View Full Version : "correct" way to include a custom template?

06-16-2009, 01:38 AM
I've been working on a particular skin for our site Detroityes.com that will include sidebar navigation to the rest of the site (the non forum sections) and google ads... You can see the testing server here:


I was able to constuct this fairly easily by following the "How To Include a Custom Template via Plugins" Thread:


My question relates to a comment someone made about this not being the most efficient method of including a custom template. Which is the most efficient way?

My understanding of php is rudimentary but my instinct tells me that the template names need to be added to the array elsewhere, instead of running the function every time a page is loaded? In other words, how or where would I alter the php to as to tell the software to load these templates as it would the non custom ones? Would this be in cache_templates and global_start? Seems logical enough but I'm a little timid to fart with the php until I atleast know that I'm in the right spot...

Thanks in advance,

06-16-2009, 12:56 PM
Uhm i can tell you creating siderbar for your Forum and its global elements can be done without editing plugins. You need to edit forumhome, showthread, forumdisplay and profile templates which basically covers most of it.

I think there are some mods available for this maybe ultimate siderbar etc.. not exactly sure but you probably need to post this in coding section for help perhaps if you are going the plugins way..

06-16-2009, 03:01 PM
I'm not sure I understand... I guess I'm a little ignorant to the vbulletin architecture...

Uhm i can tell you creating siderbar for your Forum and its global elements can be done without editing plugins. You need to edit forumhome, showthread, forumdisplay and profile templates which basically covers most of it.

I edited all of those to get a unanimous look already, so i have a new header (the flash isnt working atm) a right and left sidebar and a new footer. I prefer templates as opposed to hard coding the blocks into each page for edibility... Are you suggesting there is an easier more efficient way to do this whilst maintaining the edibility? Thanks.

I think there are some mods available for this maybe ultimate siderbar etc.. not exactly sure but you probably need to post this in coding section for help perhaps if you are going the plugins way..

I realized that after posting, is there a way to request a mod move the thread or should I just repost?