View Full Version : Forum widths..

04-08-2009, 05:10 PM
Hi All,

I have an odd situation with my forum widths.

On the main forum, the width of the categories and forums are wider than the header - they basically stretch out the whole page.

However, this is only the case for admin and super users. All other accounts, moderators and registered users, display categories and forums in line with the header.

Anybody know why admin and superusers would have a different forum width to moderators and standard users?

I have check stylevars forum which is the same whatever account you login as..

Thanks, Rob.

05-12-2009, 07:14 AM
Have you checked the validation of your site, strikes me as an unclosed div tag or something similar somewhere.

05-14-2009, 06:26 AM
Care to post (or PM) a link to your forum? :)

Seven Skins
05-14-2009, 03:28 PM
Anybody know why admin and superusers would have a different forum width to moderators and standard users?

Admins and mods have more options available to them ... moderating links etc ... may be that why your style has that issue.