View Full Version : My friend forwarded his license to my website for our forums, but...

06-10-2009, 07:14 PM
But it is a valid license, I would think that If I have proof of a valid license I would be able to use the mod site but my friend kept his customer number to himself, so I am unable to do anything about validating... I'm not sure I am making sense but I'll clear it up...

I am the owner of Werk-site.com, a website creation organization, my friend Tyler is the one who handles our budget and redirected his license to us. I have customized the board designed our own style, but now I need imgs to go with it and I'm a complete fail with GFX. I was wondering if there would be anyway for me to gain access here, I may have my friend come in if nessesary.

If I didn't make sense I'm sorry. I've been going on redbull for the last few hours.

Paul M
06-10-2009, 07:26 PM
He needs to add your vb.org email address to the licence priority support section.

06-10-2009, 09:10 PM
He needs to add your vb.org email address to the licence priority support section.

Thank you.