View Full Version : LBCache can halve your server load with vBulletin?

05-25-2009, 02:18 PM
I found this while searching on how to fix server issues I am having:

LBCache, the vBulletin cache (http://www.linuxbox.co.uk/vbulletin_caching_with_lbcache.php)

If you admin a server running vBulletin, it's almost certain that you'll have had problems with performance. There's plenty of scope for server tuning, and there are even a few modules for template caching; but what happens when you've implemented all of these, and performance is still poor?

LBCache is a PHP script which implements caching of forums and threads. Installation is fairly simple, the cache is highly configurable, and - best of all - the performance boost can be huge. Real-world tests on a busy server gave a halving of CPU load (and a similar reduction in the number of MySQL queries) when the cache was running. In situations where a handful of threads are being hit hard by visitors (eg if a thread has been Slashdotted), the reduction in load will be much greater. Benchmark figures below suggest that serving pages from the cache uses around one tenth of the CPU as non-cached pages.

The product claims to halve your server load and is written specifically with vBulletin in mind. Has anyone used this product and maybe have some feedback on it?

****Please note - I am in no way endorsing or plugging this product. I am simply trying to see if this is a viable option for my online community****

Dave Hybrid
12-03-2009, 02:39 PM
I bought this, it did nothing for my site. If anything worse and the support was terrible, like non-existant. Waste of time and money.

12-03-2009, 08:21 PM
Same thing for one of our clients that tried this. It did not help them at all. We did not investigate in-depth why this did not work, but one of the reasons was that this system offers a performance increase (theoretically) on non-registered users; which means that for all those forums with high activity of registered users, it won't do much.

12-08-2009, 12:51 PM
I bought this, it did nothing for my site. If anything worse and the support was terrible, like non-existant. Waste of time and money.

Do you have a lot or little guests viewing your forums?

On paper the idea makes perfect sense and as long as you have "enough" guests, sounds like it should in fact work very well.

Dave Hybrid
12-08-2009, 01:24 PM
I would say 95% guests. :down:

04-14-2010, 03:50 AM

I NEED a solution like this BADLY and ASAP. Has anyone had a good experience with this solution? Any positive feedback?

At this point I feel like it can't hurt to try. If it doesn't work I'll try out vB Optimise:

But its weird... whereas LBCache promises to cache complete pages to unregistered visitors, it seems like the goal of vB Optimise is just to cache certain elements for everybody. I'd rather have the former version (the LBCache version).


04-14-2010, 04:55 AM
These two solutions could be run in parallel, since they are tackling the completely different things. vB Optimise caches some internal vBulletin structures, not even close to the full pages or even some page elements. The upside is that it works for absolutely all visitors.
You could start with vB Optimise (hey, it's free!) and see if it helps to lessen the load.

04-19-2010, 05:58 PM
any good news?