071740),('signs', 1249071740),('renowned', 1249071740),('chris', 1249071740),('bachalo', 1249071740),('jock', 1249071740),('eng', 1249071740),('catalog', 1249071740),('defense', 1249071740),('awakening', 1249071740),('races', 1249071740),('watchmen', 1249071740),('end', 1249071740),('nigh', 1249071740),('fiscal', 1249071740),('velvet', 1249071740),('stockholders', 1249071740),('tropico', 1249071740),('pangya', 1249071740),('contest', 1249071740),('pub', 1249071740),('experiment', 1249071740),('jazzy', 1249071740),('turntable', 1249071740),('skills', 1249071740),('franchises', 1249071740),('awe', 1249071740),('multimode', 1249071740),('blip', 1249071740),('damn', 1249071740),('rwf', 1249071740),('lost', 1249071740),('mgmt', 1249071740),('kf', 1249071740),('cabela', 1249071740),('outdoor', 1249071740),('enthusias', 1249071740),('inglourious', 1249071740),('basterds', 1249071740),('premiere', 1249071740),('rearmed', 1249071740),('corner', 1249071740),('grim', 1249071740),('lab', 1249071740),('mondain', 1249071740),('avai', 1249071740),('cloud', 1249071740),('fedor', 1249071740),('emelianenko', 1249071740),('headlines', 1249071740),('roster', 1249071740),('fighters', 1249071740),('xiii', 1249071740),('mata', 1249071740),('hari', 1249071740),('correcting', 1249071740),('replacing', 1249071740),('archives', 1249071740),('carnival', 1249071740),('featuring', 1249071740),('widest', 1249071740),('apple', 1249071740),('prepare', 1249071740),('folder', 1249071740),('raven', 1249071740),('shield', 1249071740),('brewery', 1249071740),('hearts', 1249071740),('iron', 1249071740),('complete', 1249071740),('including', 1249071740),('fourth', 1249071740),('installment', 1249071740),('bogey', 1249071740),('nikopol', 1249071740),('secrets', 1249071740),('immortals', 1249071740),('befor', 1249071740),('already', 1249071740),('bnsf', 1249071740),('licensed', 1249071740),('done', 1249071740),('supermarket', 1249071740),('princess', 1249071740),('xii', 1249071740),('degeneration', 1249071740),('ctf', 1249071740),('stronghold', 1249071740),('respect', 1249071740),('flashlight', 1249071740),('scoutz', 1249071740),('deagle', 1249071740),('dualies', 1249071740),('deluxe', 1249071740);
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'share', 1249071740),('mine', 1249071740),('scripts', 1249071740),('rucell', 1249' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Friday, July 31st 2009 @ 02:22:20 PM
Error Date : Friday, July 31st 2009 @ 02:22:20 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : ******
Username : ******
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.81-community
On another note, you are also missing a phrase, image attached.
Thanks for your notes :)
Can you describe what happens when VBHosting Lite is installed? When I search VBHosting Lite founds only my mod :D So - please PM me link to VBHosting Lite mod.
About problem with tags propositions I will just check it - unfortunately you truncated important part - can you send again error message but without truncation this part which is described in MySQL Error : line? :)
Issue here is not with the order but with content of propositions. I need to know with which word there is a problem so I will be able to react and fix bug :)
About missed phrase - thanks I will correct it :)
08-01-2009, 07:23 PM
Thanks for your notes :)
Can you describe what happens when VBHosting Lite is installed? When I search VBHosting Lite founds only my mod :D So - please PM me link to VBHosting Lite mod.
About problem with tags propositions I will just check it - unfortunately you truncated important part - can you send again error message but without truncation this part which is described in MySQL Error : line? :)
Issue here is not with the order but with content of propositions. I need to know with which word there is a problem so I will be able to react and fix bug :)
About missed phrase - thanks I will correct it :)
I will see if I can dig up the mod, its an old one so it may not be here anymore. I did post the full error on it here:
As for the full error, please see attached, forum has a length limit :rolleyes:
08-01-2009, 11:04 PM
I will see if I can dig up the mod, its an old one so it may not be here anymore. I did post the full error on it here:
As for the full error, please see attached, forum has a length limit :rolleyes:
Ok thanks - I know what causes this error now :) I will fix it in next release :)
08-01-2009, 11:42 PM
Now mod respects tag min and max length settings when creates tags propositions + aliases for this settings was added to this mod settings group.
Also fixed bug for changing propositions to tags with special characters.
Enjoy! :)
If someone want to clear propositions which was made without respecting min and max length then simply execute this query on vb db:
delete from tag_proposition where status=0
Note: Do not just delete all propositions. In such case you will loose history and already disabled propositions will appear again. Also if you just delete everything from tag_proposition table, then propositions for already existing tags can appears. So use code which I gave you and run after that "Create Tags Propositions From All Titles".
08-02-2009, 12:43 AM
Now mod respects tag min and max length settings when creates tags propositions + aliases for this settings was added to this mod settings group.
Also fixed bug for changing propositions to tags with special characters.
Enjoy! :)
If someone want to clear propositions which was made without respecting min and max length then simply execute this query on vb db:
delete from tag_proposition where status=0
Note: Do not just delete all propositions. In such case you will loose history and already disabled propositions will appear again. Also if you just delete everything from tag_proposition table, then propositions for already existing tags can appears. So use code which I gave you and run after that "Create Tags Propositions From All Titles".
Thanks for the quick work, giving it a run for the next week to see if I run into any issues. A donation coming your way!
08-02-2009, 01:00 AM
Thanks for the quick work, giving it a run for the next week to see if I run into any issues. A donation coming your way!
Great thanks and glad you like it :)
08-03-2009, 10:49 PM
thanks for the update NLP
08-04-2009, 09:12 AM
Hi Guys,
I have run into a new issue, with the last update it no longer appears to be adding tags to the threads.
Any idea?
08-04-2009, 09:54 AM
Hi Guys,
I have run into a new issue, with the last update it no longer appears to be adding tags to the threads.
Any idea?
1. Make sure you fallow installation instruction - install again
2. Checks configuration options
3. Made test thread and give in title/content word which you are sure exists as tag, to be sure about mod behaviour
4. If still have problem PM me with url to your forum and access to Admin CP
08-04-2009, 11:00 AM
1. Make sure you fallow installation instruction - install again
2. Checks configuration options
3. Made test thread and give in title/content word which you are sure exists as tag, to be sure about mod behaviour
4. If still have problem PM me with url to your forum and access to Admin CP
Trying again captain!
08-06-2009, 04:59 PM
It does not work on arabic Forum ..
this info cost me loss of all my tags ..
it generate proposition .. but the assign to thread process fails ..
any solution ?
08-06-2009, 11:10 PM
It does not work on arabic Forum ..
this info cost me loss of all my tags ..
it generate proposition .. but the assign to thread process fails ..
any solution ?
I had confirmed that it's working with Arabic - you can find it in this thread and contact with user who confirmed :)
Solution? - Solution of what? I don't know what happens. Some errors, communicates? If you want me to help you:
- Give me access to your Admin CP
- OR set test forum with some test threads in Arabic and give me access to this one (I prefer this option)
My knowledge of Arabic is 0, but I can see what happens in mod and find out the issue :)
So head up I will not leave you without tag assignments (I assume that you used functionality of clearing assignments from this mod). I just need more to be able to help you :)
Please PM me :)
08-07-2009, 11:18 PM
Does it work with vB 3.6.8? thanks:up:
08-07-2009, 11:32 PM
Does it work with vB 3.6.8? thanks:up:
No idea :) You have to check it. Before install modify product file and set minversion="3.8.2" to your version. Let me know does it work on 3.6.8 :)
08-09-2009, 02:29 PM
*never mind my questions, I have removed this, I do not like it. thank you though*
08-10-2009, 07:57 PM
*never mind my questions, I have removed this, I do not like it. thank you though*
I don't remember did I have a chance to see that questions but if you don't need help anymore it is also good :)
08-11-2009, 11:25 PM
Hi NLP-er...
Now something to have fun with this night :D
2 errors :eek:
(sorry for my english language, but I am shure that you will understand me what I am trying to say)
Yesterday, my server automaticly ban my IP because high traffic on cron job for tags...I
mannualy decrese number of threads to scan in 1 loop (I do not remember how much, but half of default value)
This is my forum stats:
Threads: 1,701
Posts: 14,399
Today (tonight) I have upgraded my forum from v3.8.3 to v3.8.4 and database error come because of something in database related with this MOD. I have to uninstall this MOD, to at least finnish update of my forum! So, till you correct problems, I am sorry, but I have to not install this MOD again.
This is error which show during upgrade to v3.8.4
Step 1) Import latest options (Step 1 of 5)
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:
Invalid SQL:
(varname, grouptitle, value, defaultvalue, datatype, optioncode, displayorder,
advanced, volatile, validationcode, blacklist, product)
MySQL Error : Duplicate entry 'tagminlen' for key 1
Error Number : 1062
Request Date : Wednesday, August 12th 2009 @ 12:36:02 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, August 12th 2009 @ 12:36:03 AM
Script : ********
Referrer : **********
IP Address : *********
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.81-community-log
Marco van Herwaarden
08-12-2009, 08:24 AM
Several customers have contacted vB support with upgrade problems when trying to upgrade to 3.8.4. The only common factor was this modification and upon unstallation of this modification the upgrade continued without problems.
Because of this we do advice all users of this modification to either wait with upgrading to 3.8.4 until the author of this modification provides an updated version or to uninstall this modification prior to upgrading to 3.8.4.
We will also sent out an email alert to all who have marked this modification as installed.
08-12-2009, 12:59 PM
Several customers have contacted vB support with upgrade problems when trying to upgrade to 3.8.4. The only common factor was this modification and upon unstallation of this modification the upgrade continued without problems.
Because of this we do advice all users of this modification to either wait with upgrading to 3.8.4 until the author of this modification provides an updated version or to uninstall this modification prior to upgrading to 3.8.4.
We will also sent out an email alert to all who have marked this modification as installed.
Can you give me some error messages?
08-12-2009, 01:06 PM
Hi NLP-er...
Now something to have fun with this night :D
2 errors :eek:
(sorry for my english language, but I am shure that you will understand me what I am trying to say)
Yesterday, my server automaticly ban my IP because high traffic on cron job for tags...I
mannualy decrese number of threads to scan in 1 loop (I do not remember how much, but half of default value)
This is my forum stats:
Threads: 1,701
Posts: 14,399
Today (tonight) I have upgraded my forum from v3.8.3 to v3.8.4 and database error come because of something in database related with this MOD. I have to uninstall this MOD, to at least finnish update of my forum! So, till you correct problems, I am sorry, but I have to not install this MOD again.
This is error which show during upgrade to v3.8.4
Step 1) Import latest options (Step 1 of 5)
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:
Invalid SQL:
(varname, grouptitle, value, defaultvalue, datatype, optioncode, displayorder,
advanced, volatile, validationcode, blacklist, product)
MySQL Error : Duplicate entry 'tagminlen' for key 1
Error Number : 1062
Request Date : Wednesday, August 12th 2009 @ 12:36:02 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, August 12th 2009 @ 12:36:03 AM
Script : ********
Referrer : **********
IP Address : *********
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.81-community-log
Thanks for info :)
08-12-2009, 01:35 PM
Hi NLP-er...
Now something to have fun with this night :D
2 errors :eek:
(sorry for my english language, but I am shure that you will understand me what I am trying to say)
Yesterday, my server automaticly ban my IP because high traffic on cron job for tags...I
mannualy decrese number of threads to scan in 1 loop (I do not remember how much, but half of default value)
This is my forum stats:
Threads: 1,701
Posts: 14,399
Today (tonight) I have upgraded my forum from v3.8.3 to v3.8.4 and database error come because of something in database related with this MOD. I have to uninstall this MOD, to at least finnish update of my forum! So, till you correct problems, I am sorry, but I have to not install this MOD again.
This is error which show during upgrade to v3.8.4
Step 1) Import latest options (Step 1 of 5)
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:
Invalid SQL:
(varname, grouptitle, value, defaultvalue, datatype, optioncode, displayorder,
advanced, volatile, validationcode, blacklist, product)
MySQL Error : Duplicate entry 'tagminlen' for key 1
Error Number : 1062
Request Date : Wednesday, August 12th 2009 @ 12:36:02 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, August 12th 2009 @ 12:36:03 AM
Script : ********
Referrer : **********
IP Address : *********
Username :
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.81-community-log
Ok. I know what is gooing on and already have solution - not good for users, so I wait for response from vB staff.
The reason is bacause this mod is using aliases to native vB settings - thanks that you can configure everything in one place.
Unfortunatelly it seems that when you make alias vB just updates setting values in DB so it will be only in one place. This is still ok, but... But during update vB inserts all settings without IGNORE and thats why we have problems with updates vB when this mod is installed.
I can just remove aliases - it will be possible to update vB, but you will have to look options for min, max tag length and max thread tags in other place (definied by vB).
Right now I'm still wayting for response from vB staff is it possible to use settings aliases or vB is too limited for that.
So solution will be very soon. Please be patience :) If you uninstall this mod you will loose whole tags propositions history. It's not harmful but can cost you some additional clicking for propositions disapproval. If you feel that can wait 1-3 hours then just wait for new release :)
08-12-2009, 01:45 PM
i got the database error to and had to un-install it before i could upgrade to 3.8.4
08-12-2009, 02:28 PM
I’ve got response from vB staff that topic will be investigated tomorrow.
So I stop new release till get more hints from vB staff :)
Hope it is ok for you. I just don't want to flow you with lot of updates. So it will be released with good solution and also soon :)
i got the database error to and had to un-install it before i could upgrade to 3.8.4
Same here ...
08-12-2009, 04:56 PM
i got the database error to and had to un-install it before i could upgrade to 3.8.4
Yes I know. This issue just appears and is in progress. You can find more info in last posts.
1st doenst work with greek words...
Tags Propositions doesnt add greek words
2nt how can i clean Tags Propositions?
3th this mob create empty tags dont know if its the greek words or something else
i use UTF8 DB
Marco van Herwaarden
08-13-2009, 11:30 AM
Ok i have found what is causing this. You say you try to create an alias for some default settings, well you don't really. What you are doing is move some default settings to a new settinggroup. The setting will disappear from teh default location and is moved to your own setting page. Instead of grouping everything together, you are splitting things up by moving settings that belong to the default Tagging Options to your own option group. You also change the settings from belonging to the "vBulletin product" to your own modification. With an upgrade of vBulletin the upgrade process tries to re-insert these settings as they appear to be missing, and this will fail as the setting does exist but not in the location vBulletin expects.
Solution to this is not to mess with default settings.
To make things even worse, when your product is uninstalled it doesn't recognize the setting as a default vBulletin setting anymore but as belonging to your modification, and the setting will be deleted from the installation. This will leave vBulletin running but you can expect problems as settings that are expected to exist have now been removed.
The easiest way to repair your vBulletin installation is to follow these steps:
- Uninstall this product.
- Make sure the install directory with all files, except install.php, are on your server.
- Upload tools.php, found in the do_not_upload directory of your vBulletin distribution, to your admincp directory.
- Point your browser to (
- Import Settings & Language
- Remove tools.php from your admincp directory.
08-13-2009, 12:26 PM
Ok i have found what is causing this. You say you try to create an alias for some default settings, well you don't really. What you are doing is move some default settings to a new settinggroup. The setting will disappear from teh default location and is moved to your own setting page. Instead of grouping everything together, you are splitting things up by moving settings that belong to the default Tagging Options to your own option group. You also change the settings from belonging to the "vBulletin product" to your own modification. With an upgrade of vBulletin the upgrade process tries to re-insert these settings as they appear to be missing, and this will fail as the setting does exist but not in the location vBulletin expects.
Solution to this is not to mess with default settings.
To make things even worse, when your product is uninstalled it doesn't recognize the setting as a default vBulletin setting anymore but as belonging to your modification, and the setting will be deleted from the installation. This will leave vBulletin running but you can expect problems as settings that are expected to exist have now been removed.
The easiest way to repair your vBulletin installation is to follow these steps:
- Uninstall this product.
- Make sure the install directory with all files, except install.php, are on your server.
- Upload tools.php, found in the do_not_upload directory of your vBulletin distribution, to your admincp directory.
- Point your browser to (
- Import Settings & Language
- Remove tools.php from your admincp directory.
So, should I do it that way?
I have error during update my vBulletin from v3.8.3 to v3.8.4 because of this MOD. I uninstall this MOD and successfully upgraded forum to new version!
So, my question is, should I upload tools.php and import Settings & Language???
Will that change settings and phrases I have in my forum (Usergroup settings ect...)?
Marco van Herwaarden
08-13-2009, 01:20 PM
During an upgrade settings are already loaded (which is causing the DB-error when this mod is installed) so you don't need to use tools.php. If you already (tried to) upgraded or not upgrading at this time, then use the tools.php method.
08-13-2009, 01:31 PM
I already run tools.php (just a few minutes ago).
I uninstalled this MOD and upgrade forum 2 days before!
Seems to me that all is OK now, or should I be worried because I have upload tools.php and import Settings & Language, but I didn't need to?
Marco van Herwaarden
08-13-2009, 02:21 PM
No that won't cause problems, you can run that as often as you want.
08-13-2009, 03:50 PM
Thank you Marco
Should i remove all files from this script (from ftp server) before running tools.php?
08-13-2009, 06:56 PM
I've just updated to 3.8.4 (after removing this) is it now ok to re-install as I love this mod? :confused:
08-14-2009, 04:48 AM
I uploaded all files to Froumroot
I added Product to Advanced product Management in admincp.
I do not see the product in Advance Product management or in VB options. what did I do wrong??
Marco van Herwaarden
08-14-2009, 06:55 AM
I've just updated to 3.8.4 (after removing this) is it now ok to re-install as I love this mod? :confused:
No i would not reinstall this modification until a new version is released that doesn't corrupt the default vBulletin settings.
08-14-2009, 07:02 AM
No i would not reinstall this modification until a new version is released that doesn't corrupt the default vBulletin settings.
How and what does this corrupt?
08-14-2009, 11:28 AM
I've just installed it on my 3.8.4 board and it works fine :up:
I've created two test threads, here-
and here-
The tags shown are existing tags, but it picked up new ones in propositions also-
The one thing that would complete this mod for me, is if the tags were highlited red when you click on them and search the list of threads thrown up, in much the same way as the keyword search VB function... is this possible to do? :D
08-14-2009, 04:31 PM
It fixes bug with vB update (aliases for native vBulletin settings was removed from this mod panel).
NOTE Update to 4.1.1 only if you want to update your vB.
If you don't have this mod installed (never did or uninstalled for vB update) then just install 4.1.1
If you have it installed and want to update vB then install this mod in 4.1.1 and update vB.
If you have it installed and don't want to update vB - just stay with 4.1.0
I want to apologize everyone for this surprise with vB update - believe me it was not planned ;)
Also I want to apologize I was waiting so long with update. It's because last days and nights I was working on great translation mod :) It is already complete, so if you want then enjoy:
It translates to 42 languages, easy installation, translation url's tracking and many other features - also ultra fast like for translation services ;)
I uninstalled script before upgrading to 3.8.4, so, 3.8.4 is installed, can i install 4.1.1 safely now?
08-14-2009, 04:39 PM
1st doenst work with greek words...
Tags Propositions doesnt add greek words
2nt how can i clean Tags Propositions?
3th this mob create empty tags don’t know if it’s the greek words or something else
i use UTF8 DB
1st - I need access to some greak forum to be able to handle this and made updated version. If you can set up some test forum in greek with some test content or give me access to already running forum then I will gladly handle this :)
2nd - Admin CP -> Thread Tager -> Tags Propositions - Approve or Disapprove and proposition will disappear :)
3th - this mod don't create tags directly. First propositions and propositions have to be approved (can be automatically after quarantine). So if propositions are empty, or proposition is fine and after approve tag is empty then it is obvious bug in my mod :) Again - need to reproduce to handle this.
08-14-2009, 04:40 PM
I uninstalled script before upgrading to 3.8.4, so, 3.8.4 is installed, can i install 4.1.1 safely now?
Yes :)
08-14-2009, 04:45 PM
I've just updated to 3.8.4 (after removing this) is it now ok to re-install as I love this mod? :confused:
Yes - install 4.1.1 And thanks for good words :):up:
08-14-2009, 04:51 PM
I uploaded all files to Froumroot
I added Product to Advanced product Management in admincp.
I do not see the product in Advance Product management or in VB options. what did I do wrong??
Advanded product Management?... I don’t know what you writing about.
If you use some mod which handles Admin CP menu changes then ask this mod staff. If it is some native vBulletin option then please describe me more - I didn't use it.
If you installed my mod just like it is described in Installation procedure then new option bar will appear in Admin CP - Thread Tagger
Did you uploaded all files and imported product file?
Yes :)
Installed, works good (i think\hope :D)
08-14-2009, 06:43 PM
very update
thanks NLP-er :)
08-15-2009, 11:17 PM
after update to 3.8.4 I re-installed it (version 4.1.0) and it worked fine, as you released the update after this I installed this (4.1.1) I then discovered that it didn't work correctly, it wouldn't add propositions or tags so I reinstalled 4.1.0 and all is well again :up: I thought this info might be of use to you :)
08-16-2009, 01:10 AM
nice mode
08-16-2009, 03:45 PM
after update to 3.8.4 I re-installed it (version 4.1.0) and it worked fine, as you released the update after this I installed this (4.1.1) I then discovered that it didn't work correctly, it wouldn't add propositions or tags so I reinstalled 4.1.0 and all is well again :up: I thought this info might be of use to you :)
It is clearly described that you can update this mod to 4.1.1 only if you WANT update vB (no - did). You made update of mod to 4.1.1 and didn't made update of vB after that.
You didn't fallow instructions - when installed wrong then working wrong. Why do you think I was writing about update order ;)
If you want to use 4.1.1 you can wait wor new vB release nad made uprates i right order or you do this to be able to use 4.1.1 right now:
08-16-2009, 03:47 PM
nice mode
Thanks :):up:
08-16-2009, 09:24 PM
after update to 3.8.4 I re-installed it (version 4.1.0) and it worked fine, as you released the update after this I installed this (4.1.1) I then discovered that it didn't work correctly, it wouldn't add propositions or tags so I reinstalled 4.1.0 and all is well again :up: I thought this info might be of use to you :)
I made the above for your info..
your reply-
It is clearly described that you can update this mod to 4.1.1 only if you WANT update vB (no - did). You made update of mod to 4.1.1 and didn't made update of vB after that.
You didn't fallow instructions - when installed wrong then working wrong. Why do you think I was writing about update order ;)
If you want to use 4.1.1 you can wait wor new vB release nad made uprates i right order or you do this to be able to use 4.1.1 right now:
contradicts this-
I uninstalled script before upgrading to 3.8.4, so, 3.8.4 is installed, can i install 4.1.1 safely now?
your reply was-
Yes :)
08-16-2009, 09:49 PM
Does this also pull tags from the users signature? I just posted on my forum with this on and it appears that it did... can I turn that off?
Marco van Herwaarden
08-17-2009, 12:42 PM
How and what does this corrupt?
I already posted the explanation:
Marco van Herwaarden
08-17-2009, 12:43 PM
I've just installed it on my 3.8.4 board and it works fine :up:
I've created two test threads, here-
and here-
The tags shown are existing tags, but it picked up new ones in propositions also-
The one thing that would complete this mod for me, is if the tags were highlited red when you click on them and search the list of threads thrown up, in much the same way as the keyword search VB function... is this possible to do? :DI hope you have not installed the old version on your 3.8.4 board, because that will lead to errors on your next upgrade. If you have installed the old version i suggest you uninstall and repair as suggested in
Marco van Herwaarden
08-17-2009, 12:52 PM
If you have it installed and want to update vB then install this mod in 4.1.1 and update vB.That will not work. If you have the old version installed (or had it installed and have not repaired the settings as i posted before) the settings will not be moved back to their original place when installing the new version. Even after upgraind to your new version a vB upgrade will still fail.
If you have it installed and don't want to update vB - just stay with 4.1.0
That is not an advise i would give, as it only postpones the issue until the next time someone wants to upgrade vBulletin. And by that time you might not remember that this modification is causing the problem. I strongly recommend everyone who had the old version installed to follow my repair instructions.
PS Please also remove the old version attachment as we don't want new members to install that version. Also please leave a link to the repair instructions in the first post.
08-18-2009, 08:00 AM
yesterday I've installed the plug-in but when I go tu run "add tags to all treads" I recived these error line (see image).
The plug in work, but I don't understand what is this error.
08-18-2009, 05:55 PM
I made the above for your info..
your reply-
contradicts this-
your reply was-
When you updated vB then it moved back its 3 attributes for which I made aliases. So you are free to install 4.1.1 :)
Other words - install 4.1.1 - it is safe and working, and doesn't do aliases anymore :)
Plase fallow instructions given by Marco van Herwaarden (great thanks for help:)).
08-18-2009, 05:58 PM
Does this also pull tags from the users signature? I just posted on my forum with this on and it appears that it did... can I turn that off?
It uses thread content. Signature is not included in thread content. So answer is - no it doesn't pull tags from signature (just checked in my forum to be sure). Tag could be added because of related words :)
08-18-2009, 06:00 PM
That will not work. If you have the old version installed (or had it installed and have not repaired the settings as i posted before) the settings will not be moved back to their original place when installing the new version. Even after upgraind to your new version a vB upgrade will still fail.
That is not an advise i would give, as it only postpones the issue until the next time someone wants to upgrade vBulletin. And by that time you might not remember that this modification is causing the problem. I strongly recommend everyone who had the old version installed to follow my repair instructions.
PS Please also remove the old version attachment as we don't want new members to install that version. Also please leave a link to the repair instructions in the first post.
Great thanks for your support and advices :)
Also great sorry for my mess - won't happen again ;)
08-18-2009, 06:06 PM
yesterday I've installed the plug-in but when I go tu run "add tags to all treads" I recived these error line (see image).
The plug in work, but I don't understand what is this error.
ALREADY CORRECTED IN 4.1.2 - probably.. ;) Let me know
Ok i think I know what happens. I suspect that some of related words are finished by comma. I will made update which will work fine in such cases. Expect it in few minutes. Let me know that this was the problem if not - still one bug corrected ;)
08-18-2009, 06:18 PM
Bug corrected for related words finished with comma
08-18-2009, 07:34 PM
wowww thanks NLP-er :)
Do i need to run add tags to all threads after upgrading to 4.1.2?
08-18-2009, 08:32 PM
How about a "Check All" choice in the Tags Propositions section? I have 248 PAGES of suggestions and would love to be able to kill them a page at a time
08-18-2009, 09:38 PM
Do i need to run add tags to all threads after upgrading to 4.1.2?
No :)
08-18-2009, 09:39 PM
How about a "Check All" choice in the Tags Propositions section? I have 248 PAGES of suggestions and would love to be able to kill them a page at a time
Add in TODO list - will be included in next release :)
08-19-2009, 04:51 AM
Thanks for sharing this hack :)
08-21-2009, 06:05 AM
Thanks for sharing this hack :)
You are welcome :)
08-21-2009, 08:35 AM
thank you for sharing this plugin/mod.
very usefull for my self.
wish you a nice weekend!
08-21-2009, 07:08 PM
thank you for sharing this plugin/mod.
very usefull for my self.
wish you a nice weekend!
Great thanks :)
Look at this one :)
08-23-2009, 01:19 PM
NLP , Thank you very much
Really really Great MOD .
I have some questions if you don't mind
First : i have tags on my forum
Could you gave me way to delete the olds tags in these tables ( tag , tagsearch , tagthread )
And after that i'll install your MOD , Because i have lots of tags is NOT good i wanna delete it
Becuase your MOD will add tags on old and new threads , That's right ??
I wanna rebuild tag from zero , Can i do this ??
And onther qestion
My forum is arabic forum when people add threads with Comma or Point or Exclamation mark or Quote ..etc
it'll appear in the tag is there any way to except these ??
Thank you very much
08-24-2009, 03:31 AM
NLP , Thank you very much
Really really Great MOD .
I have some questions if you don't mind
First : i have tags on my forum
Could you gave me way to delete the olds tags in these tables ( tag , tagsearch , tagthread )
And after that i'll install your MOD , Because i have lots of tags is NOT good i wanna delete it
Becuase your MOD will add tags on old and new threads , That's right ??
I wanna rebuild tag from zero , Can i do this ??
And onther qestion
My forum is arabic forum when people add threads with Comma or Point or Exclamation mark or Quote ..etc
it'll appear in the tag is there any way to except these ??
Thank you very much
First - install check does ti is working appropriate for you. And when you will be sure then it is safe to delete tags. You can delete tags in AdminCP manually, or made it in SQL.
My mod will add tags to old and new threads. Note that my mod don't create new tags directly. It will associate existing tags to threads where it is appropriate, and it will made tas propositions. You can refuse proposition or agree - then proposition will be changed to tag and it will be asociated with threads by schedued tags. So if you remowe all your tags then you will have to check propositions and agree for those which are appropriate (thanks that you will not have a mess like now). I think that removing only wrong tags by Admin CP is good way - of course if you have real mess there it could be easier to delete by SQL, but then you will spend some time with propositions.
Comas and so on should not appear in tag. You are writing about my mod right now?
08-24-2009, 07:25 PM
First - install check does ti is working appropriate for you. And when you will be sure then it is safe to delete tags. You can delete tags in AdminCP manually, or made it in SQL.
My mod will add tags to old and new threads. Note that my mod don't create new tags directly. It will associate existing tags to threads where it is appropriate, and it will made tas propositions. You can refuse proposition or agree - then proposition will be changed to tag and it will be asociated with threads by schedued tags. So if you remowe all your tags then you will have to check propositions and agree for those which are appropriate (thanks that you will not have a mess like now). I think that removing only wrong tags by Admin CP is good way - of course if you have real mess there it could be easier to delete by SQL, but then you will spend some time with propositions.
Comas and so on should not appear in tag. You are writing about my mod right now?
Thanx for your replay
I understood most of what you talking about
But could you summarized all what you said
Do you recomend to delete the all tags and install your mod ??
Note that my mod don't create new tags directly
You mean it'll add by corn tables ??
Sorry but i don't understand too much but i really like your mod & i wanna install it
But i have too much mess tags
08-24-2009, 08:00 PM
how can I delete old tags. They are full of garbage. And i can not delete 300 pages of tags (45 on each page) manually
08-25-2009, 03:19 AM
Thanx for your replay
I understood most of what you talking about
But could you summarized all what you said
Do you recomend to delete the all tags and install your mod ??
You mean it'll add by corn tables ??
Sorry but i don't understand too much but i really like your mod & i wanna install it
But i have too much mess tags
I reccomend to first install, check does it is working fine on your vB with your settings and then if you like it is safe to remove tags (since you know that mod is working).
I mean cron - sheduled job. It can automatically change propositions to tags (by default it doesn't), but this way you will have messa again so it is reccomended to manage propositions manually. Some users asked for such functionality and it is supported.
08-25-2009, 03:25 AM
how can I delete old tags. They are full of garbage. And i can not delete 300 pages of tags (45 on each page) manually
Manually in DB by SQL, but I don't reccomend it. Best way is to use Admin CP - it will not be quick, but safe.
I put in my TODO list to add such function to mod.
08-26-2009, 03:53 AM
What is tag proposition??
How it helps
08-26-2009, 04:28 PM
What is tag proposition??
How it helps
It shows you which words are used in threads titles. It helps in easy creation of new tag - you just approve it and it create tag. This way you can create many tags at once. Also you can disaprove proposition and it will not be shown anymore.
08-27-2009, 11:58 AM
verry Nice , Thanks
08-28-2009, 11:56 AM
First, thanks again for this killer addon.
Since I've updated to the last version of your hack, tags are not added to new threads anymore. Have I missed something ? It was working flawlessly before that.
08-28-2009, 04:00 PM
uninstalled, sorry.. over 600 pages with tags is overkill. This is not good for a large board, it takes way and way too much time to check it all to get a perfect tag filter.
08-29-2009, 06:09 AM
First, thanks again for this killer addon.
Since I've updated to the last version of your hack, tags are not added to new threads anymore. Have I missed something ? It was working flawlessly before that.
Yes you missed upgrade instructions:
"NOTE if you made update from version older than 4.1.1 then please read first this message before update: additional update steps (
In other cases - just install/update to last release :)"
08-29-2009, 06:14 AM
uninstalled, sorry.. over 600 pages with tags is overkill. This is not good for a large board, it takes way and way too much time to check it all to get a perfect tag filter.
Just use setttings :) You can set max tags for thread and everything is cool even in huge boards :) Also - what do you mean 600 pages with tags - You had so much, or mod gave it to you. In first case - made cleanings in your tags. In 2nd dissable quarantine - this mod creates new tags only if you want, if not - then just associate already existing tags with threads.
08-29-2009, 04:08 PM
thx dear
08-31-2009, 07:10 AM
Yes you missed upgrade instructions
Owww my bad ! It works now. Thank you for your answer. I thought these instructions were just for the 3.8.3+ users.
08-31-2009, 05:46 PM
I reccomend to first install, check does it is working fine on your vB with your settings and then if you like it is safe to remove tags (since you know that mod is working).
I mean cron - sheduled job. It can automatically change propositions to tags (by default it doesn't), but this way you will have messa again so it is reccomended to manage propositions manually. Some users asked for such functionality and it is supported.
Yes i understand now
I'll try it and then am gonna tell you what hapeen
09-01-2009, 06:38 PM
May I suggest you to add a "select all" "select none" "invert selection" to the tags propositions page ? :)
09-02-2009, 11:34 AM
May I suggest you to add a "select all" "select none" "invert selection" to the tags propositions page ? :)
Already on my TODO list - just wayting for some time to made it ;)
09-03-2009, 06:50 AM
Killer mode (many thanks for it) Installed, nominated and I gave best mark :D
But you put me to work :) , need to uninstall and install this on 2 other forums that have simple autotagger.
Suggestion: add a confirmation page between clicking ( for example) Create propositions from all ... or other links that jump to action immediate. (a page like " Are you sure you want to Create propositions from all ... - Proceed / Maybe later :) "
This can prevent accidental clicking on the link and execute tasks you don't want. After you clean many tags you don't want to start again.
Also a small description of what going to happen if u proceed in confirmation page is great (just copy paste from mod description where u did great job in explaining)
This will prevent the damn I didn't knew it will do this situations ...
Did I mention is great mod :D
Why? (a little advertising for you)
I have a board with 120k messages and finding your way to previous posted info is very hard using search functionality. Some users do search on google and name of the board and find easier things they are looking for than with vb built in search.
Making a clean and meaningful tagging system is precious on a professional forum for example. Any other forum can have this too.
I admit is some work to do first , but then sit back and enjoy :)
09-03-2009, 07:07 AM
Killer mode (many thanks for it) Installed, nominated and I gave best mark :D
But you put me to work :) , need to uninstall and install this on 2 other forums that have simple autotagger.
Suggestion: add a confirmation page between clicking ( for example) Create propositions from all ... or other links that jump to action immediate. (a page like " Are you sure you want to Create propositions from all ... - Proceed / Maybe later :) "
This can prevent accidental clicking on the link and execute tasks you don't want. After you clean many tags you don't want to start again.
Also a small description of what going to happen if u proceed in confirmation page is great (just copy paste from mod description where u did great job in explaining)
This will prevent the damn I didn't knew it will do this situations ...
Did I mention is great mod :D
Why? (a little advertising for you)
I have a board with 120k messages and finding your way to previous posted info is very hard using search functionality. Some users do search on google and name of the board and find easier things they are looking for than with vb built in search.
Making a clean and meaningful tagging system is precious on a professional forum for example. Any other forum can have this too.
I admit is some work to do first , but then sit back and enjoy :)
So enjoy :)
About your sugestions I put it in todo list :)
09-13-2009, 01:12 AM
i'de like for the tags to be ONLY about the title not the content...Is that possible?
09-16-2009, 01:54 PM
i'de like for the tags to be ONLY about the title not the content...Is that possible?
Added in TODO list - will be configurable in next release :)
09-16-2009, 03:16 PM
Added in TODO list - will be configurable in next release :)
Great thank you :)
Nice mod, dzięki! :)
Do u have polish language?
09-17-2009, 03:30 PM
Nice mod, dzięki! :)
Do u have polish language?
Nie ma sprawy! :)
If you mean phrases then no.
Greek lang tags look like ������������� in the tag assosiation :(
09-18-2009, 08:36 PM
Greek lang tags look like ������������� in the tag assosiation :(
Please PM me access details to your Admin CP and FTP, or setup test forum in Greek where I will be able to see this and work on this :) I will gladly help you :)
09-19-2009, 11:02 PM
Hi NLP-er,
I'm getting this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: str_split() in /kunden/ on line 25
I leave the tag-field empty.
Despite the error, the posting is created.
Any idea?
09-19-2009, 11:19 PM
One of the greatest hack around !
09-21-2009, 02:31 PM
OK I just managed to balls up my board by upgrading to vBulletin 3.8.4 and having this mod installed. Reading through this thread gives a lot of conflicting information so can anyone confirm if the following is correct path to follow:
Currently running vBulletin 3.8.3 and v3.0.0 of this mod
1) De-install the auto thread tagger
2) Run the vBulletin upgrade to 3.8.4
3) Re-install the latest release of this mod
09-21-2009, 06:43 PM
Hi NLP-er,
I'm getting this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: str_split() in /kunden/ on line 25
I leave the tag-field empty.
Despite the error, the posting is created.
Any idea?
str_split is standard PHP function since 5.0 ( - make sure you have appropriate PHP version :)
09-21-2009, 06:44 PM
One of the greatest hack around !
Glad you like it :) See also this mine mod (my favorite):
09-21-2009, 06:47 PM
OK I just managed to balls up my board by upgrading to vBulletin 3.8.4 and having this mod installed. Reading through this thread gives a lot of conflicting information so can anyone confirm if the following is correct path to follow:
Currently running vBulletin 3.8.3 and v3.0.0 of this mod
1) De-install the auto thread tagger
2) Run the vBulletin upgrade to 3.8.4
3) Re-install the latest release of this mod
Unfortunately there was some issue in previous mod version with using standard parameters. It is resolved now and if you are using right now version older than 4.1.1 then you need to fallow additional update steps described here:
09-21-2009, 08:44 PM
how do i delete the tags?
this seems to have just created hundreds and hundreds of totally nonsense tags .
the options menu item doesnt show anything in the backend either
How do i remove all the tags it has created?
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