View Full Version : Looking for suggestions

03-29-2009, 04:15 PM
My website is at http://www.medicalspouse.com and the forums are located here: http://www.medicalspouse.com/forums

I'm still in the process of learning how to do all of this and I would appreciate any suggestions that you might have for me.

I have looked at some of the other forums and I almost feel embarrassed to submit mine...but I think this would be the best way to get feedback to improve things.



03-29-2009, 04:32 PM
ok, just one thing i might suggest is making the header image the same size as the the rest of the page, looks a bit odd, apart from that its quite plain, didnt hurt my eyes which is a good thing ;)

03-29-2009, 05:20 PM
I know. I tried multiple times unsuccessfully. Do you know how I can accomplish this? I tried submitting a larger image, but it is automatically resized to a smaller size. I can't find the code to set the size.

If you could point me in that direction, I'd be grateful!

It is pretty plain. I went ahead and changed it so that unregistered users can view the album pics/social groups mods that are above the forums.

We have had forums more cluttered by sidebars, etc before but people tend to complain. They want features without clutter. LOL I'm trying t make more feature available without having a lot of "stuff" showing.

I am currently running the following plugins...

Album Pictures - Forum Home 1.3.0

Classifieds 1.1.0

Cyb - ChatBox 2.3

Cyb - Login To User Account

Forum Ad Management 1.01

Mobile Device Detection 1.0.0

NoSpam! 4.0

Social Group Creation Threads 1.0

Social Group Homepage Stats 1.0

Social Groups on Forumhome 1.3.1

Users Latest Blog Entry 1.0.1

vB Ad Management 5.02

vBulletin Blog


03-29-2009, 05:24 PM
what size do you have your forums width swet at in your stylevars??

admincp -> styles & templates -> style manager -> your style -> drop down box, -> stylevars -> main table width

03-29-2009, 05:29 PM

I had it set at ~72.5% which was perfect for viewing the header/forums but users complained that on their screens the forums were too skinny.

I tried making the graphic larger, but it just resizes to the default size.

03-29-2009, 05:33 PM
you either have to resize your header image so it doesnt break the table or make your header into 2 different images a left and right with a background image spacer you can repeat, if you want me to have a look feel free to PM me :D

04-02-2009, 08:10 PM
I think your site is done very well. Congrats on a successful site :)