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02-14-2002, 11:47 AM
i see smth like this:

Warning: ChDir: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /lib/index.lib.php3 on line 91

Fatal error: Failed opening required './global.php' (include_path='') in /lib/index.lib.php3 on line 92

02-14-2002, 05:45 PM
Yes I am seeing this as well now. What am I doing wrong?

02-14-2002, 06:02 PM
After reading some of the posts here I figured out that I did not put in the correct path. Once I did this, now the chat comes up like it did....is it supposed to do this or is there supposed to be a link. Also you can't get into the chat at all now, not even with a password.

How do I integrate the chat into my boards.

I really need help. :(

02-15-2002, 11:18 AM
Ok... I have it working somewhat. When you go to my chat http://www.theparentclub.com/tpcchat/index.php3 , the message appears when you are not registered, but I'd like to provide a link to register after that message. I do not know php at all and when I try to put html code into it, I get an error. So it's obvious that I don't know what to do and reall need help on this last step. I'm anxious to make this available to my members.

Please help.


02-15-2002, 11:22 AM
find that

if ($bbuserid == 0)
print "no"; //Message if the user has no cookie

replace it with

if ($bbuserid == 0)
Html Code

So you can use HTML now

02-15-2002, 11:36 AM


You've made my day!

02-15-2002, 11:37 AM
give my hack a good rating ;)

02-17-2002, 11:04 PM
Can you make a Hack...
In Forum Home can see who in chat room now

02-18-2002, 02:48 PM
Has anyone else had a problem with phpmychat crashing MS IE 6.0?

02-20-2002, 11:58 AM
Has any one got this to work on a PHP4 server? I have made the necessary changes but get a internal error of 500 when I try to run the setup.php3. Something tells me my server doesnt support PHP3.

02-20-2002, 01:20 PM
try to rename php3 in php, something tells me that php3 is comaptible with php4

02-23-2002, 03:26 AM
I'm not having much like getting it to work. The chat page at least used to display before the hack, now I just get a blank page at beta.errantlands.com/chat/ (http://beta.errantlands.com/chat/):

Any ideas? I do have the chdir statements pointing to the correct places...


02-23-2002, 08:31 AM
i see just error 404-nor found

02-23-2002, 11:43 AM
Any ideas wha would cause them now? The page used to load...
The /chat directory has a .index.php in it, which really is just a link to phpMyChat.php3 in its directory...

Originally posted by Stasik
i see just error 404-nor found

02-26-2002, 03:01 AM
Bump :)

02-26-2002, 10:41 AM
ping - pong

still gettin' errorz?

02-26-2002, 04:09 PM
Well, I can't figure out why I'd get a page not found error now. If I remove the hack (I backed up the original files), it works as it did before...

02-26-2002, 05:27 PM
<a href="http://beta.errantlands.com/chat/index.php3" target="_blank">http://beta.errantlands.com/chat/index.php3</a>

yahh... i`m still gettin 404 :cry:

u need to use it as a link.... phpchat can check refferer before startin'

02-26-2002, 06:24 PM
There is no index.php3 in that directory... There is just a .index.php which is a like to phpMyChat.php3. In the /chat/chat directory there is a index.php3, though.

02-26-2002, 06:27 PM
<a href="http://beta.errantlands.com/chat/chat/index.php3" target="_blank">http://beta.errantlands.com/chat/chat/index.php3</a>

i see "no" that meanz i`m not logged in, hack works

02-28-2002, 02:15 AM
Odd, you are right. lol. I must have an error somewhere else though, if I try to logoff of the chat, it gives me another 'page cannot be displayed'. Maybe the default directory structure is weird for the installed phpMyChat on VO?

02-28-2002, 12:27 PM
log of the chat means u re clicking exit link in the chat frame?

02-28-2002, 12:34 PM
Yes, the exit link on the top right side. When I do it, it sits for a while and then a "Page Cannot be Displayed" message is shown by the browser. It is trying to use this link:


Thanks, btw, you've been quite helpful.

02-28-2002, 12:35 PM
u got to look into hack :)

$exiturl = "http://www.blabla.com"; // the url the user will be redirected exiting the chat

02-28-2002, 12:38 PM
Oh, sheesh. Don't tell me I missed that, I hate missing details like this, it is so embarassing! Thanks, as always!

02-28-2002, 12:39 PM

02-28-2002, 12:44 PM
Yep, that was the problem, thanks so much. Now I just have to edit their UI screen and put some of my headers and footers on it and it's all set! Thanks.

02-28-2002, 12:47 PM
do u have a dedicated server? i`m seraching smbd to host smth

02-28-2002, 01:03 PM
No, unfortunately. I have a shared one at VO. I might move things back to my DSL line though, its slower than it was when I ran it on a server at home. LOL.

02-28-2002, 01:04 PM
:D lol i know that ****

02-28-2002, 01:09 PM
My www (http://www.errantlands.com) site is on the DSL line and the beta (http://beta.errantlands.com) site is at VO. I can't tell huge speed differences and I don't even have caching or gzip on the one on the DSL yet. I hope the beta doesn't get slower once I make it the main one.

ANYWAY, I should let us return to the topic at hand. Thanks!

02-28-2002, 06:23 PM
Does anybody else have some sort of refresh problem? Everything works great except sometimes it repeats what you type over and over.

Seems like only I can see it and the others on the chat can't. Yet at the same time their text is repeating and I don't see it. If you refresh the chat room it goes back to normal only to do it again soon after.


03-01-2002, 06:54 PM

I had a question on this...

Do you have to dump the tables from the phpMyChat database and then load them in to the vB forums database? Or do you just have to create some blank tables with the same names?

Originally posted by SneakyDave
OK, here is what I've done. I've created a separate script for phpMyChat and vBulletin integration. It includes the hacks discussed here, and should work well for more people. I've made a few small enhancements, and added a few installation notes.

Some points of interest.
1) These files are all .php extensions.
2) No chat registration exists, including administration. You can create rooms in the setup, but that's it. No private rooms, no banning, etc. That's because the setup that works for me has the "no registration" option on. So if you can handle that, this should work.
3) I can answer the questions I can, but not detailed specifics on phpMyChat or vBulletin.
4) I don't have CVS available for any fixes or changes, if I update anything, I'll post it here.
5) This is of course, an unofficial release of the phpMyChat script, but I've left all documentation intact.

Thanks to phpProbe, Tom, phpMyChat, and vBulletin for great hacks and products.

You can download the zip file here:

03-06-2002, 12:49 PM
I love the idea of this!! but I am having a few problems with installing mychat:
Error message I receive is;

Warning: MySQL Connection Failed: Access denied for user: '*************' (Using password: YES) in ./lib/database/mysql.lib.php3 on line 26
Database error: Link_ID == false, connect failed
MySQL error: 0 ()
Session halted.

any idea's how to fix this, then I can start to use it.

03-13-2002, 06:27 AM
Hello i have this error.Parse error: parse error in /home/twin-xc/public_html/synthforum/phpchat/chat/lib/index.lib.php3 on line 1

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: send_headers() in /home/twin-xc/public_html/synthforum/phpchat/phpMyChat.php3 on line 20

Can some one explain what i have done wrong?
Thanks in advance.

03-13-2002, 11:25 AM
i have completely integrated phpmychat with vbulletin on my site. it authenticates via the 'users' table, determines permissions via 'usergroupid' and is also integrated with the gender hack. all commands are working (ie. /kick, /ban, /promote) and has been nicely customized to match the style of my site. come take a look at http://www.enterthemuse.com/ username/password: test

03-13-2002, 11:38 AM
Can you post how you did the usergroup id part??

03-13-2002, 12:38 PM
it's not very easy, you have to manually edit each file and replace quite a few hardcoded references to 'perms' to 'usergroupid', and all references of 'a' to '6', 'm' to '7' and 'u' to whatever groupid you have assigned to normal users. you have to either add a few fields into your 'user' table that phpmychat requires (ie. 'latin1', etc), or else edit it out of the files. it's much easier to add it to the DB, in my opinion.

03-15-2002, 01:58 PM
Oi it looks great.

Is there any chance you will post your version of this hack?


03-22-2002, 05:00 AM
is it working with 2.2.4?
I tried but it is not working...


03-22-2002, 06:58 AM
Originally posted by Twin-x
Oi it looks great.

Is there any chance you will post your version of this hack?


hrm. i'll go re-read the license for phpmychat and see if they let me redistribute it modified for vb. i'll get back to you on this.

03-22-2002, 09:18 PM
I would love to know when you get it integrated with vBulletin 2.2.4 - is there a way to show users online through vBPortal??

Thanks - John

03-24-2002, 10:27 PM
OK I got it completely integrated with vBulletin v.2.2.4 but it is making me sign in every time I go to the chat start page - the other thing is that I can not seem to integrate the chat_activity.php3 file into vBPortal - Help Please!!!!

Thanks in Advance - John

04-01-2002, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by version

hrm. i'll go re-read the license for phpmychat and see if they let me redistribute it modified for vb. i'll get back to you on this.

So, can you redistribute it or not? I'd love to be able to have a fully integrated PHPMychat for my VBB.

04-05-2002, 07:53 PM
I'm having a very annoying problem with this hack, and I can't seem to fix it. If you can help please contact me on AIM at
Invincible Box. :D

04-05-2002, 09:52 PM
Somebody please help me! Here is the error I'm getting:

Warning: ChDir: Not a directory (errno 20) in /home/velocd/public_html/chat/chat/lib/index.lib.php3 on line 91

Fatal error: Failed opening required './public_html/global.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/velocd/public_html/chat/chat/lib/index.lib.php3 on line 92

And here is the index.php3 file:

//a VBB integration hack by Stasik (stasik@t-online.de)

$exiturl = "http://www.diffusion4.com"; // the url the user will be redirected exiting the chat

if($Ver == ""){print "
<SCRIPT TYPE=\"text/javascript\" LANGUAGE=\"javascript\">
var NS4 = (document.layers) ? 1 : 0;
var IE4 = ((document.all) && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>=4)) ? 1 : 0;
var ver4 = (NS4 || IE4) ? \"H\" : \"L\";
function defineVerField()
if (document.images && ver4 == 'L')
document.forms['Params'].elements['Ver'].value = 'M'; // js1.1 enabled browser
else document.forms['Params'].elements['Ver'].value = ver4;
<FORM ACTION=\"index.php3\" METHOD=\"POST\" AUTOCOMPLETE=\"OFF\" NAME=\"Params\">
<INPUT TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"Ver\" VALUE=\"L\">
<SCRIPT TYPE=\"text/javascript\" LANGUAGE=\"javascript\">
"; exit;}


if ($bbuserid == 0)
print "To Join the Chat you need to go the forums and Register on the board ;
The Register Button is on the top. If you are already registered then go the
board and login. Once this is complete select the chat button on the
main forum page in the forum. Thank You For Joining the Chat<br>
<a href=\"http://forums.realwebhost.net\">Back to the Forums</a>";
//Message if the user has no cookie
if ($bbusername == "" || (isset($bbusername))==0)
$getusername=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT username FROM user WHERE userid=$bbuserid");
$bbusername = $username;
$username = $bbusername;
} }

$U = $username;

$pat = "[[:space:]]";
$repl = "";
$U = ereg_replace($pat,$repl,$U);
$pat = "'";
$repl = "`";
$U = ereg_replace($pat,$repl,$U);
$pat = ',';
$U = ereg_replace($pat,$repl,$U);

$N = 20;
$D = 10;
$Form_Send = 1;

//Replace admin with your administration nick
if($U != "id")

..and what the hell is this? ---> :bunny: lol

04-06-2002, 12:11 PM
Hey --

What would be the chance of displaying someone's avatar in phpmychat ?????


04-06-2002, 06:15 PM
2 velocd.. you got to write full path
eg not

2svoec... can be :)

04-06-2002, 06:17 PM
i`m back folks....

can you tell me what problem are there with vb 2.2.4/2.2.5?

04-06-2002, 06:19 PM
RWH works fine with 2.2.4 without any code changes

04-06-2002, 06:22 PM
so i`m sure it will work with 2.2.5 too... dont worry

04-07-2002, 04:37 AM
Originally posted by Stasik
2 velocd.. you got to write full path
eg not

2svoec... can be :)

OMG! Thank you sooooooo much :laugh:
such simple mistake, but i'm just glad its fixed!!

04-07-2002, 12:59 PM
Hi. I was suprised when this problem wasn't mentioned. If a user bookmarks the chat while in the chatroom they will get a suprise when they try to come back. They get an error page. And The administrator of vbulletin gets a message saying there was an error with the vbulletin database. I might have missed this solution to the problem. Any takers?

P.S. The integration works fine except for this problem.

04-07-2002, 01:52 PM
look in cp for cookies option dood

04-07-2002, 04:31 PM
How would that solve the problem? Look here to see what I mean. This was bookmarked while inside the chatroom. Apparently people are bookmarking the chat while inside.


I could change my options but what about the general user. I get alot of database error emails.


04-09-2002, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Fallout2man

So, can you redistribute it or not? I'd love to be able to have a fully integrated PHPMychat for my VBB.

posting it now...

04-09-2002, 04:51 PM
I want to be able to show who's chatting in a block on my front page. Anyone find a good (working) block for this yet?

(I'm using PHPPortal)

04-10-2002, 10:30 PM
Is anyone else having the problem I posted above or is it something you guys just live with?

04-12-2002, 01:38 PM
I've had this hack working with no problems. Today a member was trying to get into the chat room and was not able to. Instead the member got the page for the unregistered users to join in order to use this feature. She made sure she was logged in and still got to this page. Anyone here have any clues why this member is the only one not able to get in?

Thanks! :)

04-18-2002, 02:15 AM
I have it up and running, but I have a user who says he only gets a blank page.

He is using: Running Macintosh, OS9.1, I.E. 5.0, RR cable.

I can see that he entered the chat room, but all he saw was a blank white page.

Anybody have any ideas for me?

04-18-2002, 10:45 AM
if he enters tha chat there is no cookie problem

can he use another phpMyChats too?

04-18-2002, 12:50 PM
Don't know yet. I gave him a link to the phpmychat's demo. I'll let you know what I find out from him.

Wouldn't it be great if everyone just updated their darn browsers. I mean come on already, they're free!!

04-21-2002, 01:54 AM
Help help help!

I am having a problem with SOME of my users not being able to get into the chatroom. I've followed all of the suggestions etc, and I think I know where the problem is.

Where you suggest in the FAQ:

You need to upgrade a cookie option in your VB control panel. Write under: Options->Change Options->[HTTP Headers and output]->Cookie Domain your domainname ONLY (blabla.com).

When I do that, it messes up my cookies for my secondary domain. For example, my site domain is familycorner.com, but because I didn't own that for the first couple of years, I had everything on thefamilycorner.com, hence there are hundreds of links on the net pointed to thefamilycorner.com, so I have both set up to work. So if I set my cookie domain to familycorner.com, then it screws up the cookies on thefamilycorner.com, and vice versa.

I think this may be the problem that some users are experiencing. Do you have any suggestions on how I can handle this domain problem?

If you need it, the forums are here http://www.familycorner.com/forums (and/or) http://www.thefamilycorner.com/forums

The chat button is at the top of the forums.


04-21-2002, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by FTDave
Is anyone else having the problem I posted above or is it something you guys just live with?


I don't have this problem because I have the chatroom set in frames, therefore the url remains the same constantly. Maybe this could work for you?

04-21-2002, 02:04 AM
Originally posted by MomofThree
I've had this hack working with no problems. Today a member was trying to get into the chat room and was not able to. Instead the member got the page for the unregistered users to join in order to use this feature. She made sure she was logged in and still got to this page. Anyone here have any clues why this member is the only one not able to get in?

Thanks! :)

I am having the same problem, but it has been fixed for some users by having them go into their control panel and edit their options. They need to make sure that they have "browse the board with cookies" set to "yes" and tell them to allow the board to log them in automatically when they return (the other cookie option). Thsi worked for some!

04-21-2002, 02:40 AM
do the cookie domain in the cp and then have the user work with cookie domain in their user control panel.

04-21-2002, 02:50 AM
Just want to make sure I understand what you are saying :) ...

You are saying to go into the admin control panel and set the cookie domain to familycorner.com, then to have the registered users only use that domain when they enter the boards, is that right?

Problem with this is that I get visitors for both thefamilycorner.com and familycorner.com. Therefore, when someone clicks the link for the boards, they are taken to the /forums directory for whatever domain they entered on. For example, if they arrived through www.thefamilycorner.com then they will be taken to www.thefamilycorner.com/forums, but NOT to www.familycorner.com/forums

Did that mak sense? Sorry for the trouble, and thank you for your help :)

04-21-2002, 02:56 AM
admin cp correct then have those users having problems turn on their cookies in their user cp

04-21-2002, 11:12 AM
Is there anyway to specify two domains for the cookies in the admin control panel?

05-05-2002, 07:55 PM
I just installed this, the only problem is when I try to load phpMyChat.php3:

Parse error: parse error in /home/virtual/site8/fst/var/www/html/boards/chat/lib/index.lib.php3 on line 91

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: send_headers() in /home/virtual/site8/fst/var/www/html/boards/phpMyChat.php3 on line 20

Can someone PLEASE help?

06-03-2002, 04:04 AM
hey all...I was able to get it installed, and I was able to get it to work with the user table that vBulletin gives you (after making 4 other tables), now I keep getting this on the right frame:

Invalid SQL: SELECT usr.username, usr.latin1, usr.status, reg.gender FROM c_users usr LEFT JOIN user reg ON usr.username = reg.username WHERE usr.room = 'Default' ORDER BY username
MySQL error: 1054 (Unknown column 'reg.gender' in 'field list')
Session halted

how can I stop giveing me that error?? thanks

07-17-2002, 09:42 PM
This worked great through all of the upgrades, but when I went to 2.2.6, only admin can get into the chat rooms. Everyone else gets the "NO" message. Any idea why??? I thought maybe I needed to reinstall something, but when I looked back over the instructions, all changes were made to the chat files only. HELP! I loved this integration!

07-17-2002, 09:44 PM
make sure all user have cookes tuned on in their CP

07-17-2002, 10:01 PM
They do .>

07-17-2002, 10:02 PM
They do ... I checked ot myself. I even have a test user name that I tried it with, but no go. These same users were able to access the chat room the day before the upgrade, but not afterwards.

07-17-2002, 10:12 PM
Hmmm ... interesting. I get the "NO" message in IE, but in Netscape, the page just never loads.

07-18-2002, 09:23 AM
dont know :bunny: i have seen some 2.2.6 forums with hack working

10-25-2002, 08:31 PM
I keep getting this error:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected '*' in /home/nytechfo/public_html/chat/chat/lib/index.lib.php3 on line 1

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: send_headers() in /home/nytechfo/public_html/chat/phpMyChat.php3 on line 20

10-25-2002, 08:35 PM
are you sure you have installed it right?

10-25-2002, 10:14 PM
You are fast

Are you talking about phpMyChat or the Hack? phpMyChat works great untill I add the hack.

my site is www.nytechforums.ca and the chat room is located at http://nytechforums.ca/chat/phpMyChat.php3 and it's running now with out the hack.

10-25-2002, 10:18 PM
i saw it..... hmm.. its 14.5 chat? why dont u try 14.4 i have tested the hack with?

10-25-2002, 10:25 PM
Version 14.5 was on the server when I started. Where would I find 14.5 and I would also need instructions to install as well.

10-25-2002, 10:36 PM
u`ll find it all on phpmchat homepage.. phpheaven.com i think... lookup in google :)

10-25-2002, 10:49 PM
It was at: http://www.phpheaven.net/projects/phpMyChat/download/

Will try and upload 14.4 see what happens.

10-25-2002, 11:29 PM
I tried downdrading to 14.4 and couldn't get it to work. I will just wait untill a hack comes out for 14.5.

10-30-2002, 05:10 PM
For this hack to work. Should PHP chat and vBulletin share the same Mysql Database. Presently I have them on 2 differnet Mysql Databases.

12-01-2002, 08:43 PM
I have moved my forums and php chat to the same data base. I'm now getting this error:

Parse error: parse error in /home/virtual/site101/fst/var/www/html/forums/chat/lib/index.lib.php3 on line 102

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: send_headers() in /home/virtual/site101/fst/var/www/html/forums/chat/index.php3 on line 20

I'm running Vbullentin 2.2.9

Below is the page code for index.lib:

12-15-2002, 11:52 AM
The Hack works fine for the Users, but i cant login with my AdminAccount.

phpmychat says:
This username is registered. Please type your password or chose another username.

I know that Admins have to enter their password (i read it here :D ), but i don't know there i have to do this (maybe i am stupid, i know :D )

So, how can i login in phpmychat as an admin and there do i have to enter my password (i dont see a login-screen or something else - just the errormessage above)

Thank you!

01-21-2003, 01:48 AM
Great hack! Works great. I have a question though, I'm running my chat in a new window when someone clicks on my chat button, but how do I close that window when someone clicks on Exit from the chat window?

01-29-2003, 06:32 PM

I have installed this and been working on it for HOURS now and can't figure it out...

I have made all changes and when I am an unregistered user I get the "NO" message (like its supposed to)

However when I log in and go to http://www.myforum.com/chat I just get a blank page.

Can ANYONE help please? I have seen a few people mention this blank page in this thread but I have not seen a fix for it yet.

Thank you!

02-03-2003, 06:26 AM
Will there really be 0.15 version.
Long time no see, Stasik.
Rodjina calls you home.

02-05-2003, 07:54 PM
I just went over his myself for awhile and I am getting the note now when I enter the chat..

Parse error: parse error in /home/judge/public_html/chat/lib/index.lib.php3 on line 275

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: send_headers() in /home/judge/public_html/chat/index.php3 on line 20

This is not a good thing :p

Any help here?

02-08-2003, 08:08 AM
Here's another problem I found, when you click on a username to send a private message and send it, it's readable by everyone! Does anyone know how to fix this?

03-01-2003, 10:49 PM
I make the changes, and all I get is a page cannot be displayed error. :(

It doesn't even come close to working for me. phpmychat works fine otherwise.

Do I gotta make some changes other than simply copying and pasting code?

03-01-2003, 11:34 PM
same database

03-01-2003, 11:42 PM
download attached file look at line 91 and 93 changeout username with your username.

03-02-2003, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by webhost
download attached file look at line 91 and 93 changeout username with your username.

I tried this and it did nothing for me. I get a page not found error. I'm running vb2.2.9.

03-02-2003, 01:47 PM

what do those files look like

03-02-2003, 01:50 PM
put your line 91 and 93 here

03-02-2003, 02:40 PM
I fixed it. Apparantly I shouldn't have used the autoinstaller for phpmychat my webhost has put on my control panel for the site. I couldn't get it to work for the life of me.

I ended up deleted everything, and reinstalled a fresh copy of phpmychat myself. I made the necessary changes, and voila, it worked on the first try.

03-02-2003, 08:59 PM
I've installed it correctly, when i login to the forum then go to the chat i get this screen (see attached).

I can't login there, any ideas?

The URL is http://www.steven-seagal.net/forum/chat/


03-02-2003, 09:05 PM
do you have chat and forums in same db? Do you have the correct admin username for chat in index.lib.php3 file?

03-02-2003, 09:17 PM
Chat and forums are in the same db.

I have the same admin name:

//Replace admin with your administration nick
if($U != "Admin")
$PASSWORD="My Password Here";

Is this what you mean?


03-02-2003, 09:20 PM
check your pm

May have to set your cookies in forums admin panel also trying to remember

03-13-2003, 12:25 PM
Seems Mozilla doesn't like the javascript that this hack uses.. is there a fix?

03-22-2003, 01:12 PM
Has anyone come up with a quick and easy step-by-step install/configuration for phpMyChat and having it use a forum's existing user database?

And has anyone come up with a good way to have a site's header/footer surrounding the chatroom in its own window?

03-22-2003, 06:41 PM
07-12-01 at 07:00 AM rmusic said this in Post #7 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=138297#post138297)
is there a php4 version of phpmychat because i cant use php3 on my site :(

I found some code that will convert php3 to php, if I can find someone who can figure out how to use it.


03-25-2003, 10:50 AM

03-25-2003, 02:13 PM
03-22-03 at 03:41 PM SloppyGoat said this in Post #358 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=371478#post371478)

I found some code that will convert php3 to php, if I can find someone who can figure out how to use it.


I just created a .htaccess file in the chat directory saying....

<Files *.php3>
ForceType application/x-httpd-php

and it worked fine with Apache 2.x

03-26-2003, 06:12 PM

03-13-03 at 09:25 AM diettalk said this in Post #356 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=365469#post365469)
Seems Mozilla doesn't like the javascript that this hack uses.. is there a fix?

04-10-2003, 04:33 AM
Sorry for the late reply. I gave up for a bit and would like to go at it again I used the index.lib.php3 and changed the info now I'm getting this error

Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in /home/virtual/site101/fst/var/www/html/chat/lib/index.lib.php3 on line 901

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: send_headers() in /home/virtual/site101/fst/var/www/html/chat/index.php3 on line 20

Thanks for the help

04-12-2003, 03:27 PM
Hi all

I am having problems with my exit.php , my exit.php3 seems different to the one on this script.

For example:

Look for

<A HREF="<?php echo("$From?Ver=$Ver&L=$L&U=".$U))."&E=".$R))."&EN=$T"); ?>" TARGET="_parent"><?php echo(L_EXIT); ?></A>

I don't have it, nearest I have is this:

<A HREF="<?php echo("$From?Ver=$Ver&L=$L&U=".urlencode(stripslashes($U))."&E=".urlencode(strips lashes($R))."&EN=$T"); ?>" TARGET="_parent"><?php echo(L_EXIT); ?></A>

But when I change it all I get are these errors:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected ')', expecting ',' or ';' in /home/virtual/site38/fst/var/www/html/forum/chat/exit.php3 on line 64

Anyone got any ideas? I am using the latest version of 14.5 and at the moment my chat seems to refresh itself when I exit, and yes I do have the correct url in the index.lib.php3 file.

Thank you


04-26-2003, 10:26 PM
my exit will not exit back to my forum

also how can i get it to open in a different windo?

04-27-2003, 01:37 AM
Today at 07:26 PM chitown said this in Post #364 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=387671#post387671)
my exit will not exit back to my forum

also how can i get it to open in a different windo?

Not sure about your exit issue, but just add a target="_blank" for your link to open in a new window.

04-27-2003, 03:18 AM
thank you & i fixed the exit myself

04-27-2003, 04:04 PM
Today at 05:18 AM chitown said this in Post #366 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=387745#post387745)
fixed the exit myself

What did you do as the exit doesn't work on mine.


04-27-2003, 10:22 PM
intstead of this code in the hack

<A HREF="<?php echo("$From?exit=1&Ver=$Ver&L=$L&U=".$U))."&E=".$R))."&EN=$T"); ?>" TARGET="_parent"><?php echo(L_EXIT); ?></A>

i changed it to this

<A HREF="<?php echo("http://www.yourhome.com");"&E=".$R;"&EN=$T"; ?>" TARGET="_parent"><?php echo(L_EXIT); ?></A>

04-28-2003, 12:03 PM
Does anyone have this working on 2.3.0?

04-28-2003, 09:16 PM
Today at 09:03 AM dotagious said this in Post #369 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=388386#post388386)
Does anyone have this working on 2.3.0?


04-29-2003, 05:48 AM
Yesterday at 06:16 PM Loxias said this in Post #370 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=388616#post388616)

Any troubles? Did you have to do anything other than follow the instructions in the first post of this thread?

04-29-2003, 11:04 PM
The only other thing I did was install the who's chatting hack. But that's after the chat room was setup. This is what I did:

1) Install Chat
2) Followed instructions to integrate vB db
3) Installed who's chatting

Things went smoothly for both hacking parts.

04-30-2003, 02:59 AM
Great, thanks Loxias. :)

04-30-2003, 12:55 PM
04-28-03 at 12:22 AM chitown said this in Post #368 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?postid=388188#post388188)
intstead of this code in the hack

<A HREF="<?php echo("$From?exit=1&Ver=$Ver&L=$L&U=".$U))."&E=".$R))."&EN=$T"); ?>" TARGET="_parent"><?php echo(L_EXIT); ?></A>

i changed it to this

<A HREF="<?php echo("http://www.yourhome.com");"&E=".$R;"&EN=$T"; ?>" TARGET="_parent"><?php echo(L_EXIT); ?></A>

Thanks, i'll give it a go.


05-03-2003, 08:11 AM
This is a wonderful chat hack and with the users chatting online at the top of the forum index really helps push more users into it BUT.....

Can someone please tell me how I can add 'Users Chatting Online' to other parts of the forum, for example 'View New Posts' and at the top of every forum (or sub forum).

Can this be done please?

Thank you


05-17-2003, 08:59 PM
Ñòàñ, íàäî ïåðåïèñàòü êîå ÷òî...

05-21-2003, 05:55 PM
I have a few questions:

1) Is this the best PHPMyChat integration hack?

2) Does anyone have a demo they can show / PM me?

3) Wiih the impending release of vB3, will it mean this hack becomes obsolete, when I upgrade to vB3?

4) Roughly how long will this take to install?

5) Does anyone have the "latest" version of this hack?

Thanks a lot,


05-22-2003, 04:32 PM
yes, http://chat.legacynexus.com, probably, not long for me, yes

05-22-2003, 04:40 PM
Thanks, your chat link doesn't work.

Do you have the URL to the latest version?


05-24-2003, 02:52 PM
Okay, this is bizarre. I've set up phpMyChat on my server with this vB integration, but I can't get into the chat. I've set up multiple admins, and the other admins can get in but I get held up on the "You typed a incorrect password." which is weird as I didn't have to type one originally to get in, it was automatic!

I can edit my profile and log into the chat admin, but I can't get into the chat proper. My chat username/password I set to be the same as my forum username/password, but every time I enter my username/password under the "Please set..." section, it just goes back to the same page with the same "incorrect password" error.

Please help!!!

05-24-2003, 03:00 PM
Weirder still... I changed my phpMyChat username, and it lets me straight into the chatroom now but under my forums username!


06-01-2003, 06:44 PM
Hi guys,

I've installed the default chat here: http://visordown.com/chatroom/phpMyChat.php3

I did install it in another location but cocked it up trying to do this hack.

Can anyone help me out, like offer me some support via msn messenger or something?

06-04-2003, 11:16 PM
Can *anyone* help out?



I am lost and don't know how to get this working.

06-09-2003, 03:06 PM
quick question...

got mine all working great, but...

i see that it removes spaces from user names. (this is good)

Any idea how i can get it to remove apostrophes (') from names?
(i would think it's fairly simple, but cant do it myself)

07-19-2003, 11:09 PM
Great hack. Works fine with vB3 beta 4 too. :)

I wrote up a "who's in chat" addon that is basically a mod of one of the distro files.

See here:


07-20-2003, 04:44 PM
I'd still like to see this hack updated to incorporate more browsers....

08-01-2003, 06:18 AM
Ok I have installed the hack. But I keep getting the NO message. I thought I read somewhere in the thread that I have to use the same database as VB, but it doesn't say anything about this on the first post. If I do have to use the same database, could somebody please explain to me how to do this? I installed phpMyChat via the CPanel control panel my host provides, and I have no Database knowledge at all.

my forum http://www.teenaz.com/forum
phpmychat http://www.teenaz.com/chat/chat/index.php3

this is the error I'm getting:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pereg_replace() in /home/rephil/public_html/chat/chat/lib/index.lib.php3 on line 116



08-03-2003, 01:35 AM
Is there anyone that can answer this question for me? Thanks a ton!!


08-11-2003, 03:39 AM
Who can ansver how to prevent banned users from entering the chat? Please! :)

12-24-2003, 10:32 AM
Who can ansver how to prevent banned users from entering the chat? Please

I just add them as a 'user' in phpmychat with a password that they dont know. The integration hack tries to pass the password through and it denies them entry. A bit messy, but it works (if the username is over 8 chars you have to modify it manually in MySQL)

12-30-2003, 06:32 PM
Anyone have this running on Gamma?

01-23-2004, 09:27 AM
I just add them as a 'user' in phpmychat with a password that they dont know. The integration hack tries to pass the password through and it denies them entry. A bit messy, but it works (if the username is over 8 chars you have to modify it manually in MySQL)
Anyone using this on RC3?

Edit: never mind. Sorry. I found these:

01-26-2004, 07:56 PM
Can anyone help with a user that is getting this error message?

Database error: Invalid SQL: UPDATE c_users SET u_time = 1075093417 WHERE room = 'Default' AND name = 'slemaire195'
MySQL error: 1054 (Unknown column 'name' in 'where clause')
Session halted.

03-11-2004, 12:12 AM
Can anyone help me with this, I am useing VB 2.2.9 with phpMychat version 0.14.5 I am getting the following error after installing the hacks

Parse error:
parse error in /usr/home/web/users/a0012371/html/forums/chat/lib/index.lib.php3 on line 59

Fatal error:
Call to undefined function: send_headers()in /usr/home/web/users/a0012371/html/forums/chat/index.php3 on line 20

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

03-11-2004, 06:24 PM
I keep getting a blank screen


what could be the problem???