View Full Version : Newbie

06-02-2009, 07:54 PM
please visit and give my site review and comments



06-02-2009, 08:49 PM
Not much to review.. default skin and logo, the only custom thing done looks to be the top area for ad spaces.. which is just really tacky.

Judging from your forum id's, you have just under 400 forums and only 28 posts and 10 members. It's going to take them about.. 5 years to fill up your forum.

I recommend reading some reviews around here, as a lot of what you are showing has been frowned upon time and time again.

06-02-2009, 09:05 PM
Very slow loading times in part due to the ads at the top (I agree, really tacky) and the all the forums. There is no need to start with so many forums. It's better to have lots of threads in a few forums rather than 1 thread in each of many forums.

06-02-2009, 09:26 PM
The only custom thing done looks to be the top area for ad spaces.. which is just really tacky.
I agree big time with this one. I would suggest taking that out until you find a better way or different area to display those banners

I would also recommend compressing or combining some of your forums. There's WAY too many. at least for now with your site just starting off. Or at least hide them so they don't display on the forum home. It just makes scrolling to things take longer because there's just so many.

I would also make it so that your columns "Forum", "Last Post", "Threads", "Posts" and "Moderator" are all the same size/width. Otherwise, honestly, it really looks bad in my opinion.

Also, I'll definately reiterate what Lynne said, VERY slow load time. I have a very fast connection speed for my laptop and that took forever to load to for me, at least 10 seconds to load all the way. I would recommend switching hosts if its your host, or as I said above, removing those banners, compressing forums, etc.

Good luck with your website