View Full Version : header resize with screen res

03-27-2009, 11:18 PM
ive got a problem that i know has been covered a few times before, ive tried a few fixes but cant get it right

this is my site

if you view it with a scren res of 1280x800 it all lines up fine, if you view in other screen res the header image goes right of the screen.

i have run through this tutorial with no luck still looks wrong

please someone help

03-28-2009, 12:05 AM
Yea I have the same problem.. Why does my site look so out of wack on one monitor and not the other... Help please

03-28-2009, 05:27 AM
I see you're using the code I was going to suggest. What I see at first look is the left header is almost 2/3's of the header. I would recomend you edit the image to have the left and right pretty much the same size and that in a lower res like 1280 x 800 the two images meet and are equal to the forum width. The float filler could be the end of the tan colored brick wall with the black gap then the garage. If you go with that, use a one or two pixel wide sliver. Then when the res increases, the wall fills out from the left image to meet the right image. Just looks like a long brick wall. make sure you go from the bottom of the image all the way to the top to get the sliver.

03-28-2009, 09:31 AM
thanks, i will gave that a go and let you know how i get on :)