View Full Version : Punishment..

05-31-2009, 07:58 PM
Hey all vBulletin users.. I was wondering, what is the punishment for running/using an illegal version of vBulletin? I ask this because I run a sports forum and day after day I get new emails about like 3 vBulletin forums being open day after day... I complain about this because I paid the full price for my license and I see kids as young as 11 running vBulletin.. I ask myself, where do kids 11 years old get the kind of money to pay for a license?

Then one day I had a conversation with a person who runs vBulletin.
Here is the conversation.

Him - "Hey new forum up"
Him - "www.-------------------.com"
Me - "Wow, so many people downloading and running illegal versions of vBulletin nowadays..."
Him - "So?"
Him - "You got a problem?"
Me - "As a matter of fact I do, I paid the full $180 for my license, while people are out there downloading torrents and all this nonesense, it's wrong."
Him - ".."
Then he signs off..".... is offline, Your IM will be delivered when the buddy goes online."

I'm complaining because I find it wrong when I build up my sports forum only to see that in a week there are 10 new sports forums like mine out there.. I could be wrong about some of them being illegal but I am willing to bet my vB license that half of them are illegal...

Sorry for my rant, I have no idea where else to put this so I ask, What is the punishment for using an illegal version of vBulletin?

Also if this thread is going to be locked or closed, I would like to know if there is anybody I can email or PM about my complaints?


05-31-2009, 08:08 PM
<a href="http://www.vbulletin.com/piracy.php" target="_blank">http://www.vbulletin.com/piracy.php</a>

05-31-2009, 08:35 PM
This isn't a vb.org issue at all - vb.org has nothing to do with licensing. Biker_GA posted the link to submit site urls if you think they may be running nulled vb sites. They can verify the site license. You will not hear back from them as that info is private.

05-31-2009, 09:35 PM
This isn't a vb.org issue at all - vb.org has nothing to do with licensing. Biker_GA posted the link to submit site urls if you think they may be running nulled vb sites. They can verify the site license. You will not hear back from them as that info is private.
The information shoulnt be private, i think thats really unfair seeing as us lot pay for vBulletin licences and if there running illegal vb licences why shoulnt that be publicized seeing as their members most likely believe its a legit vb.

Paul M
05-31-2009, 09:39 PM
As Lynne said, licensing is nothing to do with vb.org, and such questions/issues need to be directed to Jelsoft (vb.com). Thanks.