View Full Version : Need to know if this can be done?

04-10-2009, 04:16 AM
I want to purchase a vBulletin plan, but I am not sure that it can be used to complete what I am looking to accomplish. I have a database of about 50k USA cities. I need to have a Mod done that will create a vBulletin forum that will encompass all 50k cities as "topics". Can this be done? I am willing to pay for the Mod. I just want to know that it can be done before I pay for vBulletin.



Marco van Herwaarden
04-10-2009, 07:21 AM
A script that will automatically create threads (topics) based on a list of cisties would be possible, but i think it will not exist yet, so you probably will need to find someone to create it for you if you are not familiar with PHP coding yourself.

04-10-2009, 07:36 AM
I thought it would be possible, but as I researched it I realized it does not exist. So, how do I get a quote on building it?

Marco van Herwaarden
04-10-2009, 07:54 AM
Once you have pruchased a license and are in need of someone to create a mdoification for you, you have 2 options:

Unpaid request: Modification Requests (Unpaid) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=112)
Paid request: Requests For Paid Services (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=30)