View Full Version : skinning help please?

06-16-2009, 02:51 AM
ok so im new to skinning for VB im starting from scratch i want to learn how to do this the right way i am a graphic designer so graphics arent the issue,


i want to basically recreate this skin obviously im gunna use different graphics but heres and example of what im looking to do


1. have custom images for the main menu(roll-over if possible)

2. put a nice border around my forum with an image (be better if it could stop at my header but not essential)

3. rounded category strips (all strips rounded like in the picture)

4. image Backgrounds for the separate threads/forums

5. is not pictured but i want to also put a custom footer that ends right where the page does so there is no space between my footer and the browser window when scrolled all the way down

i hope this makes sense to someone

im not looking for someone to do it for me at all, i just need a little direction

thanks in advance

this is what ive got so far lol


the graphics on there are just place holders for now so i can see what im doing

06-16-2009, 12:52 PM
Everyone has own method's of doing stuff you have listed above. And most of these methods you can possibly find arnd helpsites and any graphic css blog i believe. I think you will find it a bit hard finding exact answers on recreating styles cos well.. Not many will share the tricks of trade.

Treat ur listed items as basic HTML and setup test server and just start editing templates. There are less than 10 templates which need to be edited to make a custom style. Unless you are really going lavish with design.