View Full Version : New skin is making scrolling slow for some members -- Help needed

05-18-2009, 01:23 AM
Hey folks,

I recently made a new skin for my forum, but some members have complained that scrolling up and down has becoming slow and labored. However this hasn't seemed to affect every member (including myself).

I am using a 1280x284 gradient repeated vertically as my background. I fear that may be it. If so, what's a good size to use as a BG gradient image?

I am also using images in my postbit, but I'm not TOO sure if that's the case.

Here is my site, any help would be more than appreciated.


05-18-2009, 01:44 AM
Your show thread page is almost a 4 megabyte download, that is a pretty hefty page load.

Edit: and there exists no one size fits all solution to what a 'good' size background for a page is. You should be focusing more on the overall size of the page that will need to be downloaded and stored in the users memory.

05-18-2009, 03:26 AM
Your show thread page is almost a 4 megabyte download, that is a pretty hefty page load.

Edit: and there exists no one size fits all solution to what a 'good' size background for a page is. You should be focusing more on the overall size of the page that will need to be downloaded and stored in the users memory.

Alright, well what do you suggest I do to lower my showthread size?


Seven Skins
05-18-2009, 11:59 AM
^ Lot of your user are using avatar of 300KB+ restrict them to smaller size avatar.