View Full Version : Background Image Help

06-12-2009, 05:57 AM
Hello, I have a quick question regarding background images & VB.

Currently: http://www.fighting118th.com/ is a blog site, where we have a background image, but as you expand or contract the window, the blog stays in the center white area with the outside growing/shrinking.

I added: url(http://www.fighting118th.com/wp-content/themes/mimbo/images/background.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed} to the Standard CSS in "BODY" in the Style Manager, but in VB the whole forum slides to the left when the screen gets smaller. The background stays the same though, so everything looks messed up.

How can I link the two, so the VB forum (set at 1000 pixels) stays in the center of the background image?

Thank you for your time!!

--------------- Added 1244791715 at 1244791715 ---------------

background-position: center;

Found it :) Never underestimate a google search.

06-15-2009, 10:47 AM
I have a similar problem but can't fix it.

I am trying to set my background similar to the BG for this forum. The main table is set to 950px and, for purposes of trial & error, I am using the BG image from this forum (I hope nobody minds).

I have used #E1E1E2 url(http://www.upallnightextra.com/images/bodybkgd950px.jpg) repeat background-position: center and various other versions to try to get the layout correct but instead the image seems to move to the right, leaving the blue border on the left overlapping (I suppose that should be underlapping) the main table. The blue border on the right moves to the right to leave the white center part of the bg image protruding from under the right-hand side of the main table.

Could anyone help please?

06-15-2009, 03:26 PM
you could try using the CSS within vB and in the Body part (first box on the CSS pages of vB) try entering:-

#E1E1E2 url(http://www.upallnightextra.com/images/bodybkgd950px.jpg) repeat-y

not sure if that will work or not

06-15-2009, 05:50 PM
Thanks Butcher. Sadly the background didn't even appear.

Got it!

It should be
#E1E1E2 url(http://www.upallnightextra.com/images/bodybkgd950px.jpg) repeat-y center


04-06-2012, 10:46 PM
OK..if anyone was going as crazy as me trying to figure out how to get the doc background to stay in place under the body - after reading 800 posts this is what worked in vb 4.1:

Style Manager -> Style Variable Editor -> Doc Background ->

url(/yourimagepath.jpg) no-repeat fixed top center;