View Full Version : PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - remove the new post modification

06-21-2009, 04:59 AM
I can't believe you would mess with such a common and widely used feature of vbulletin... please restore the simple one click "new post" link in the navbar.

Nice idea y ou have but it's driving me and I'm sure many others crazy.

06-21-2009, 05:16 AM
I don't see the problem with it? It allows finer grain breakdown which is welcomed (from me). However, if you are looking for a "one click" solution - see the link in the top right corner.

06-21-2009, 05:23 AM
That's your opinion and while I respect that, it's something most members use a lot.... I don't see why members should have to click twice for something when only once is needed.

Yes there are ways to work around it, that was not my point though....

06-21-2009, 05:23 AM
Good move. My only criticism is that the options ought to be aligned directly under New Posts. This can be achieved by aligning the menu equally to the left for instance instead of having it centred.

Paul M
06-21-2009, 08:08 AM
I dont think we need two threads on the subject, closing this one

(See https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=216669)