View Full Version : Usernote thread system in staff forum

06-04-2009, 07:02 PM
Keeping track of new usernotes is impossible, unless your staff double posts all usernotes in a thread in the staff forum. As a result, many boards just have a thread in the staff forum and leave the usernote system alone. The downside of doing so, is that notes about a member are not visible on the members profile.

To solve this, usernotes should be connected to a thread:
A usernote made on a profile should be automatically posted in a staff thread.
Posts in this thread should automatically be posted in usernotes on the members profile.
This implicates that when a staff member posts in the staff thread, then the staff member should select the member name that the post is about.


09-22-2010, 09:14 PM
Also interested in such feature.

Normal thread logging of usernotes created is very necessary for staff coordination.

09-24-2010, 06:05 AM
The posibility of launching user notes from posts (as of infractions) would also very desirable for me. A quote of text or the link added automaticly to the user note would extend functionality in my site.

I supose it is not a minor change.

I guess this alternative is related. I ignore wich one is tecnically more simple:

10-02-2010, 09:05 PM
We are getting very good results with the user report function in our site.

They are managed as a ticket system and they give feedback to the user.
Posting apropiate links in the thread created by the report system facilitates moderation tasks.

My target now is to get usernotes auto-published in an automated way, as soon as a user is reported for any of his posts. Also auto inclusion of recent infractions/notifications would be great. I think is a relatively simple code adition.

With important information stored (posible clon accounts and suspicions added by stuff mainly) it is a perfect complement for the report post function, so saving many profile queries I think.

I'm planning a paid request for this implement.

10-05-2010, 01:26 AM
I'd consider to hold off until vb 4.2 or until IB has released more information about their plans with moderation:

Activity Stream
Unified Moderation and Notifications System

I expect this will be quite an overhaul and that it will only make sense to build upon that foundation after this is introduced.