View Full Version : newbie and clueless

07-07-2009, 02:10 PM
I'm searching for a CMS which will integrate with a forum. I love vbulletin and understand that the vbadvanced is the preferred front. I don't know how user-friendly it is, although I have some tech help available. (Haven't purchased vbulletin yet.)

I'm wanting to have multiple 'ad-ons' and want to inquire if these are available through vbadvanced, or suggested sources which could be easily integrated. (I asked at vbadvanced and was directed to inquire here. vbadvanced "doesn't have products that are going to cover all of my needs")

We want the main website to have articles and be searchable by topic, categorized for organization.

We'd like ebooks to be able to be purchased and downloaded from the website. Is this a separate ad-on? Recommendations for a resource?

We'd like to host live chats and post videos. Integratable resources?

We want a directory, with multiple search categories: discipline and geography. Suggestions? (vBa Dynamics was suggested)

A polls feature on the web site. (I'm aware this is on vbulletin in the forums).

A subscription format for individuals interested in receiving a newsletter. Newsletter publishing. Suggestions?

A donations button, to solicit contributions for the site.

I hear that an SEO patch is suggested. Recommendations?

An ability to connect to Twitter and Facebook with updates. Clueless here.

We won't have adverts on the website. But, do want banner ads and sidebar ads on the forum. Recommendations?

I appreciate any handholding. Joomla and phpBB were recommended. But, I read that Joomla is difficult to integrate/bridge with vbulletin. Vbulletin is my priority. Help me to make this happen.

Pat, optimistic

07-07-2009, 02:16 PM
You should be aware that vBulletin 4, which is due for release sometime (we hope) in Q3 2009. vB4 is said to have an advanced CMS built into its system.

That being said, if I recall correctly, the CMS will be released sometime later than the actual forum is released.

If you are under time constraints and MUST purchase now, you are looking at some significant modding time and should look to hire a developer to integrate the features you are looking for... however, everything which you say is indeed possible through vB and vBadvanced.

07-07-2009, 02:30 PM
Thanks for the information! I really don't want to wait 6+ months. But, how much does "some significant modding time and should look to hire a developer to integrate the features you are looking for" cost? LOL



Thanks, Pat

07-07-2009, 07:13 PM
It depends on what rate you work out with a developer, however it isn't unusual for a starting price of $65/hr for a good PHP programmer. If you have a budget that can sustain that kind of development work, then vB is definitely a good solution for you.

Most of the things you are quoting are not too difficult to either integrate or program, but it depends on whether or not you want to use existing software and edit it, or would rather design your own proprietary CMS (the latter being far more expensive). vBadvanced itself runs off of the drupal software, so you should also check there to see what add ons they have there as well.


07-07-2009, 08:28 PM
Thank you again. Your explanation is quite informative. I want simple and easy and inexpensive, but beautiful functionality. :) I didn't realize vbadvanced ran off drupal. Very helpful.

So, easy ad-ons, edited. Nothing fancy or custom, I'd guess. Is that a couple of hours per ad-on? I'm trying to prioritize the cost with the ad-ons I'd like. My budget is smaller than my wishes, perhaps.

Appreciate the hand holding. :o


07-09-2009, 05:29 PM
Pat, your questions are more suited for the developer which you are going to hire. What might take me 3 hours might take someone else 1 hour, or visa versa. You should purchase vB and then seek out someone you can hire via the Paid Services forum. You will need to purchase a vB before you can see these forums.

If you have any other questions I'll do my best to answer them, but most of what you're asking that this point needs to be directed to the person you will hire.