View Full Version : My Orange Grove

06-18-2009, 10:00 PM
My Orange Grove

Orange & Black
My last style for vB 3







1. Upload "orange_g" into your images folder.
2. Import via ACP "orange-grove-style.xml" (Styles & Templates >> Download / Upload Styles)
This style works on vB 3.8.3 (just ignore the version when you install it)


Copy and paste "orange_g" folder to http://www.yoursite.com/images/orange_g/ (http://www.yoursite.com/images/variance/)

Buttons (small, medium, normal)

06-18-2009, 10:57 PM

06-23-2009, 11:50 PM
Thank you Sofia. This is a really nice theme. :)
Actually, all of your designs are top notch.
Thanks again.

06-24-2009, 08:03 AM
Thank you Sofia. This is a really nice theme. :)
Actually, all of your designs are top notch.
Thanks again.

Thank you fot this kind word, Trip :)

06-25-2009, 10:29 AM
çok güzel , teşekkürler.

06-25-2009, 03:55 PM
Thanks :)

06-25-2009, 10:38 PM
its my favorite skin, nice work!

06-26-2009, 01:54 AM
Thank you Sofia

06-27-2009, 06:01 AM
this is really nice, thank you, but some of the links in my nav bar don't line up? community and quick links in particular. plus, my links to forum rules and arcade have disappeared?

thanks for any advice.


06-28-2009, 10:50 AM
thanks for this nice style.

Can you add the font, please?

06-28-2009, 11:19 AM
Nice, thanks!

06-28-2009, 03:41 PM
Very nice one indeed, thanks for sharing miss.

07-01-2009, 02:11 PM
Fantastic style. I like it so much it's become the default on my site. (here (http://www.theshootingforum.com))

Great work - well done. :up:

2 small favours...

1 - Can you make it a bit more "VBAdvanced" friendly, instead of uploading it twice (no big deal, just more places to update)

2 - Don't neglect this amazing style when VB4 arrives. It's a keeper!


07-01-2009, 02:22 PM
Fantastic style. I like it so much it's become the default on my site. (here (http://www.theshootingforum.com))

Great work - well done. :up:

2 small favours...

1 - Can you make it a bit more "VBAdvanced" friendly, instead of uploading it twice (no big deal, just more places to update)

2 - Don't neglect this amazing style when VB4 arrives. It's a keeper!


You're welcome :)

1- I can't do more, sorry. If you don't want to copy and past your images folder, you must enter your entire URL in the stylevars, main CSS, Additionnal CSS.

2- Yes, I'll do it ;)

07-01-2009, 09:47 PM
I've just noticed that the reply box kicks out to one side (see below). I'm not sure if it's my laptop's resolution (1024x768), or Firefox (V3.0.10) or something else. O/S is Windows 7.

It does not affect the functionality, but thought you may want to know. ;)



07-01-2009, 09:58 PM
It's your smileys. You can change it in your vBulletin options, I think.

07-02-2009, 10:27 AM
It's your smileys. You can change it in your vBulletin options, I think.
Found it. VB Options | Message Posting Interface Options.

I have changed the number of smilies shown, and it works fine now - thanks :up:


07-03-2009, 06:33 AM
It's your smileys. You can change it in your vBulletin options, I think.

any idea why some of the links in my nav bar don't show up and others are not aligned please? is it something i've not installed right?

07-03-2009, 06:36 AM
any idea why some of the links in my nav bar don't show up and others are not aligned please? is it something i've not installed right?

Give me a screen please. And post your header template here if you've modified it.

07-03-2009, 06:43 AM
Give me a screen please. And post your header template here if you've modified it.


http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/2663/aseedf.jpg (http://www.imagehosting.com/)

<!-- logo -->
<a name="top"></a>
<table style="background-color: #FFFFFF;" cellpadding="0" height="200" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]" align="center">

<td width="35" height="200"><img src="images/orange_g/gradients/head_left.gif" border="0" /></td>
<td hegiht="200" style="background: url(images/orange_g/gradients/head_center.gif); repeat: repeat-x top left;" align="center"><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/$vboptions[forumhome].php$session[sessionurl_q]"><img src="$stylevar[titleimage]" border="0" alt="$vboptions[bbtitle]" /></a></td>
<td style="background: url(images/orange_g/gradients/head_center.gif); repeat: repeat-x top left;" align="$stylevar[right]" id="header_right_cell">
<if condition="$ad_location['ad_header_logo']">$ad_location[ad_header_logo]<else />&nbsp;</if>

<td width="35" height="200"><img src="images/orange_g/gradients/head_right.gif" border="0" /></td>
<!-- /logo -->
<table class="navbar_y" style="background-image: url(images/orange_g/gradients/navb_center.gif); repeat: repeat-x;" border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">


<td width="41" height="45"><img src="images/orange_g/gradients/navb_left.png" border="0" /></td>

<if condition="$show['member']">
<td class="navbar_button"><a href="usercp.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[user_cp]</a></td>
<if condition="$show['registerbutton']">
<td class="navbar_button"><a href="register.php$session[sessionurl_q]" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[register]</a></td>
<td class="navbar_button"><a rel="help" href="faq.php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="5">$vbphrase[faq]</a></td>
<if condition="$show['communitylink'] AND $show['popups']">
<td class="navbar_button" align="left"><a id="community" href="$show[nojs_link]#community" rel="nofollow" accesskey="6">$vbphrase[community]</a> <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("community"); </script></td>
<else />
<if condition="$show['memberslist']">
<td class="navbar_button"><a href="memberlist.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[members_list]</a></td>
<if condition="$show['quick_links_groups']">
<td class="navbar_button"><a href="group.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[social_groups]</a></td>
<td class="navbar_button" align="left"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>
<if condition="$show['popups']">
<if condition="$show['searchbuttons']">
<if condition="$show['member']">
<td class="navbar_button"><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew" accesskey="2">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</a></td>
<else />
<td class="navbar_button"><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getdaily" accesskey="2">$vbphrase[todays_posts]</a></td>
<td class="navbar_button"><a id="navbar_search" href="search.php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="4" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[search]</a> <if condition="$show['quicksearch']"><script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("navbar_search"); </script></if></td>
<if condition="$show['member']">
<td class="navbar_button"><a id="usercptools" href="$show[nojs_link]#usercptools" accesskey="3">$vbphrase[quick_links]</a> <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("usercptools"); </script></td>
<else />
<if condition="$show['searchbuttons']">
<td class="navbar_button"><a href="search.php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="4">$vbphrase[search]</a></td>
<if condition="$show['member']">
<td class="navbar_button"><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew" accesskey="2">$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</a></td>
<else />
<td class="navbar_button"><a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getdaily" accesskey="2">$vbphrase[todays_posts]</a></td>
<td class="navbar_button"><a href="forumdisplay.php?$session[sessionurl]do=markread" rel="nofollow">$vbphrase[mark_forums_read]</a></td>
<if condition="$show['member']">
<td class="navbar_button"><a href="#" onclick="window.open('misc.php?$session[sessionurl]do=buddylist&amp;focus=1','buddylist','statusbar=no,me nubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,w idth=250,height=300'); return false;">$vbphrase[open_contacts]</a></td>
<if condition="$show['member']">
<td class="navbar_button"><a href="login.php?$session[sessionurl]do=logout&amp;logouthash=$bbuserinfo[logouthash]" onclick="return log_out('$vbphrase[sure_you_want_to_log_out]')">$vbphrase[log_out]</a></td></if>

<td width="41" height="45"><img src="images/orange_g/gradients/navb_right.png" border="0" /></td>
<!-- content table -->



07-03-2009, 06:49 AM
Hummm... Strange. Your header template is ok.

Try to re-install the original xml and test if the navbar works.
Close your board and disable your plugin/hooks system

07-09-2009, 01:40 AM
I am new to Vbulletin so hang with me for asking what is probably a stupid question.

I am using this template on my newly installed board. The template comes default with a 550x180 px logo space and it is centered in the middle.

I would like to have a banner that spreads all the way across the top of the template instead of just the small 550x180 area in the center. Is this possible? If so, what files do I need to edit?

Thanks for your help!

07-09-2009, 02:07 AM
Wow looks pretty nice. Keep up the good style making.

07-09-2009, 07:20 AM
I am new to Vbulletin so hang with me for asking what is probably a stupid question.

I am using this template on my newly installed board. The template comes default with a 550x180 px logo space and it is centered in the middle.

I would like to have a banner that spreads all the way across the top of the template instead of just the small 550x180 area in the center. Is this possible? If so, what files do I need to edit?

Thanks for your help!

Hi David. :)

Yes, it's possible.

You must modify your header template.

Find (at the top):

<table style="background-color: #FFFFFF;" cellpadding="0" height="200" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]" align="center">

<td width="35" height="200"><img src="images/orange_g/gradients/head_left.gif" border="0" /></td>
<td hegiht="200" style="background: url(images/orange_g/gradients/head_center.gif); repeat: repeat-x top left;" align="center"><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/$vboptions[forumhome].php$session[sessionurl_q]"><img src="$stylevar[titleimage]" border="0" alt="$vboptions[bbtitle]" /></a></td>
<td style="background: url(images/orange_g/gradients/head_center.gif); repeat: repeat-x top left;" align="$stylevar[right]" id="header_right_cell">
<if condition="$ad_location['ad_header_logo']">$ad_location[ad_header_logo]<else />&nbsp;</if>

<td width="35" height="200"><img src="images/orange_g/gradients/head_right.gif" border="0" /></td>
</table>Replace by:

<table style="background-color: #FFFFFF;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="$stylevar[outertablewidth]" align="center">
<td align="center"><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/$vboptions[forumhome].php$session[sessionurl_q]"><img src="$stylevar[titleimage]" border="0" alt="$vboptions[bbtitle]" /></a></td>


07-10-2009, 01:35 AM
Thanks Sofia!

07-10-2009, 03:55 AM
Thanks Sofia!

You're welcome :)

07-14-2009, 05:02 AM
superb style.. just installed, looks great.

Can you make vBulletin Experience work work with the style. On my forum

vBulletin Experience bar working with the theme. I had to upload images of the plugin in the theme image folder.

Cheers :)

07-15-2009, 10:59 AM
superb style.. just installed, looks great.

Can you make vBulletin Experience work work with the style. On my forum

vBulletin Experience bar working with the theme. I had to upload images of the plugin in the theme image folder.

Cheers :)

No problem. You're welcome ;)

07-26-2009, 09:47 AM
Small question. I'm pretty sure I had it working correctly (though that may have been a previous version) but somehow the corners of the forum titles don't show up anymore.

They're called tcat_left.png and tcat_right.png and have been uploaded to their gradients folder but the theme doesn't use them anymore. Better yet, I can't even find a reference to either file in the xml file ...

If you have the time, could you please have a quick look if I'm missing something?

07-28-2009, 11:08 AM
My mistake, I'm getting old. :)

I forgot to look into the templates. Problem was that I didn't save the folder containing the pictures in the default location so the links were pointing to the old file location.

Problem solved! Thanks again for this wonderful theme.

07-29-2009, 08:19 AM
Small question. I'm pretty sure I had it working correctly (though that may have been a previous version) but somehow the corners of the forum titles don't show up anymore.

They're called tcat_left.png and tcat_right.png and have been uploaded to their gradients folder but the theme doesn't use them anymore. Better yet, I can't even find a reference to either file in the xml file ...

If you have the time, could you please have a quick look if I'm missing something?

My mistake, I'm getting old. :)

I forgot to look into the templates. Problem was that I didn't save the folder containing the pictures in the default location so the links were pointing to the old file location.

Problem solved! Thanks again for this wonderful theme.

Ok. No problem :p You're welcome ;)

08-18-2009, 12:55 AM
Great job and good looking too may I add? :up:

I may be interested in this but I do have a question.

I've added many hacks, etc.. to my site.

Will I lose them or will everything just remain the same?

Thanks!! :)

08-21-2009, 12:57 PM
Great job and good looking too may I add? :up:

I may be interested in this but I do have a question.

I've added many hacks, etc.. to my site.

Will I lose them or will everything just remain the same?

Thanks!! :)

No you wouldn't loose them but you would need to redo any changes made to your old script in this one.

On another note this skin is fantastic. I'm a big fan of the navbar.

King Diamond
08-25-2009, 05:19 PM
Sofia me and my forum members fell honored for use this exelent work made by you, you make one skin better then other, with a great taste and always very sutil.

Congratulations to you, and keep doing this awesome work

*theres some way to add on this skin a border on the users infos?

08-25-2009, 08:18 PM
i just installed this as my default style but i have a question which is the route where i have to upload the PSD folder /xxxxxl/xxxxx/images/Styles/orange_g???? please somebody help me!!! am a total noob :D

P.D Thanks Sofia for your effort

08-26-2009, 02:08 AM
Very cool :)

thank you very much.

08-26-2009, 05:23 AM
First of all - I LOVE YOUR STYLE.

I'm pretty new. i'm trying to setup my forums, however - I've had some issues.

I tried running vbAdvanced with it and integrate it to create side columns - this skin doesn't seem to be working with integration, instead, it puts all the modules onto the bottom of my site:


is an example, only this skin - it happens to, any idea?

09-21-2009, 11:49 PM
...but you would need to redo any changes made to your old script in this one....

Please explain.

09-28-2009, 08:00 AM
i have it installed on my forum that i am building now but i have a problem.

look at the main page on http://trackdaiz.com

as you can see there is no border between the forum names.

09-28-2009, 01:58 PM
i have it installed on my forum that i am building now but i have a problem.

look at the main page on http://trackdaiz.com

as you can see there is no border between the forum names.

That's a shame because I was going to install it today but now I'll wait for the bug to be fixed.

FYI: It's fine on your front page. :confused:

09-29-2009, 04:07 AM
i know thats weird.. with VBAdvanced no problem . but as soon as you see forum home it looks weird.

09-29-2009, 10:04 AM
Thanks for this, It's really nice.

10-13-2009, 01:36 AM
Amazing theme. Can I use with fluid style ?

Edit : Sorry, It's fluid style and 90% table width. Nice design. By the way, it's a problem with Invite Friend Mod in the nav bar. Nevermind, I try to fix that.

10-13-2009, 02:02 AM
I have a problem with cyb chat box.

When I change this style, following error occur
Warning: main(/nfs/c03/h01/mnt/48817/domains/mysteryzillion.org/html/includes/init.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /nfs/c03/h01/mnt/48817/domains/mysteryzillion.org/html/global.php on line 20

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/nfs/c03/h01/mnt/48817/domains/mysteryzillion.org/html/includes/init.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php-4.4.8-1/share/pear') in /nfs/c03/h01/mnt/48817/domains/mysteryzillion.org/html/global.php on line 20

I change to default style, it's ok again :(

10-14-2009, 10:52 PM
I have a problem with cyb chat box.

When I change this style, following error occur
Warning: main(/nfs/c03/h01/mnt/48817/domains/mysteryzillion.org/html/includes/init.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /nfs/c03/h01/mnt/48817/domains/mysteryzillion.org/html/global.php on line 20

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/nfs/c03/h01/mnt/48817/domains/mysteryzillion.org/html/includes/init.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php-4.4.8-1/share/pear') in /nfs/c03/h01/mnt/48817/domains/mysteryzillion.org/html/global.php on line 20

I change to default style, it's ok again :(
I change some code in cybchat and it is working now.

10-14-2009, 10:58 PM
very nice great

10-22-2009, 10:19 PM
Anyone have any luck implementing this with a vbadvanced side column?

10-28-2009, 03:10 AM

I am new into forum boards.

I have installed the skin, but how do I add more links to the navbar.

Thank you in advanced.


11-06-2009, 10:14 PM
Anyone have any luck implementing this with a vbadvanced side column?

Same problem here, hopefully someone will tell what needs to be changed in order to implement it with vbadvanced sidebar!

11-08-2009, 07:48 AM
sidebar inability is the only thing that turns me off =(. vbA is such an asset.

12-24-2009, 04:40 PM
Love It! Thank You So Much!

02-03-2010, 07:34 AM

we would like to know if you are going to update the style, or create a new one which will be looking almost the same for vb4.0?

yours faithfully

02-23-2010, 08:07 PM

I am new into forum boards.

I have installed the skin, but how do I add more links to the navbar.

Thank you in advanced.


nice skin but i have the same question from h22a

04-02-2010, 10:39 PM

04-02-2010, 10:50 PM

05-26-2011, 07:40 PM
Importing Style, Please Wait...


vBulletin Message

This file was created using a different version of vBulletin from the one you are running.

Your version: 3.8.7
File version: 3.8.2

[ Go Back ]

:( :( :(

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=238273 Hi everybody.

I am currently unlicensed, that's why I post here. Then you can move this thread (sorry )
I don't work any more for vbulletin (I haven't enough time).

I received many pm about my styles and I read this thread: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=237951

So you can distribute all my styles/mods on your vB websites, you can upgrade my styles to vB4 and post them here or where you want, use your own copyright, ... You can make what you want with them ;)

Big kisses to everyone I met during these years.

Best Regards,
Last edited by Sofia : 15 Mar 2010 at 00:39.
:( *cries*

06-04-2012, 09:37 PM
I couldn't import this xml.... i tried but nothing happened

01-24-2015, 04:21 PM
Anyone know if this was ported by someone to 4.2?

I am having a hell of a time finding a brown and orange theme for my cleveland browns site.

This is the one I used for my 3.8 site just changed the black to brown.