View Full Version : Modify my style to accept a wider header logo

05-03-2009, 10:20 PM
Hi, in my current style, the logo is 300 x 122. I want to use a logo about the same height but 3 times as wide. Where do I make these adjustments?

Thank you!

05-04-2009, 11:23 AM
you'll have to modify your header template

05-06-2009, 06:40 AM
Just change the height and width attributes in the image tag of the logo. So, in your header template, find the line that has something like <img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/logo.gif" alt="" height="122" width="300" />. Change "300" to whatever the new width is.

05-06-2009, 09:21 PM
Thank you. That was very helpful and I was able to make it work with no problem.