View Full Version : Blank White Pages

04-16-2009, 09:44 AM
Have any of you recently noticed your forum running slow, and eventually loading up blank white pages? Furthermore it seems like yesterday in FireFox it was asking if I would like to download the file I was trying to access. Like if I clicked on New Posts for example it would sort of hang there and eventually ask if I'd like to download search.php.

Should I be more concerned? Right now with the track record my board has been over the past months I am not surprised to see it start timing out again. The latest theory is that since my attachments are in filesystem format on a weaker performing server along with vBulletin's files that it's causing it to overload.

The database runs on a separate quad core server and purrs like a champ, so if there was a way to remotely host those 186,032 attachment files (actually sounds like a bad idea lol) on the better server maybe it would fix the issue.

Man, still kicking myself for not biting on a recent server special that I saw with a new i7 Quad Core Processor, 12GB RAM, 500GB HD, and 6000GB for $200/mo quarterly pricing... heh.

04-25-2009, 12:25 AM
I'd restrict access to yourself, turn on php error reporting/display, and see what the issue is.

04-25-2009, 07:11 AM
<a href="http://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/blank_pages" target="_blank">Blank or 'White' Pages</a>