View Full Version : Portal Software - microTRAVEL: a Tripadvisor like Travel Portal

05-17-2009, 10:00 PM
Removed by the Author because:

For 7 mods, there are 1905 downloads but only 577 clicked installed.
For these 577 installs I got 4 donations for Brand Free. Make a simple search on the net using the product name and you'll find that 50% have illegally removed my copyright.
I found 3 vb.org style sites, offering for download my mods but after PAID SUBSCRIPTION, or DONATION
After all, I'll stop be the idiot on this market.

ver 1.0.0
by MicroHellas
http://www.vbelite.com (http://www.vbelite.com)

Don't underestimate it's value because it's Free. The only reason that I'm posting it for Free download is the lack of free time to support it commercially.
Even if it works fine as module, I strongly recommend to use a dedicated vBulletin installation for it. It comes with a unique template to use with.
Demo: http://www.microhellas.com/main/travel.php (http://www.microhellas.com/main/travel.php)

1.- What's this?

You don't need to spend thousands of dollars to start your very own Tripadvisor?, Expedia?, or Travelocity? like Travel Portal. With microTRAVEL, you can have even more features than those. microTRAVEL is the ultimate solution for Travel Agents, Tour Operators and Travel Portals, to increase their direct sales. None other script has so many (and unique) features like this. Don't believe it? Give a try to the Online Demo.

2.- Popular Features
Powerfull Tours Search Form: Let your visitors search by Date period, City of Origin, Destination, Transfer type, Tour type, Accommodation, Max Price, Duration. They can also search for Featured, Editor choice, Popular or Tours in promotion!
Unlimited Depth of Categories: You can add as many levels of categories (destinations) as you like. Sophisticated 2 part menu. Upper block contains menu options for the active destination, while the other block contains links to subdestinations.
A Dozen of menu options per Destination: Overview (showing latests information from all other menu options). Browse Tours, Articles, Photos, Videos, Forums, Classifieds, Events, and finally Travelmates (a unique feature). Classifieds and Articles, list all related categories.
Add special usergroups (eg Touroperators, Hoteliers) and then setup paid subscriptions for upgrading to these usergroups to be able to post in Market place.
3.- Installation

The installation is pretty easy, has been checked many times for installing and uninstalling the product. Just follow these steps below:
Download and unzip the file microTRAVEL.zip
Open the folder vbulletin and select all files and subfolders inside it
Connect to your website and open the directory where is your vBulletin installation (usally forum, forums, portal etc).
Upload the selected files to your site. If you fellow the right way then the file travel.php must be on the same level as the index.php file of vBulletin.
Before any new installation is good to backup your database before, even if nobody is doing it (including me). At lease turn your site off
Check at your AdminCP->vBulletin Options->Plugin/Hook System that Plugin system is enabled.
From your AdminCP->Plugin System->Manage Products choose Add/Import Product and import the product: product-microrequests.xml
microTRAVEL has it's own style (template). From Styles&Templates-> Download/Upload styles import the file: microtravel-style.xml Please check to ignore template version.
4.- Configuration

As every vBulletin product, you need to make some initial configuration before it goes live.
Start with microTRAVEL Options and give special attention to choose microTRAVEL style (last option).
Go throught and setup ALL tables (eg Destinations, Origin etc).
Setup usergroup permissions.
5.- Template Modification

The module is using it's own templates, so it doesn't needs any template modification except if you want to add a link to the navbar. In this case you need to modify the NavBar template.

Open it and find:

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">

Add below:

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="travel.php$session[sessionurl_q]">


6.- Copyright
You can modify the code as you like to meet your special needs, but you can't distribute these modifications for Free or Profit.
You can NOT distribute this module in any form
My copyright link must remain always visible.
As I've developed this module for my own use, it's normal to keep the legal right for exclusive use in Greece. So installation and use it in any .gr domain, or any domain, with any extention, operating in Greek language is prohibited.

Enjoy it

05-19-2009, 12:10 AM
Wow, very interesting. This could have some 'business' potential. Thanks for sharing! :up:

05-19-2009, 12:37 AM
no kidding thanks for this.

05-19-2009, 06:30 AM
Trying to install it.....
But when it comes to the styles/templates import I am getting the message that the mod has been developed for vb 3.8.1 and I am running 3.8.2

How to resolve this issue?

05-19-2009, 07:17 AM
Trying to install it.....
But when it comes to the styles/templates import I am getting the message that the mod has been developed for vb 3.8.1 and I am running 3.8.2

How to resolve this issue?

It's working fine with 3.8.2. Import the style with options:
- New Style
- Ignore version
- Empty name


05-19-2009, 07:20 AM
This looks great Maria and as mention seems to have a great potential!

Having read the docs to it you say it has it's own style, would it still work if you did not install this style and would it adopt the current style you're using?

05-19-2009, 07:32 AM
This looks great Maria and as mention seems to have a great potential!

Having read the docs to it you say it has it's own style, would it still work if you did not install this style and would it adopt the current style you're using?

See the attachment and you'll understand why it needs this template. There is a left column which holds the active destination and all related menu option, as a way to keep the user in the right place for discussion.

I spent lot of time to build this template to avoid placing in troubles those who will use it for modifying templates. Sure you can use your own (or default) template especially if you don't plan to use the forums (I mean the travel forums).

If you want to use the forums and still using your own template (the mod will continue working find), then is better to open functions.php (microtravel/includes) and find at line 1902:

$menu .= '<tr><td><div class="smallfont"><strong>&raquo;&nbsp;<a href="forumdisplay.php?f='.$this_row["forumid"].'">'.$vbphrase['microtravel_forums'].'</a></strong></div></td></tr>';

and replace it with:

$menu .= '<tr><td><div class="smallfont"><strong>&raquo;&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="forumdisplay.php?f='.$this_row["forumid"].'">'.$vbphrase['microtravel_forums'].'</a></strong></div></td></tr>';

This way the forum will open in a new window, so the users can return where they're before just by closing the forum window.

Hope that it helps

05-20-2009, 10:42 AM
Installed on 3.8.2 and working great thanks for such a nice mod .

05-21-2009, 05:08 PM
Would be nice to see it sell anything ;)

05-21-2009, 05:59 PM
Would be nice to see it sell anything ;)

At least for me is selling like crazy... and I don't mean as script. If you've experiance about Tourist Business, you can make money in a snap. Otherwise is useless.


05-22-2009, 06:53 PM
i have a big problem with this mod ... i have tested it at my page and after importing the micro-travel.xml my whole style including the header and everything is killed ..... it changed the header to microtravel and changed all the colours ..... what can i do ?! what a shit :( - how can it get it working with the own template/style of microtravel and keeping my own special style at my page ?!

please help !

05-23-2009, 12:44 AM

Major MOTM candidate. I'll bet it wins too...

05-23-2009, 04:04 AM
i have a big problem with this mod ... i have tested it at my page and after importing the micro-travel.xml my whole style including the header and everything is killed ..... it changed the header to microtravel and changed all the colours ..... what can i do ?! what a shit :( - how can it get it working with the own template/style of microtravel and keeping my own special style at my page ?!

please help !

Don't know a lot about styles, but what for sure I know is that I tested having 5 styles already installed and nothing messed up. Have you follow the instructions? Import style, Create new style as is by default, Ignore version, and title empty.

This style is needing as it adds a left column to show active destination menu.


05-23-2009, 08:01 AM

very cool

thank yooou

05-25-2009, 01:14 AM
I've noticed something. No offense here. Seriously because I think that you are a very talented coder, however, I have been through a lot of your mods, and noticed that for some reason or another, you seem to get ticked off after a while and delete the mod. Is there a reason for that?

05-25-2009, 01:21 AM
didnt get a chance to download it... I guess I'll search the net for it.

05-25-2009, 03:52 AM
I've noticed something. No offense here. Seriously because I think that you are a very talented coder, however, I have been through a lot of your mods, and noticed that for some reason or another, you seem to get ticked off after a while and delete the mod. Is there a reason for that?

There is no offense for anything that is saying straight. So, don't worry. There are many reason. It's a mix of (I'll start from my own habbits):
My Mediterrenean blond. Passionate and ready to argue with some "smarty" people. The avatar that I found latelly is 100% of me:-)
My age. Being 50 is not the best age for a woman.And now I'll continue what makes me upset here:
Follow the posts in any of my mods. eg try with micromembers. Count how many times I've visited and register in sites, juts to check on my own the user's problem. In exchane many users are saying: "Why to waste my time registering to your (mine) site? Come and give support here".
Again in my posts, see and try to notice who is always one of the first posters, always pussing my nervous, while he never downloaded anything.
For most of my mods I'm always following the feedback by adding new features. eg for microSUPPORT in 10 days only, I've post 3 !! upgrades. Nobody asked: "Maria do you've time? Do you've other family or business obligations in your life?".
And of course, the copyright removal.I don't like to write more. I'm too tired and disappointed. Thanks to God that I'm not doing this work for living. It's juts my hobby. And maybe this gives me the possibility to place my own rules. But seeing the problem deeply, I think (just my opinion) that the real problem comes from vBulletin.com. They let potential clients to believe that by buying vB, they'll find a wide area of free mods or coders/designers ready to do anything they like for free.


05-25-2009, 03:59 AM
You do a great job with all your mods. I haven't installed any yet as I'm waiting for microReviews and to see if microRequests gets updated. I appreciate all your hard work. I wish I knew how to code.

05-25-2009, 05:12 AM

1. Why is it for you important how many users click "installed"?
2. We all can't do anything against the illegal downloads.
You wrote yourself that you like to code and it's a nice hobby etc, so do it, don't care off the illegal stuff.
If everybody would do it this way, they wouldn't be phtoshop, windows,vb,ibp,all the modifications for........

05-26-2009, 07:21 PM
This mod broke Different Domain, Different style FWIW. I've uninstalled it.

I concur with the above sentiments with this author - she tends to make good modifications, but doesn't have a track record of reliability. I have purchased from her in the past and also ended up abandoning her product for something I consider more stable.

YMMV however...

05-26-2009, 07:59 PM
Removed by the Author...

Seriously, did anyone expect anything different? Business as usual for MH :down: