View Full Version : Add-On Releases - -:[GAME]:- Wordfinder 2009

05-20-2009, 10:00 PM
What is it ?
Have you seen the thread tilte ? It's a game!
I wrote it in 2005 under another name. But now it's time for the vB 3.8 version.

What kind of game is it
It's a word puzzle game for your forum. Users can create there own puzzles. Other can solve it.
Each puzzle can have it's own style (with the installation, 13 styles are avaible).
The admin can create a lot of more. Styles are optional and if not in used, a simple square is generated.

small FAQ:
How big is a puzzle ?
Standard: a min of 15 rows/cols and a maximum of 54 rows/cols.
These options can set into the AdminCP.
How can I create a puzzle with a higher level ?
Levels will created automatically form the rows/cols settings in the AdminCP.
Can I solve my own puzzle ?
Yes or No. The admin can set the permission for it.
How many puzzles can I create ?
There is NO limit !
Does it works with vBcredits ?
Yes of course. It also works with vBbux/vBplaza or with my asset-hack. Those Mods will detected automatically and if a Mod is installed you wil found an option into your AdminCP.

See images for more info.
Try the "read.me" for installation.

Support is given for all they clicked "install"


05-21-2009, 06:38 AM
Two more images:

05-21-2009, 06:39 AM

05-21-2009, 07:36 AM
Installed. I entered the words but when I tried to create the puzzle I got this error message

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in /home/rwfforum/public_html/vBulletin/wordfinder.php on line 271

05-21-2009, 07:51 AM
How is the grid (rows/cols) ?
If this isn't the "smallest" size - try a grid 15/15

05-21-2009, 07:58 AM
Ok, I've deleted the routine (after 3 1/2 years I don't know why it was in).
Simply overwrite the "wordfinder.php".

05-21-2009, 08:07 AM
Ok, I've deleted the routine (after 3 1/2 years I don't know why it was in).
Simply overwrite the "wordfinder.php".

Yes, that worked. Many thanks

05-21-2009, 08:19 AM
I will give it a roll thanks.

05-21-2009, 08:39 AM
Is the a demo on your site?

05-21-2009, 10:10 AM
Yes, but ... NOT for unregistered and there isn't a link.
You can try this one:


Choose english language *g

05-21-2009, 10:19 AM


nick: deneme
pass: 123456

05-21-2009, 11:56 AM
installed. Just trying to figure out how to play it, lol! Nice work.

05-21-2009, 12:52 PM
Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM VB_wordfinder_games WHERE gameid=;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Thursday, May 21st 2009 @ 08:48:59 AM
Error Date : Thursday, May 21st 2009 @ 08:48:59 AM
Script : ..........................................admincp/wordfinder_admin.php?do=send
Referrer :........................................admincp/wordfinder_admin.php?opt=games

05-21-2009, 01:30 PM
There is the "GameID" missing !

What have you done ?

05-21-2009, 02:32 PM
this is one excellent mod. Just started playing with it. It's a hoot! Rated!

05-21-2009, 04:12 PM
neat idea

05-21-2009, 05:41 PM
Couple of bugs I noticed:

1. If editing a game template, the title is not pulled in...
2. If editing a game template, while the marked squares show up, if you save it - they will disappear.
3. The plugin is misspelled as Wortfinder
4. If you delete a game, you can't delete the highscores of that game.

Forumi Shqiptar
05-22-2009, 03:26 AM
tagging this modification will check this one later but it seems a great addon for vbulletin...

05-22-2009, 05:04 AM
Couple of bugs I noticed:

1. If editing a game template, the title is not pulled in...
2. If editing a game template, while the marked squares show up, if you save it - they will disappear.
3. The plugin is misspelled as Wortfinder
Yes, you're right and I fixed all those bugs.

Couple of bugs I noticed:

4. If you delete a game, you can't delete the highscores of that game.
I can not reproduce this bug. When I delete the game (and I only can do this in AdminCP) all highscores of those game will deleted, too.

There is another bug fixed:
5. When editing a game the text will delete

05-22-2009, 06:53 AM
I'm a little lost, I think if you had a demo it would help me get how this puzzle functions more.

05-22-2009, 06:59 AM
See page 1 Post #10 or #11

05-22-2009, 09:30 AM
There is the "GameID" missing !

What have you done ?
nothing:) i had simply installed system and created a game :)

then went to admincp to check out edit tools etc

05-22-2009, 10:09 AM
I can't reproduce this :confused:

05-23-2009, 08:43 AM


nick: deneme
pass: 123456

Internal Server Error.


05-23-2009, 09:31 AM
Installed, looks like fun, hopefully can use it with the tournament system for some kind of scary contest to the end of time.

05-24-2009, 05:10 AM
Internal Server Error.


now not error

05-27-2009, 11:09 PM

Have installed this... but...

If admin creates puzzle, how does admin then edit the puzzle ?
If user creates puzzle, how does user play puzzle ?
If user has a go at puzzle, and clicks cancel, how does user play the puzzle again?


05-27-2009, 11:28 PM
plus how do you highlight the letters?

Its kinda weird this one, bags of potential, but.. will wait n see

05-28-2009, 03:52 AM

Have installed this... but...

If admin creates puzzle, how does admin then edit the puzzle ?
If user creates puzzle, how does user play puzzle ?
If user has a go at puzzle, and clicks cancel, how does user play the puzzle again?


1.) In the AdminCP under "games"
2.) If you allowed Users to play there own puzzles
3.) No way. You only have one chance

05-28-2009, 05:31 AM
1.) In the AdminCP under "games"
2.) If you allowed Users to play there own puzzles
3.) No way. You only have one chance

1. No idea where that is, unless you are referring to usergroup permissions and admin permissions.
No physical link to alter settings found in admincp

2. only place to set this is in usergroup permissions, one link which says:
Can play Wordfinder 2009 | radio button YES

3. why no way? a user who has created a game cannot even view the game they just created.

Why is the actual highlight mechanism/script/control for the words so damn frustratinginly awkward?
Why do you have error, listed under words, with an error count, but not a success count?

Uninstalling, I have either an incompatible system, or have missed some fundamental instruction over and above the readme file.


05-28-2009, 06:01 AM
1. No idea where that is, unless you are referring to usergroup permissions and admin permissions.
No physical link to alter settings found in admincp

2. only place to set this is in usergroup permissions, one link which says:
Can play Wordfinder 2009 | radio button YES

3. why no way? a user who has created a game cannot even view the game they just created.

Why is the actual highlight mechanism/script/control for the words so damn frustratinginly awkward?
Why do you have error, listed under words, with an error count, but not a success count?

Uninstalling, I have either an incompatible system, or have missed some fundamental instruction over and above the readme file.


1.) left hand (Wordfinder 2009) - then unter "Puzzle Options"
2.) same but under "Generel Options"
3.) it's because cheating

05-28-2009, 06:04 AM
There is no wordfinder 2009 option anywhere.

So guess we have a bum version ?

Arrggghhhh Its under PHP Unlimited !

Good work mate, so much easier when you can set the options LOL

Thanks : Clicks Installed.

05-28-2009, 06:58 AM
I placed all my games into "php-unlimited" - there will be more games soon.

Digital Jedi
05-30-2009, 03:36 AM
Hrm, I downloaded all of these and I still can't get a PhP-Unlimted menu. It looks like the files are there where they're supposed to be.

05-30-2009, 04:16 AM
Have you installed both games ? Sudoku and Wordfinder ?
I don't know if there's a phrase missing.

<phrase name="phpunlimited_games"><![CDATA[php Unlimited]]></phrase>

That's the only I know.

Digital Jedi
05-30-2009, 11:44 AM
Yup, all three actually. Sudoku, Wordfinder and Xtreme Dice. I mean, everything seems to be there. Phrases and the XMLs have it in the product import. It's just not showing the ACP. I'll keep looking.

Digital Jedi
05-30-2009, 12:57 PM
Okay, I'd say sleep is vital to concentration. I only set administrator permissions per usergroup, and forgot all about the Administrator Permissions ACP menu. I couldn't see it because I didn't give myself permission too (though I thought I had). And I hadn't given myself permission, because I hadn't furthermore thought to give myself permissions to access that menu in the config file. I'm taking a sleep tab tonight.

05-30-2009, 03:45 PM
*rofl'* sorry for laughing.
I thought that mean - it's working now.

Digital Jedi
05-31-2009, 01:29 AM
Yeah, it seems to be working now. :)

Not sure I can the same for myself, but I digress.

05-31-2009, 01:48 AM
Not ready for prime time. Unable to create a game with the mod as it stands. There is no create game option. Uninstalled.

Digital Jedi
05-31-2009, 01:53 AM
Not ready for prime time. Unable to create a game with the mod as it stands. There is no create game option. Uninstalled.
There is no create game option on the wordfinder.php page?

05-31-2009, 02:04 AM
I'll reinstall and look again.

05-31-2009, 02:18 AM
OK. Reinstalled. Working. Sort of.. As was experienced by another user, I received the following error when I went to edit a game via AdminCP.

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM wordfinder_games WHERE gameid=;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Saturday, May 30th 2009 @ 11:15:04 PM
Error Date : Saturday, May 30th 2009 @ 11:15:05 PM
Script : http://www.forumname.org/forum/admincp/wordfinder_admin.php?do=send
Referrer : http://www.forumname.org/forum/admincp/wordfinder_admin.php?opt=games
IP Address : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Username : Biker
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.51a-community

Very strange. Added a second game and edit works now.

Digital Jedi
05-31-2009, 04:30 AM
Looks like it was missing a game ID number.

05-31-2009, 04:36 AM
Okay, I'd say sleep is vital to concentration. I only set administrator permissions per usergroup, and forgot all about the Administrator Permissions ACP menu. I couldn't see it because I didn't give myself permission too (though I thought I had). And I hadn't given myself permission, because I hadn't furthermore thought to give myself permissions to access that menu in the config file. I'm taking a sleep tab tonight.


Sort yourself out mate, and give yourself permission, youve earned it :)

05-31-2009, 01:40 PM
I haven't tested the game yet but it installed without a problem. I will let you know later how testing goes but thank you so much for your hard work. I love these tpyes of add ons!!

Thanks again!


05-31-2009, 09:03 PM
The game is working but I cannot find that admin CP.. Permissions are set but still nothing. Any suggestions? Also have this with the Sudoku game btw.

-edit- N.v.m. found it. Didn't realise it's in the admin cp of vBulletin..

06-01-2009, 02:57 AM
This takes a bit to get used to, but is nice. I thought nothing was happening, but my highlight color blended into the background..LOL

I will add the Sudoku when that is tested more. I'm a bit nervous with that one as it seems it would be addicting :D Thanks!

06-08-2009, 03:35 PM
Please advise why, when I removed this, it does not fix the admin CP?

I want to fix this. I do not want redundant leftovers, please help?


06-09-2009, 02:14 PM
in the product, is a phrase missing:

<phrasetype name="global" fieldname="global">
<phrase name="phpunlimited_games"><![CDATA[php Unlimited]]></phrase>

simply add the 2nd line - and import (overwrite) the product again - that's it

06-09-2009, 03:56 PM

to make sure I understand...

I change product, reinstall and then ununstall and it should be okay?

This is nothing against your product, we were hacked really bad and want to remove most modifications until /b/ takes us off their hit list.

Damn them.

06-09-2009, 04:27 PM

to make sure I understand...

I change product, reinstall and then ununstall and it should be okay?

This is nothing against your product, we were hacked really bad and want to remove most modifications until /b/ takes us off their hit list.

Damn them.

No !
Change the Product (only add the phrase) and install the product again (overwrite).

But ... it seem that you're trying to delete the menu "phpunlimited_games" !
Into you includes/xml folder search for cpnav_wordfinder.xml and delete it (if the mod is uninstalled). If avaible you can also delete "bitfield_wordfinder.xml" (that's for the permissions).

06-09-2009, 08:29 PM
Thank you Coroner. Again, sorry to have to uninstall, but hackers are after us, so we must remove all enhancements for now.

06-09-2009, 08:38 PM
Will this work on 3.7?

06-10-2009, 09:00 AM
Yes, it will !

06-19-2009, 02:18 PM
A member found a bug. How would I go about correcting it?

Member wrote:
I made the Military Aircraft one, and when I did it, it was missing the upper left letter, which happened to belong to a word.



06-21-2009, 08:13 AM
Can this be used on version 3.7.3? or is there a link to one that works with this version of vbulletin please

06-21-2009, 08:30 AM
Yes, it will - I haven't time to place this Mod in the vB 3.7 area.

@Eddie: This must be by hazard. I can't reproduce it.

Itchy Nips
06-26-2009, 04:33 PM
awesome! thanks!

08-21-2009, 07:41 AM
In my case, the chosen words are not selected. I mean, when you touch the letter in my other styles than the default one, there is no highlight of the letter.

What should I do?

09-12-2009, 07:14 PM
Thanks for the account.
See Images - I only used the style called "herhania"

I've clicked the 1st letter and than the last letter (not at the word fire). There I click letter after letter (f-i-r-e)

09-16-2009, 10:09 AM
Thank you so much! Love the game - and I will make it available for my users these days.

09-16-2009, 01:20 PM
Nice game.

I toot feel that player, who creates a game, can play his/her own game - it's not cheat or easy at all when you have to find 20 word from e.g. 100 letters...

Excellent mod...

10-21-2009, 05:56 PM

11-20-2009, 07:17 AM
Works fine untill i integrate vbadvanced,
Then i get following error
Tried asking on vbadvanced site but no joy.

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/vba_cmps_include_template.php on line 42

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/init.php(307) : eval()'d code on line 134

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/vba_cmps_include_top.php on line 715

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 is not an array in [path]/includes/vba_cmps_include_top.php on line 715

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/includes/vba_cmps_include_top.php on line 306

12-21-2009, 05:19 PM
First of all thank you for this nice Adon :)

But it seems that i have a Problem with the wordfinder.php when i use the Guthaben-Hack

I have vb 3.7.4 and MySQL-Version : 5.0.32 running and when i create and when i want to play a Game i get a Error

Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 3.7.4:

Invalid SQL:

INSERT INTO kontoauszug
(`userid`, `datum`, `info`, `betrag`, `art`)
(1,1261422887,Bezahlung f?r ein Wortfinder-Spiel',50,'minus');

MySQL-Fehler : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'f?r ein Wortfinder-Spiel',50,'minus')' at line 4

When i disable the use of Guthaben-Hack in Settings, then i can play and create Games...

Maybe there is a little Mistake somewhere here ???

$db->query ("
INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "kontoauszug
(`userid`, `datum`, `info`, `betrag`, `art`)
(" . $userid . "," . TIMENOW . "," . $db->escape_string ($credittext) . "'," . intval ($money) . ",'" . $w . "')
$db->query ("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user SET `guthaben`=`guthaben`" . $addsub . " WHERE `userid`=" . $userid);

Any Idea what causes the Problem ?



I found the Fault. It was the Code inside the wordfinder_functions.php like i descriped above. So it could not work with Credits. I fixed it and now everything is working fine. SO no need to take Action, coroner :)

Many Thx for this great Addon !