View Full Version : integrat ed java chat hack? possible?

08-01-2000, 04:27 PM
Hi, I'm new to vBulletin. I was wondering if it is possible to get an integrated chat hack into vBulletin. Right now you guys have a my php chat hack. I don't like that chat because everytime someone says something the screen needs to refresh which is just really annoying.

Is there a way to integrate a java applet chat into vbulletin? basically what i need is a chat that only allows members of vbulletin to go into. And also members do NOT have the option of chosing a user name. they have to use their member name.

Is there a way to do this with a java applet?

If so, would someone like to take a crack at this?
Even knowning that this is possible would be great. Thanks.

08-01-2000, 06:36 PM
I don't believe this can be done, not sure though.
I think thats why its being done with phpMyChat, it seems to be the only way that can integrate into this script.
not sure though, as I really have to basis for this assumption, as I know nothing about php.

08-02-2000, 02:26 PM
Does anyone else no if this is possible? I know it can be done with CGI scripts that I've used. But I've never used vbulletin before. So does anyone know if my request is possible? Just knowing that it is possible would be helpful. Thanks.

08-04-2000, 12:13 PM
Can anyone else help? :(

Where is everybody?

08-04-2000, 12:52 PM
I would say that ANY app could be integrated with vB, it is just a matter of how long it would take. If you have a chat program in mind I will look at it and see how hard it would be.

08-04-2000, 12:57 PM
I know that Digichat claims to integrate with any database, but to buy the proggie with "unlimited" users is an expensive proposition.

They do have hosting available, though. I don't know how the integration would work with a hosted solution.

08-04-2000, 03:43 PM
at least I know now that it is probably possible. :)

customcpu: the one i would like to use is located at:
if you know of a better one that can be easily integrated, tell me. :)

Martin: what is the url for digichat?

08-06-2000, 06:15 PM
From the look of it the jpilot applet wouldn't be too hard to integrate.

08-07-2000, 04:23 AM
I will be glad to see if jpilot java-chat can be intergrated into vbulltine! I need the chat function
like jpilot,too! Private chat room as jpilot is just what I
need! But is it easy to setup
an irc server? Or it can be completely intergrated into
vbulltine without having to setup another irc server?

[Edited by PaulLin on 08-07-2000 at 01:24 AM]

08-09-2000, 12:22 PM
I have virtually no experience with PHP.
could someone attempt to create this hack? I know perl but no php. :(

Is someone going to try this out?
Or maybe I can give a go at it, but could someone point me in the right direction as to where to begin. And remember that it has to be integrated with the database as in users can only use their usenames and are not allowed to pick nicknames.

08-10-2000, 02:07 AM
Check out chatspace.com and join their support chat, they can tell you if it can be done or not with their java chat software.

08-15-2000, 12:31 PM
So how's it going with integrating jpilot? are you working on it? if not can you tell me how to approach it so that i may take a crack at it? I or someone else anyway.

08-15-2000, 03:27 PM
Anyone use DigiChat? We do, and I have it set up to integrate nicely with VB -- it was pretty easy to do, but it's the thought that counts! :)

-- Added
Or rather, the implementation! :)
-- /Added

[Edited by mrogish on 08-15-2000 at 12:28 PM]

08-15-2000, 07:07 PM
can i see a URL in which your chat is integrated? I looked at the sites in your signature, but none of them actually have links to a chat that are activated.

08-15-2000, 08:23 PM
Hm, it is at:

You must be a logged in member to chat, however.

08-16-2000, 01:03 AM
Any one may try to intergrate with NFC??
It's free and powerful java chat room,
it can afford more than 750 user online at the same time!
It will be great if it can be intergrated with VB!!

08-16-2000, 02:13 PM
I can't even use that chat Paul. The MRJ (java thing) doesn't work with MACs OS 8.5+ which I am using right now. It has to be compatible with all.

I tried loading that client and got a message and I found this:

so I don't think that I'll use NFC

actually it was my browser. i just installed IE 5 for the MAC and the java thing isn't working correctly. I ran IE 4.5 and it worked fine, and I'm sorry Paul, NFC is great!

[Edited by phreak on 08-16-2000 at 11:29 AM]

08-25-2000, 01:34 AM
Hi, anyone want to try to intergrate VB with NFC??
Just keep it updated!

Originally posted by PaulLin
Any one may try to intergrate with NFC??
It's free and powerful java chat room,
it can afford more than 750 user online at the same time!
It will be great if it can be intergrated with VB!!

02-15-2001, 02:44 PM
Any one may try to intergrate VB with NFC??
Any one may try to intergrate with NFC??
It's free and powerful java chat room,
it can afford more than 750 user online at the same time!
It will be great if it can be intergrated with VB!!

07-20-2001, 01:27 AM
I easily integrated a volano chat room into my board at www.mx6.com. Volano is a simple java chat program that allows you to pass parameters to it. All I did was make it automatically enter the bulletin board userid into the Name parameter and the hyperlink to the member's profile in the Profile parameter. You can use the vB code to do this in HTML you just have to get the PHP parser to convert the vB codes. That required creating a new php file to display the the custom HTML and a couple of includes. Also you cant make it automatically log in so I resized the applet window to only display the Enter button (hides the Name and profile fields).
Only thing I couldnt get it to do was display a list of people chatting on the board menu.
I didnt re-integrate the chat after I upgraded to vB2 so now Im looking for a solution that will allow me to automatically log in a member to the chat room and to display a list of people chatting in my forum menu.
Im working with a java programmer now to do this. He is custom creating a java chat applet that will do this. Other features he is working on:
- Link to member profile
- Private chats
- Text options (color/italic/bold, etc..)
- Chat room will display the same smilies as the bulletin board.
- Applet window displays all members chatting, list autoupdates (no refresh required) for use in main page
- Multiple chat rooms

Ill post the results when we are done.

08-18-2001, 09:19 PM
This has been mentioned here..and it does work with
: ConferenceRoom chat: www.webmaster.com